- No Beginner Dungeon/Mount or Possession Beast.
Players starting desperate and lost into this World, try amplify this feeling, don`t dilute it though 0815 Content.
- No Rare/Carus Items under lvl 70.
For the Sake of new Players and the balance of Lower Battlefield Brackets, the foundation of the Game.
Thereto belong new and different FoC-NPC Rewards and Map/Dungeon Drops.
- No Job Change
You play a Class for it`s strength and weaknesses. If players can Job change to farm and level faster, where remains the aspiration and proud?!
- Keep the Inflation in Check
NM Monster provided in the Past a fun and challenging Experience, don`t ruin the Map grind or Open Map Experience through OP Items or to much Lant, keep the power gap from old to new Items as small as possible. .
- Dungeons are supposed to be hard.
Players should feel the need to party to complete Dungeons.
In the Past to stay alive in AT was a challenge. JS was simply impossible alone.
- Class balancing
Classes are not balanced when they are same strong, Classes are balanced when each individual one can do something much better than compared to another Class. Their Job. Classes are Experts. A Healer should out-heal every other Class, A Ranger should do much more DMG on a Solo Target than a Caster etc.
- Old PB Armor and Skill System.
The Old PB System provided much more variety and customization, you could try earn Money by Customizing the Skins or DNA for the PB Skill System.
- Old Mercenary System
The new Mercenary's are simply to OP and not needed, the old ones do the Job just fine f.e VS Avenger Traps or first agro holder.
- Design No Dragons or Disney Wings
No more Dragons or Wings Armor gives us big Koonts and Design a la HR GIGER! this Game has a very unique and iconic Graphic and Monster Design please don`t dilute it with some casual Kidz Dreams.
The Theme is Tech VS Bio The Armors should reflect this Battle and struggle.
- Quality over Quantity
Lesser is more and for the love of the Xenoa Goddess, please don`t implant copy pasted Content from your other Titles. Most the stuff you added was simply unfitting and contra productive in terms of Game Atmosphere and Enjoyment.
- Earning Money
Just do it the old Way^^ i remember spending tons of Money on Self AeD`s and some Transportations Scrolls simply because it was hard to travel through this World.
Same could be said about buying Prem. to not not down level.
Does anybody know the Fear of de-lvling any longer?
What about PB Gauge in a World where the Temperions are not Gods this Item could come more in Handy.
- Cad/Scad
Class Balancing collapsed because of the reticulates Amounts you provided the Players with long ago
This is pretty much irreversible..
into my Eyes the Game would be better without any Cad or Scad. A Way to balance this could be a level 80 Skill that activates Cad and Scad for lets say 10-20 Seconds. This would outbalance a lot.
- Summary
Don`t do the same Mistakes and give Temperions to much Power, the biggest Content in this Game is actually not the Battlefield or PK not it was simply to survive in this Game. And Enjoy the slow Progressing Aka Leveling and earning slowly new Grind Places.
Ya we all know you need to Earn Money i think a better Way to do this would be simply about more Cosmetics Items and Items that make the Grind Quality better aka Mana houshold.
Mana could be the new Cad/Scad for Players. Same about Range Extension and Attack Speed.
Such soft Stats could have in a balanced World a Mayor Impact. Try invest some Development Power into them.
Thanks for reading^^
Edited by Sandyman, 29 December 2017 - 09:26 PM.