Just a couple of things hit me when I ran a few verdu expert runs a few days back.
1. Display more buffs. I'm pretty sure this has been said before, but it would be nice if there was a toggle to choose if you wanted to see more rows of buffs, think currently you only see 4x4=16? That gets filled pretty easy with myhome buffs. Maybe even let the player set the number of rows of buffs they'd want to see. I'm sure it's confusing to newer players if they go over that limit in buffs and then they don't know if they get new buffs or not.
2. Exp multiplier indicator. Think this would be something really cool to follow. Actually thought of this because I was thinking if I wasted a biscuit when I already had the maximum of buffs displayed (newbie btw). Maybe on top of the hp bar or to the right of the screen, even under exco/gold?
Not important things but things that'd be neat in my opinion.