Barricade enable in pvp
Posted 29 August 2017 - 02:54 PM
Posted 30 August 2017 - 12:23 PM
Yes Yes I do. Imagine a tank thats moving around with flags being completely immune to all stuns and having a slow heal lv 5 and max rank on him with a dmg reduction up.
I think thats enough that has been said. There are many skills that are blocked and nobody knows why they are still blocked . With some tweaks it might get usefull someday again but we gotta wait until tools are working properly.
Posted 30 August 2017 - 01:51 PM
They aren't immune to stun, they're immune to knock up shock,knockdown, knock back, and all forms of flinch. but in today's meta it's all about stun,freeze, and root. That slow heal won't even matter since lvl10 slow heal only equates to lv3 slow heal after the nerf. The movement speed nerf already makes barricade less viable since the skill has a -25% mspd debuff, a jump debuff, a dash debuff all attached to it. The damage reduction only applies to non elemental damage. a 400 ms dragoon would only have 362 ms which is slower than manually dashing. Definitely would appreciate this being re-enabled, along with roach life so they can be a somewhat viable tanks.
Edited by Apocryphos, 30 August 2017 - 01:51 PM.
Posted 30 August 2017 - 02:24 PM
Pallies aren't seen much in battle square, pallies that do attend battle square have very little presence, enabling this may give them sustainability as a tank. Barricade at least gives viable counterplay by being locked to the ground(unable to jump) and having a mspd debuff unlike mages that can cancel slow heal and go straight to jumping with full movement speed. Think paladin players would like this enabled again.
Posted 31 August 2017 - 01:21 AM
Posted 31 August 2017 - 10:35 AM
You misinterpreted it I think, he means if barricade is enabled, that and roach will help the paladin sustain themselves.
Posted 01 September 2017 - 02:09 AM
Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:03 AM
I recon barricade wouldn't be used much even if it was enabled, so ye I don't see why not. It used to be good but with element damage and so many mages around it's not that great, basically it's just a bad slow heal.
Posted 01 September 2017 - 02:26 PM
Posted 04 September 2017 - 04:46 PM
If in case barricade is returned it should keep or maybe improve the slow heal on the skill because the player is limited in actions. As for player not using this skill because of elements then maybe temporary element resistance (flat value) increase is possible to make it the skill very useful. The effect on pve is not at all if this is done, but effect in pvp is great for the class. Since little feedback from staff concernihg this i dont know if its possible or worth debates but 300 flat value resistance in 4 ele, with normal slow heal value and duration is i think fair for this skill and would benefit all dragoon. Also, to say is ok to return the skill because is not that useful is faulty thinking and quite selfish especially for suffering class in big pvp like this.
I would totally agree with the increased element resistance while being in this status, but not on the slow heal. I think the team has already made a good work on slow heal, and re-working this skill just for barricade is kind of a hassle. Instead, you can add a buff status during barricade such as increased HP recovery from potions and heals. Maybe around 10-20% increase? but I'm not really sure how you can scale it (that is just an example ) so that the team will only work on adjusting one skill alone, not the nerfed heals.
But Ofc, we need to adjust the cool down also *if needed* to prevent abuse of the skill.
If this will be implemented, it will sound like 'Castle of Stone' skill from Log Horizon anime~.
Edited by 9851170220163549840, 04 September 2017 - 04:47 PM.
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