Hello I just started playing on Restart about 3 days ago. Somehow I missed the release
. I started as mage with an acolyte on a 2nd account leeching off me. I am now Wizard 59 and Priest 59. Porcellio was a decent spot but still seemed too slow... especially when lots of people crowd the map. I moved to GH Prison and it's a ton more exp. Zombie prisoner gives me about 1.7-1.8k exp while sharing with my leech priest. Porcellio was giving only 1k exp between me and the priest. You have to have some really good firewall skills to survive but it's well worth it. I plan to solo in GH Prison until 99 unless I hear of some better places. I am wearing no equipment and am using a +0 starter wand from the training grounds quest. I'll post my strategy to survive this place:
*I put leech priest in a safe spot just south of the eastern entrance. ( this is where i buff myself and heal if needed )
*Spam quagmire on everything you see.
1. Zombie/Skel Prisoner - 3 vertical firewalls kill 1 Prisoner. ( maybe 1 or 2 if you have a good weapon )
2. Brilight - Frost driver and Jupitel thunder/lightning bolt until defeated ( these are super annoying )
3. Hunter Fly - Firewall as best you can and use firebolt or earth spike/heavens drive if you have it. ( they are weak to earth ) Hunter fly is priority... de-aggro any mobs you are dealing with and focus on hunter fly or it can really mess up things.
4. Whisper - Firewall and Firebolt. Whisper can teleport behind you so be ready to run to safety on the other side of your firewall if needed. ( take most of my dmg from these )
Spamming quagmire makes everything go really slow so its not that bad.
If at any time you feel in danger just use a fly wing.
The map is pretty much empty so you get tons of zombies in those firewalls! 
I'm looking for good spots to level too. I thought I would share this as I feel its more than double exp/hour than porcellio map.
Hope this helps! Have a nice day!!!
Edited by mooglepants, 19 February 2018 - 04:01 AM.