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Overlord endgame Equippment

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#1 Mithrandir1986


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Posted 08 October 2017 - 12:03 AM

Hi all,


i have some questions concerning the endgame overlord equippment.


Currently i am using Black Dragon Lord Shoes, pos set, Arams Earring of Perserverence, Arams Belt of Perserverence, Arams Necklace of Intelligence (for the additional HP/Atk), Black Dragon Lord Ring, 11 Star Ancient Carache Lunar Ring and Bracelet of Black Dragon Lord.


So my main question is, are there some better Bracelet/Rings? Which stat cards should i use? (as of now i use Health/max HP card on 2 parts, an absolute phys attack card on weapon/Ear, Attack Speed card on belt and all stat cards on the other pos parts.)


Which medal would be best? which pet should i use? which stats should i aim for on equippment parts and pet?


Edit: I am only interestet in PVE and my final goal is to solo elga. As of now i only know that a +20 pos weapon is not enough.

Edited by Mithrandir1986, 08 October 2017 - 12:04 AM.

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#2 HakannBlast


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Posted 08 October 2017 - 04:09 AM

elga is possible after the last buffs  with pos and 600% CD just takes a while

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#3 qweweqweqwq


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Posted 08 October 2017 - 11:35 PM

Cards - All stat cards for all parts w/ no AS/CD cards (only do this if you have max CD/AS w/o the help of extra cards) change your absolute on weapon to % one it gives more.
Medal - Windwalker or bone dragon master if you need more FCR
Pet - any pet car or husky w/ max atk speed stat or with 72 hlt if you are hardcore on cash.
Stats on equipments - agi str hlt try to get CD CR on weapon and back equipment and of course 10% ms on both boots
Bracelet and rings - since you have bdl shoes keep the bdl bracelet or you can use elemental ones paired with earrings (only do this if you still get 400 ms w/o the perse earring) you can put 9* absolute on the earring for extra damage and as for rings nothing beats solar rings for damage in pve.

I suggest to 10/10 this skills for more powah :
Bear buff (galaxia card, IM skill necklace)
Advanced sword mastery
Wild rage (IM skill earring, MC3 card)

This is just for end game but w/ your current setup you can do solo elga if you have max AS CD and at least 30% FCR and lots of cakes for maintaining bloody roar for the whole fight then destroy your x key till elga dies.

Edited by qweweqweqwq, 08 October 2017 - 11:39 PM.

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#4 KyoneskeMaekho


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 07:35 AM

If you want only PVE and solo elga them why go ALL STATS?


With Low Def i would recoment go full HLT cards for survival .... 


If you mean all stats to get FCR (Final Critical Rate) Them i would say Full AGI cards!


Example 8* Health Normal Card = HLT +36


Example 8* Agility Normal Card =  AGI +37

                                                       HLT +18


Example 8* All Stats Normal Card = STG+37

                                                          INT +37

                                                          HLT +18

                                                          AGI +19


STG & INT are "useless" since they increase just a low Amount of Physical & Magical not worth.


The more Agi the more FCR! 


Stats Up = Full HLT for survival


U can get a lot FCR with IM items.


Ghost Buster set 7%

Best unity gloves 5%

Rune Knight Pads 1.5%


And so on need to check the best build for you :)


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#5 GogAcc


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 07:53 AM

Going full HLT for PvE Overlord in 2017...
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#6 KyoneskeMaekho


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 08:32 AM

Going full HLT for PvE Overlord in 2017...



On socket yes, or Agi.


Not Excluding the Cdmg cards ofc  if needed! And Max pshycal Attack on Weapon %!



But whats your opinion?  :hmm:

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#7 Mithrandir1986


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:17 AM

Thanks a lot for those answers guys.


Cards - All stat cards for all parts w/ no AS/CD cards (only do this if you have max CD/AS w/o the help of extra cards) change your absolute on weapon to % one it gives more.
Medal - Windwalker or bone dragon master if you need more FCR
Pet - any pet car or husky w/ max atk speed stat or with 72 hlt if you are hardcore on cash.
Stats on equipments - agi str hlt try to get CD CR on weapon and back equipment and of course 10% ms on both boots
Bracelet and rings - since you have bdl shoes keep the bdl bracelet or you can use elemental ones paired with earrings (only do this if you still get 400 ms w/o the perse earring) you can put 9* absolute on the earring for extra damage and as for rings nothing beats solar rings for damage in pve.

I suggest to 10/10 this skills for more powah :
Bear buff (galaxia card, IM skill necklace)
Advanced sword mastery
Wild rage (IM skill earring, MC3 card)

This is just for end game but w/ your current setup you can do solo elga if you have max AS CD and at least 30% FCR and lots of cakes for maintaining bloody roar for the whole fight then destroy your x key till elga dies.


At the moment i have 35% FCR but still to few MS, AS and Crit damage. But at least i now know the idea of gettan an attack speed card on the belt wasn´t totally dump :)


That Overlords use x-spam as well know i saw in CoolSams video where he solos elga. That at least have been one of my mistakes for i always spammed skills not x attack :)


Where can i get Socket cards for rings though? The Attack Speed Cards i see on market are not elligible for ring slot, only for Back/Shield/Belt/Wrist/Kick Ball.


Edit: Btw Does the Cool Sportster pet count as car pet as well?

Edited by Mithrandir1986, 09 October 2017 - 09:19 AM.

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#8 KyoneskeMaekho


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:23 AM

Thanks a lot for those answers guys.



At the moment i have 35% FCR but still to few MS, AS and Crit damage. But at least i now know the idea of gettan an attack speed card on the belt wasn´t totally dump :)


That Overlords use x-spam as well know i saw in CoolSams video where he solos elga. That at least have been one of my mistakes for i always spammed skills not x attack :)


Where can i get Socket cards for rings though? The Attack Speed Cards i see on market are not elligible for ring slot, only for Back/Shield/Belt/Wrist/Kick Ball.


Edit: Btw Does the Cool Sportster pet count as car pet as well?



U can use only Skill Cards and single elemental card on ring sockets!


Cool Sportster is a Car pet 2 yes!

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#9 Mithrandir1986


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:49 AM

Thanks again.


Is there a list of socket cards though?  For example which Galaxia card uppgrades Grizzly power? Which cards can be dropped in Special Stat Socket card box?

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#10 KyoneskeMaekho


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 09:56 AM

Thanks again.


Is there a list of socket cards though?  For example which Galaxia card uppgrades Grizzly power? Which cards can be dropped in Special Stat Socket card box?



If you talk to NPC Crete she has all skill cards you can get to your class!

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#11 GogAcc


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 10:27 AM

But whats your opinion? :hmm:

HLT has never been a healthy stat for the overlord. Bloody Roar consummes your HPs every second by a percentage of your max HP, and it is pretty fair to say that Bloody Roar is what makes the overlord good enough to be viable in PvE (but more accurately, in Elga runs). So going with a lot of HLT would make it such a pain to recover from potions (that can already sustain a player nearly forever with the strongest ones) and you don't need that much HP for Elga.
For my case as an exemple, I usually do Elga runs with a +15 Heirloom Bone Dragon set, and it is just enough to do the Elga run without dying, or eventually once.

Dude should be aiming for AGI, but it doesn't take much untill you reach the C.Rate cap so he might eventually go with ALL STAT cards. Although it gives a bit of health, if one is too worried about not being able to hold the HP loss from Elga's damage and Bloody Roar at the same time they might consider taking some instant HP recovery items.
Well not for every parts of course. You can get Max HP cards for the head, shoulders, hands and foot as they give an efficient ammount of C.Rate and also some C.Damage for the backpack, the belt and the brecelet because they probably won't give you too much HP but you can always replace them with AS if you already reached max C.Damage.
Then you have the go to cards, which are the absolute ATK ones. (You can also use absolute DEF for your top/bottom instead of ALL STAT but I haven't test if they actually do make a difference)
You can equip 2 absolute ATK and 2 absolute DEF which is great, especially if you're not willing to spend some time for Solar Rings.

DO NOT get a pet with HLT because it will synergizes with the MAX HP bonuses and give a heavy downside to your Bloody Roar.
C.Damage instead of HLT is good. Then 2nd option is ATK Speed and the 3rd one is skippable (but it's okay if you have HP)

Now for the rest (that I am too lazy to give explaination) :
  • Belt : Aram
  • Rings : Anything that gives ATK, or MS as set pieces combo effect if not Solar
  • Earrings : Kryos / Solar / Elemental
  • IM Gloves : Unity
The rest is just however you want to gear yourself. You'll most likely go woth more Unity pieces for AS. If you use ALL STAT cards you'll probably have already 40 % Final C.Rate at this point. Keep in mind that Home buffs can give 3 % Final C.Rate for a hour or two so you're really not far from those 40 %.

I probably missed some stuff, been a while since I was full of interest into this game so I'm not consistent anymore with the time I spend online. I would rather log into the game and speak directly with you to give you advices on a weekend if you're willing to.
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#12 Mithrandir1986


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 10:39 AM

HLT has never been a healthy stat for the overlord. Bloody Roar consummes your HPs every second by a percentage of your max HP, and it is pretty fair to say that Bloody Roar is what makes the overlord good enough to be viable in PvE (but more accurately, in Elga runs). So going with a lot of HLT would make it such a pain to recover from potions (that can already sustain a player nearly forever with the strongest ones) and you don't need that much HP for Elga.
For my case as an exemple, I usually do Elga runs with a +15 Heirloom Bone Dragon set, and it is just enough to do the Elga run without dying, or eventually once.

Dude should be aiming for AGI, but it doesn't take much untill you reach the C.Rate cap so he might eventually go with ALL STAT cards. Although it gives a bit of health, if one is too worried about not being able to hold the HP loss from Elga's damage and Bloody Roar at the same time they might consider taking some instant HP recovery items.
Well not for every parts of course. You can get Max HP cards for the head, shoulders, hands and foot as they give an efficient ammount of C.Rate and also some C.Damage for the backpack, the belt and the brecelet because they probably won't give you too much HP but you can always replace them with AS if you already reached max C.Damage.
Then you have the go to cards, which are the absolute ATK ones. (You can also use absolute DEF for your top/bottom instead of ALL STAT but I haven't test if they actually do make a difference)
You can equip 2 absolute ATK and 2 absolute DEF which is great, especially if you're not willing to spend some time for Solar Rings.

DO NOT get a pet with HLT because it will synergizes with the MAX HP bonuses and give a heavy downside to your Bloody Roar.
C.Damage instead of HLT is good. Then 2nd option is ATK Speed and the 3rd one is skippable (but it's okay if you have HP)

Now for the rest (that I am too lazy to give explaination) :

  • Belt : Aram
  • Rings : Anything that gives ATK, or MS as set pieces combo effect if not Solar
  • Earrings : Kryos / Solar / Elemental
  • IM Gloves : Unity
The rest is just however you want to gear yourself. You'll most likely go woth more Unity pieces for AS. If you use ALL STAT cards you'll probably have already 40 % Final C.Rate at this point. Keep in mind that Home buffs can give 3 % Final C.Rate for a hour or two so you're really not far from those 40 %.

I probably missed some stuff, been a while since I was full of interest into this game so I'm not consistent anymore with the time I spend online. I would rather log into the game and speak directly with you to give you advices on a weekend if you're willing to.



Actually i use the [Event] Brindle IM Set at the moment for it gives 6% FCR. In another Thread someone told me something of about 40k Max HP for PVE so i take that as anchor point. With the brindle set i reach those 40k not more. Though i use a health pet at the moment, i was not aware of Bloody Roar beeing that powerful so i don´t use it at all.


If you have some spare time on weekends i surely appreciate some advice, skilling some other skills should be no problem as well for i have still some spare skill point plus extra skill points in vault xD.

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#13 GogAcc


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 10:56 AM

So you haven't use Bloody Roar during your Elga Run ? That's probably why you couldn't kill him.
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#14 Mithrandir1986


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 11:35 AM

So you haven't use Bloody Roar during your Elga Run ? That's probably why you couldn't kill him.


That plus using to much skills instead of just spamming x-Attack can be the reason i wasn´t able to kill elga fast enoug, yes :)

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#15 Vossel


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 02:12 PM

This is how i would go for PvE, my perseverance belt doesnt have the crit dmg card from my element belt, nor cdmg on soulcrafts, the rings dont have crit dmg either, so you dont even need a crit dmg pet.

If you go for PoS wings you can exchange the shoes with secmathian shoes cuz they have more movementspeed than elga and if you have 44% crit dmg as special option on wings you dont even need 1 crit dmg card and use an attackspeed card more.

I am not at the crit rate cap cuz on this items im missing soulcrafts + i focused lots on health cuz i am PvP focused but if you get soulcrafts and agi cards you reach the cap easily without gaining that much hp.



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#16 Agitodesu


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 03:17 PM

514 is speaking the truth for pve, no one should be running that much hlt, some is okay but with bloody roar, it's counterproductive. It's quite easy to reach Max CD,CR,MS, Your priority should be to max the cd and cr, then put everything else into str for that tiny boost even if it isn't much. I can beat elga with maybe 35k hp but It's not always full, I usually have around 1k-10k hp and don't even pot often unless I'm running bloody roar which is usually 100% of the time since potions are cheap and I have nothing else to do,so hp really doesn't matter as long as you don't afk and run into every skill.

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#17 Mithrandir1986


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 10:14 PM

514 is speaking the truth for pve, no one should be running that much hlt, some is okay but with bloody roar, it's counterproductive. It's quite easy to reach Max CD,CR,MS, Your priority should be to max the cd and cr, then put everything else into str for that tiny boost even if it isn't much. I can beat elga with maybe 35k hp but It's not always full, I usually have around 1k-10k hp and don't even pot often unless I'm running bloody roar which is usually 100% of the time since potions are cheap and I have nothing else to do,so hp really doesn't matter as long as you don't afk and run into every skill.


Thanks again for those advises guys. As of now i did test a bit with bloody roar and maxed it out.


As of my tests one should´nt have much more than 40k hp. With the max HP buff of gamble i reach more than 50k hp. With that much HP you can not pot against the loss of bloody roar.


Btw: Are there better instant recovery items than Slice of Cake? And where can i best farm those instant recovery items?

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#18 GogAcc


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 11:18 PM

The others consumables are dropped during events.
Chocolate Rabbit, Watermelon Slice, thise are the most current ones.

For the cakes, you will drop them most likely in Kryos F1 and in some others high level arcade maps.
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#19 KuchikiRukkia


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Posted 31 October 2018 - 12:27 PM

Can anyone recommend me a guide for a new Gladiator soon to be Overlord? and what are the best stats?

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