Nospam2 Config Template
A short guide
This is a temporary short guide to configuring nospam2, it is not meant to cover all options the file provides.
The attached file is preconfigured with the basics, users are advised to adjust the values with caution.
Due to security concerns:
Sharing of fully configured files here is not advised, if users wish to share their configs then please do it through the private messenger.
Updated Feb 18th 2020:
Due to some changes with the client, the following features are bugged or no longer in effect:
title char (title account works)
Updated May 26th 2018 [Mac Users]:A workaround to reload the configs [Reload.exe] has been provided specifically to assist with Mac Users.See [New!] Reload.exe below for details.
Updated Sept 28th 2017:
Improved Console:
Now this comes with an improved cmd console for display purposes.
- It is ON by default but is not shown. To bring the console to display press CTRL+SHIFT+C while in game window.
- Press CTRL+C on the console to hide it.
- CTRL+Break to reload the configs of nospam2, which means it is no longer required to relaunch the client to get the changes in effect.
- Download the file nospam2.cfg [link] to your desktop.
- Browse to your Ragnarok installation data folder, for Renewal the default location is C:\Gravity\Ragnarok Online\data.
- Copy the preconfigured nospam2.cfg that you just downloaded to data folder.
- If there is a prompt to replace the file say YES.
- Launch the game and test.
Should you need to add extra phrases to block then:
- Open nospam2.cfg in Notepad.
- Under # Phrase Definitions #, note the phrases format and the levels, 1 to 3.
- If you need to block a phrase off bat then use level 3, example addPhrase 3 "RestartZeny". This will block any spam with RestartZeny phrase.
- Each phrase must be on a new line.
*Note that addPhrase has a limit of 128 entries, to not run out of space practice well the block pattern
*If using specialist text editing programs such as Notepad++ please make sure the EOL conversion is always set on Windows.
Check spoiler tag for a screenshot showing the conversion.
Nospam2 levels/scores explained:
The level or actually called a score adds up for the phrases that match, and if the score matches the blockSpamThresh the line will be blocked. Currently the file uses score 3 for blockSpamThresh.
Let's take an example,
Our noted phrases are:
addPhrase 1 "zeny"
addPhrase 1 "asap"
addPhrase 1 "bonus"
Sample shout in game:
- "Selling zeny asap comes with bonus!!!"
The underlined words are the phrases plugged in the config files, please note their levels or scores.
Their sum is 3, and that matches the current thresh value. The line will be blocked.
In the case of:
- "Selling zeny asap!!!"
The line will not be blocked here because the score is only 2.
So if you would like to block a line the score's value must be blockSpamThresh or higher.
[New!] Reload.exe
A workaround to reload the configs has been provided specifically to assist with Mac Users.
Note that, the workaround will also work for Windows.
Please download reload.exe [link]. Place the file in your game directory (data folder), for Renewal : C:\Gravity\Ragnarok Online\data.
The file must be set to run as an admin. Every time you want to reload the settings, use reload.exe.
The OS/Security app may flag the file, so please take extra measures when downloading the file.
MD5 Checksum of the exe file:
[New!]Title & CPUCooler new added functions:
Nospam2 now comes with new functionality to assist your game play.
Displays your name of character or Account ID on the client's title bar.
For your idle and vend times
Mousex (please read the note below):
Another version of Mouse Exclusive.
How to use them or add them to nospam2?
The attached pre-configured nospam2.cfg comes with the functions OFF by default.
If you do not have them on your nospam2.cfg then please add the commands in following syntax at the bottom of your file:
title cpucooler 0 mousex 0
Value of new functions:
Values marked in BLUE can be changed to your liking or to turn on/off the function.
This has no value, nothing will be displayed on your client's title bar.
title char
This will display your name of character.
title accont
This will display your account ID (If you are in a public place (Net Cafe) I would not recommend using this!)
cpucooler 0
0 by default is off, adjust the value to turn on the function, suggested 100 to 200.
Example cpucooler 100
mousex 0
0 by default is off, adjusting the value to 1 will turn on the function.
When value is (1) uncheck Mouse Exclusive in Setup.exe.
Due to client update to dinput.dll the function mousex has become obsolete. If you are having issues with the client's Mouse Exclusive for whatever reason try mousex.
If you have questions or concerns please post below.
Thank you
Please remember, buying Zeny is illegal! Don't do it.
Edited by VModCinnamon, 08 March 2020 - 07:06 AM.