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need woe bow rogue build

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#1 apochi


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:36 PM

Hi, I am not very familiar with RO: Restart mechanics and I was wondering if I could get a little help with stats, skills and leveling for a woe-oriented bow rogue.


Also I was thinking if it is ok to have a WoE oriented char as a first character, what do you think?


Some other doubts could be:


is it really necessary to get 100 vit for woe?

whats a good amount of dex for strip?

best overall-use weapon? (i was thinking about a double hurricane gakkung)

how will I go through my first levels without str? (since thieves can't use bows but rogues can, correct me if wrong)


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#2 Nitroku


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:44 PM

Thieves can use bows.  If you put a snake hat on, you basically get free "double strafes" with high attack speed.  I was leveling pretty fast with this long ago, and actually had an acolyte prefer to level with me over archers.  What I do know of WoE, ranged damage is reduced.  Your life line is VIT, as flee is reduced.  From my experience, rogues are not killers in WoE but they strip weapons, shields and such; however, this is countered if an alchemist has cast protection on your target.


For your first character, I seriously would recommend knight with Bowling Bash honestly.  Easy to farm, easy to solo level, and parties love you as puller/killer! Heck, solo my knight from level 50s to 82 in like 2-3 days at high orcs (mostly Clock Tower High Orcs).  On top of that, guilds love you.  You ARE the absolute front line as a knight when breaking castle defenses, and if you last more than a few seconds, your guild is probably getting that fort.


My opinion:  rogue might be a bad choice as first character.  You can get  a mage to level 25 on a second account, equip an arc wand with level 10 fire bolt, and leech anything to job 50 in a matter of hours. I actually helped another player do this the other night.


I HIGHLY recommend a STR/VIT/50 DEX knight with bowling bash as an alt, if not your main.  Get yourself a priest leeched.  Get yourself an endow sage, and go to town.  Heck, I'd leech you myself if you were interested.  That Alt Masters guild got a hold of me and its fun helping people! :)

Edited by Nitroku, 28 November 2017 - 03:55 PM.

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#3 Xellie



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Posted 28 November 2017 - 03:59 PM

It is necessary to get 100 vit (with foods) for woe, as for dex, you want as much as you can get as your dex is calculated vs your opponent for strip.


I would only use a bow for levelling and a dagger+ shield  for woe.



Now to be a debbie downer - Strip rogue isn't that viable of a WoE char tbh. Not only are there coats, but mailbreaker/swordbreaker can be used AoE and do your job better. Plus having a cast time and walking up to someone and spamming strip is only viable in a very small scale fight. 



But it is a fun class (one of my favourites!). Just not highly useful or desirable. 

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#4 Usurper


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 05:01 PM


Now to be a debbie downer - Strip rogue isn't that viable of a WoE char tbh. Not only are there coats, but mailbreaker/swordbreaker can be used AoE and do your job better. Plus having a cast time and walking up to someone and spamming strip is only viable in a very small scale fight. 



But it is a fun class (one of my favourites!). Just not highly useful or desirable. 


True , you can also get DS and just inflict status ailments on people but a Hunter will still do a better job doing that cause of Arrow Shower while Intimidate is not worth getting because it'll just get overridden by any skill that damages you.


Anyway, if you still want to continue playing as a Rogue I have sample stat and skill build you can try:





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