Assassins getting 2h mastery - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Assassins getting 2h mastery

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#1 OkamiScarlet


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Posted 03 February 2018 - 11:08 AM

My request and suggestion is as seen in the title.


Please can you give assassins the ability to wear and use 2h weapons, the same as bartuks got the ability to use dual swords.


It will be not a great change gameplay wise but it will bring on much more diversity to the builds and playstyles of Sins as well as balance the value of the weapons to some extent.


All in all it has not only been one my oldest dreams since the beta to have a slim assassin with a giant sword, all squishy but hard hitting but a lot of my friends found the idea very interesting and said that they would love to come back and try such a combination. (some were considering a crit build with 2h axes which would be slow but have added crit rate because of the 2h axe innate crit chance)



I know it may be a long shot and may sound stupid to some but it is as I said a long wish of mine to play a Kruxena with a 2h sword in this amazing gory game.


Please devs at least take into consideration my small request, and I thank anyone who took the time to read my post.


Do have a nice day and lots of fun in the new server.

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#2 requiemprot


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Posted 05 February 2018 - 10:55 AM

As horrible of an idea as bartucks with dual swords.
If your dream is to play a character with a big 2h weapon, play bartuck.
This is completely unnecessary and follows in the silly stead of alteris and his mixing of classes.

Edited by requiemprot, 05 February 2018 - 10:56 AM.

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#3 OkamiScarlet


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Posted 05 February 2018 - 01:06 PM

You dont seem to understand.
This is a mainly diversity and fashion sided suggestion.

And because they did something as ridiculous as giving the bartuks dual swords even with the bugged running animation they still made it work, so going the other way too with this and giving Krux the ability to wield 2h weapons should be just as easy.

From the early game screens you could see that the weapons were meant to be more open use wise since we would see turans weilding duals and so on.

You must understand that I am not saying that my suggestion is something groundbreaking or vital, but more of a "Hei that would be really cool for some of us" suggestion.
It would add diversity and make the game more open RP wise for some.

Plus it would give diversity to the AA sin build which right now is damn stale and the same for all.

Tldr; It's a suggestion that I personally want and will push till the end of this game's life or till it happens.

Edited by OkamiScarlet, 05 February 2018 - 01:08 PM.

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#4 OkamiScarlet


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Posted 25 February 2018 - 04:18 AM

GM Please take in consideration the suggestion.
It would really bring a new aspect to assassins in generals, and it would make me a long wish of mine true.
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