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Expectations on New Server

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#1 Sandyman


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:12 PM

- No Beginner Dungeon/Mount or Possession Beast.


Players starting desperate and lost into this World, try amplify this feeling, don`t dilute it though 0815 Content.



- No Rare/Carus Items under lvl 70.


For the Sake of new Players and the balance of Lower Battlefield Brackets, the foundation of the Game. 

Thereto belong new and different FoC-NPC Rewards and Map/Dungeon Drops.



- No Job Change 


You play a Class for it`s strength and weaknesses. If players can Job change to farm and level faster, where remains the aspiration and proud?! 



- Keep the Inflation in Check


NM Monster provided in the Past a fun and challenging Experience, don`t ruin the Map grind or Open Map Experience through OP Items or to much Lant, keep the power gap from old to new Items as small as possible. .



- Dungeons are supposed to be hard.

Players should feel the need to party to complete Dungeons.
In the Past to stay alive in AT was a challenge. JS was simply impossible alone.
- Class balancing
Classes are not balanced when they are same strong, Classes are balanced when each individual one can do something much better than compared to another Class. Their Job. Classes are Experts. A Healer should out-heal every other Class, A Ranger should do much more DMG on a Solo Target than a Caster etc. 
- Old PB Armor and Skill System.
The Old PB System provided much more variety and customization, you could try earn Money by Customizing the Skins or DNA for the PB Skill System.
- Old Mercenary System 
The new Mercenary's are simply to OP and not needed, the old ones do the Job just fine  f.e VS Avenger Traps or first agro holder.
- Design No Dragons or Disney Wings
No more Dragons or Wings Armor gives us big Koonts and Design a la HR GIGER! this Game has a very unique and iconic Graphic and Monster Design please don`t dilute it with some casual Kidz Dreams. 
The Theme is Tech VS Bio The Armors should reflect this Battle and struggle.
- Quality over Quantity 
Lesser is more and for the love of the Xenoa Goddess, please don`t implant copy pasted Content from your other Titles. Most the stuff you added was simply unfitting and contra productive in terms of Game Atmosphere and Enjoyment. 
- Earning Money
Just do it the old Way^^ i remember spending tons of Money on Self AeD`s and some Transportations Scrolls simply because it was hard to travel through this World.
Same could be said about buying Prem. to not not down level.
Does anybody know the Fear of de-lvling any longer?
What about PB Gauge in a World where the Temperions are not Gods this Item could come more in Handy.
- Cad/Scad 
Class Balancing collapsed because of the reticulates Amounts you provided the Players with long ago
This is pretty much irreversible..
into my Eyes the Game would be better without any Cad or Scad. A Way to balance this could be a level 80 Skill that activates Cad and Scad for lets say 10-20 Seconds. This would outbalance a lot.
- Summary
Don`t do the same Mistakes and give Temperions to much Power, the biggest Content in this Game is actually not the Battlefield or PK not it was simply to survive in this Game. And Enjoy the slow Progressing Aka Leveling and earning slowly new Grind Places.
Ya we all know you need to Earn Money i think a better Way to do this would be simply about more Cosmetics Items and Items that make the Grind Quality better aka Mana houshold.
Mana could be the new Cad/Scad for Players. Same about Range Extension and Attack Speed.
Such soft Stats could have in a balanced World a Mayor Impact. Try invest some Development Power into them. 
Thanks for reading^^


Edited by Sandyman, 29 December 2017 - 09:26 PM.

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#2 Kazara


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:26 PM

Great points bro, I agree on all of them.

This is my wishlist for new server : 


1) Server as it was till Erunil Tower Update for obvious reasons.

2) Skills as they were before alteris and then later on helium started changing them (current skills wouldn't be good on an hardcore server. Example : Elem with 50% debuff gonna destroy any class since people can't stack resistance as easy as current server).

3) No treasure Dungeon. Most hated dungeon seriously, players are bored do it daily to have stats bonuses.

4) This is actually included in the first suggestion but I am gonna repeat it because it is very important. NO titan version of bosses, NO REGALS/HEARTS/RESONATORS AND VOXY ENCHANTS. This enchants totally broke the game, and increased stat inflation by a lot, while making some other stats useless, along with making PvE a JOKE.

5) Possibly max +20 on reinforcements instead of +30.

- More to come...


Just this will make the server hardcore and PvE/PvP will be back to its original shape.



Edited by Kazara, 28 December 2017 - 02:26 PM.

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#3 S3Ke


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Posted 30 December 2017 - 09:57 AM

when will it happen ? anyone knows ?im kinda looking forward to it...but only if it will be much more hardcore...more grind ...grind parties ...more raids ... GVGs ..no more -_-ty events ...HARDCORE :D would be fun !! anyone knows an approximate date?

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#4 Avaloon


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Posted 03 January 2018 - 10:12 AM

when will it happen ? anyone knows ?im kinda looking forward to it...but only if it will be much more hardcore...more grind ...grind parties ...more raids ... GVGs ..no more -_-ty events ...HARDCORE :D would be fun !! anyone knows an approximate date?


S1 was hardcore =)) back to S1

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#5 Sandyman


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Posted 03 January 2018 - 07:36 PM


some informations about the new Server:







This is basically the "Re-Start Strategy"



poor Requiem... and here i though they might do it better this time^^

Edited by Sandyman, 03 January 2018 - 08:15 PM.

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#6 reqbugkiller


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Posted 04 January 2018 - 03:05 PM

We have this server on russia. Its trash idea. People play 1 month and say - ITS T R A S H server, and leave game. Than all servers closed. End game.

Need only support main server - Trifri. And add new content/events/etc.



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#7 Sandyman


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Posted 04 January 2018 - 05:48 PM

well, this is pretty much a Tournament Server.


First 3 Weeks max level Cap is 49.


You start on Nova Lux/Parness as "new" starter Map (No Turba).


First Dungeon Start Grind Zones are : Bigger Training grounds / Chaste Sanctum / The Gutters, "Parness Prem. Dungeon" 

& another open Map Instance.


Content release only after the Leader Board is established.


Cash Shop?! ->  no Blacksmith Bonus Server side but limited Bonus from the IM available



Edited by Sandyman, 04 January 2018 - 05:49 PM.

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#8 reqbugkiller


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Posted 04 January 2018 - 10:07 PM

Guys are u all mad ? U want this server ? U not understand this server on same client. Trifri = New server ?? LOOOOOL. Difference only in new spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


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#9 Sandyman


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Posted 04 January 2018 - 10:26 PM

What`s your Point even?


Dev. team NEVER listened to the Community in the first Place.


They pretend to want Feedback or listen and we pretend to still have any sort of Hope or Trust left^^


Do you even play the Forum?

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#10 S3Ke


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Posted 05 January 2018 - 12:57 AM

well i`ll definitely try it ..but only if there will be no events...and its gonna be hardcore...and also i was really hoping its not going to be PK server again...so much useless drama because of it...was hoping for a PVE server...ppl would do more battlefields and GVGs if they want to pvp we already got a PK server ...anyway Sandyman you are right...its actually no point in even saying what we all want cause Helium will just do whatever he likes...no matter if its good for us or not... for example ...how long has it been since we asked for a proper class balance...its been years...

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#11 Sandyman


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Posted 05 January 2018 - 03:14 PM

i`m gonna give it a try as well but i dunno if Helium even understands that we don`t want to lose Turba. 


Turba is like a Role-play Milestone for this Game.


You can`t miss out on that. It`s important for the Atmosphere to start at the rock bottom.


What`s the Point coming to Nova? is like thinking there must be even bigger Citys. 


No when Nova is like the Center of the Game Geopolitical wise you should not see it first.


I can understand that Nova is kind of a Highlight and they want Player to see it right away.


But that`s like providing Players with level Jump or Item Boxes like in the Past. 


It`s the worst that can happen to the Player.


The Dev.Team is full of Causal Gamer who never seamed to enjoyed Hard Games.


That`s why Requiem suffer so much.


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#12 nokillme


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Posted 05 January 2018 - 11:01 PM

who invented it? trash idea

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#13 Sandyman


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Posted 06 January 2018 - 12:17 AM

you mean the new Server and his Settings?

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#14 xSweetDreamsx


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 04:48 AM

My Expectations are very low. Two things i already hate, removing Turba and the level cap being 49 for only 3 weeks, this is so short, it needs to be 6 months ++


I think we need to wait for final details, i see alot of people want a hardcore server but then making comments, that they want 52% forge or pets etc etc lol


I 100% agree with your opinion about scad and cad.


The way helium is talking from what i saw, this server will progress and progress fast, its not hardcore if a level cap is being upped after 3 weeks and i am sure he is gonna introduce more things in item mall as time goes on.


My overall opinion, with the information we have, is that this server is destined to merge with Trifri server, just like what happened with facebook server.



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#15 Hyposonic


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Posted 17 January 2018 - 08:46 PM

The Nova first to Turba problem, I do not see as a problem. I like Helium's description of a new quest line to send you there from Nova at level 1 to control the monster population/prison population of this dark island. It'll still fit the original feel of the rock bottom place to be and the story will gel better. Remember we escape the laboratory to arrive in Turba(?). I mean really there's no story connection just Temprian's Way quest.


SandyMan, you wrote some very good hopes for Aeternum. Yes we need weak game for old pve/pvp experience and we all agree that the old experience was the most fun. Kazara said +20 cap, I like that. It is too much to get a +30 item on new server especially when up to supernus but players who do will be too strong. Sure they'll spend loads of xeons and lant and luck to do it but +20 is plenty. Most of my gear is bordered on +20.


I have concerns about lant making. Currently Theme and Tokens makes WAY more lant then any other method. This devalues everything else you do to make lant, questing, farming, FOC, etc.


I too look forward to buying teleports and ressurects as well as cosmetics. I hate having to pay to win, +30 my op, 8/8 my op, pets, lyles. Done it once and it's a bit... much. Though I'm sure it's great for their money, the items I most enjoy are the handy items not the game breaking/seperating items.


Free to play currently works fine on new server. Premium have the one advantage of Premium benefits. The biggest of these benefits is farming premium dungeon over and over. It would be more fair to have a reset 4 times a day for players to farm here. This will lessen the gap between f2p and pay2win considerably.


Okay, there's so much to talk about. I hope I've expressed my opinions clearly.





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#16 Sandyman


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Posted 18 January 2018 - 03:13 AM

Beginner Dungeons destroy Atmosphere and give me a feeling of playing some causal 0815 MMO`s.


It`s like the GM`s played some other MMO and thought hey this Feature is missing in Requiem.


Same could be said about beginner PB, beginner Mount etc. This all dilutes the Role-play Aspects of this Game.


I would be willing to help write a Quest line, but did you took a look at the Suggestion Topic?


There are many good and fitting Suggestions made already, not only from myself. But do we see any in Game?


No, same could be said about Premium Bonus or other outdated Features in Game.


But instead we get some copy paste nonsense,nonfitting Updates from other Tittles.


Edited by Sandyman, 18 January 2018 - 03:17 AM.

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#17 Hyposonic


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Posted 18 January 2018 - 08:14 AM

True, I would rather there were no premium or treasure dungeons... but figure it would be more balance if people could all have a little bit more access to it. The mount will last 7 days and the world is a big place. It'll be back to the slow %20 rex in no time. Still I see less of a problem with the 60% mounts and more of a problem with the many other 'features', both lacking and overbearing, in this game. Yes it could be more interesting and quest based. Quest lines for these freebie new character stuff would be better than just having pb given.


I would like to hear more about positive changes to Premium.


My favorite event was still community ran "Mr SandyMan ~ Old School" event. You know because it was supposed to be difficult.

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