Hi everyone! Hoping people can help with the above title.
In a nutshell I've not really touched RO in a fair few years (I think Thor came out as I stopped playing!!) so after a fair bit of research into the difference in renewal to classic set ups, I'm just after a bit of advice around a class I've never really played in-depth before, in the form of Hunter.
Looking at the following information, and justification behind the questions:
1. Build type; would usually aim for a agi/dex hunter but this is now less effective than it was before as its seemingly a waste to invest 9x+ into either stat and better to aim for survivability/LUK for auto blitz and crit. Would want to keep the "Spam DS" mindset to my playstyle, can someone recommend a strong stat set-up.
2. Bows: Good set up's for Bows (I was under the impression 2xRace/2xType was still a big thing but research suggests this isn't the case!) So looking at what bows are worth me investing in.
3. Gear; Relatively comfortable with this however I don't see the Hunter card combo's being more effective (in terms of longevity) to the set up of flee/survivability that I prefer; any suggestions welcome (can be low/mid/high end specific as I will want to plan for the future!)
4. Leveling Spots; I've noticed exp is distributed VERY differently than classic (Porcellio's?! Who knew!) so any feedback & advice on this would be great (feel free to estimate so 20-35 Elder Willows for example).
Looking forward to seeing everyone's input!