Hello, I am looking for a guild. I have been playing Restart for a few months now on my own. I wanted to see what it was like to really start from scratch again. I originally played Ragnarok on Loki back when it became P2P, after I had to take a break and came back some friends had moved to chaos and i did as well. This was before you could xfer a character so i had to make new ones. Playing on chaos i eventually joined Aureus and was there until the end, joined Deity and I ended with Synergy. I think. haha i can not exactly remember the final guild i was in as just a few months after we started the guild real life took over and i kind of phased out RO. I do not have the most MVP experience but i have camped an MVP every hour, night and day, until we got the card. I took the night runs and woke up every hour hah. in total it took me about a year, 6 months (solo) then a break then 6 months again with one other person. Other than that MVP I only did the MVP tower, a couple times.
Currently i have a lvl 75 assassin, a 68ish priest, and 68ish endow sage (and a bunch of first classes) i do have my wife's priest and wizard to use as well. Wiz is only 58 and just changed. My assassin is in no way WoE built, mostly because when i am able to WoE I will be using a sac sader. I love WoE but currently can not attend WoE at all (instances i can attend are very rare right now), during WoE time I am driving and it looks like that will be the case for a couple more months.
I play the game pretty much daily although it is not for an extensive amount of time each day, about 2-3 hours if i am lucky. When i played Ragnarok many years ago I was stupidly dedicated to the game and my guild. I still have the same level of dedication, however it first and foremost now applies to my family as i have 3 children! haha.
my brother would also like to join a guild and has a knight at about lvl 68, he plays most every day as well but can only woe for the first hour and 15 min.
TLDR; Old Chaos Paladin player looking for guild, Loves WoE but currently unable to make the time, Hoping to join with his brother.