>not knowing how to play a sin right.
Thats more like a fin... ..like you know assafin... and ..finish... ... get it...? ... Allright i show myself out
On topic :
For pvm sin is a good multirole class he is good at farming without the need of to much supply or weapons, he has a useually usefull Aoe attack for most szenarios, he is better at that then rogue but less effecitive if you farm for specific items compared to rogue.
With some PD he does a good job at mobbing with future gear sometimes a more effective one than knights.
He has beside that a lot of different panik buttons that can save you while still mantaining your momentum.
So in pvm he has multiple roles he does well enough and something better than other classes depending on the situation.
In Woe however he is outclasses in every way by at least one other class in every situation while giving the other class more options in other/the same fields aswell.
Cloaking/Hiding skills -> outclassed by Rogue, the same class that has a crucial role in crippling other classes with not so easy to dismiss Status effects
HP Pool -> while Assasin have a actually pretty larg vit/hp modifier they are still outclasses by knights & crusaders, while at the same time beeing outclassed with gear choices, defensive gears and AoE Damage
Mass CC -> Outclassed by any Hunter/Dancer/Bard with arrow shower while giving the first traps , and the other scream/fj so they have multiple choices to fill this role already while on top give them Songs & Traps for further increased useability in offense and defense
Emp Breaking -> They get outclassed by Knights, Crusader, Blacksmith (easy to optain 190 aspd btw), while these classes have higher health pools and defensive and offensive abilitys since they dont need as much points to invest in stats, since the have skills that improve thier aspd substantly and .. besided that can use beserk pots
Single Target Burst -> Sonic blow gets easily outclassed by Monks (even though they have a CD) , Bowling Bash, Mammonite, you get the idea, while given the compared classes one or more than one advantages on top of that from the tree above
Keep in mind i oversimplefying things a little ,you can built an heck of an annoying assasin built if you want to that is only to kill with asura and spreads status effects like a plague but than again that would be an extremly specific built thats barely worth the effort