Element Damage for Falcons and Wolf - Archer Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Element Damage for Falcons and Wolf

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#1 Khady


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 03:37 AM

Hello, since even Sorcerer got its Element Damage on Fire-Emblem and Penguin i request to add element damage to Sentinels Falcon and Wolf.

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#2 Turpi


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 11:59 AM

Difference is that Falcon, Wolf, Arrow Shower, Im Gone Bear and Incoming bear are instant on-hit skills. Right now they are pretty useless because the DMG is split by the hits. Aka the skills have the DMG impact of pressing 2 times x attack. Ofc adding for example at every hit of Im Gone Bear element damage it would be too OP. Like 8-10k dmg from an instant-hit skill. Maybe those skills can be usefull by adding a %tal amount of element damage (if they have no element damage atm. not sure about that), or increase the physical dmg of them.


In PvE these skills are quite powerful (Falcons for example) and they were retty useful in terms of damage back in the days. But the DMG, especially of Wolf and I'm Gone bear is pretty useless in PvP.

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#3 Coolsam


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Posted 03 February 2018 - 07:08 PM

Actually I'm pretty sure it's there like with Overlords bears. The problem is they're all skills classified to show a multi-hit animation but all register as one hit, which is why they tend to either all hit or all miss or have all crit or no crit at once.

It probably does add elements, but divides that over all it's hits making the numbers seem small or non-existent.
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