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Question about elemental daggers

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#1 Zentius


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 12:23 PM

Good afternoon all!


I am new to Re:Start (been playing for about a week or so?) and was hoping to get my hands on an elemental dagger but i don't have 100 million zeny to buy any of them.  



are there any vendors in the current game that sell elemental daggers or elemental weapons in general?  



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#2 oddjob


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 05:18 PM

First off, let me answer your questions.


There are no vendors in the current game that would be able to sell you a elemental Dagger.


However, the Blacksmith class can make you elemental weapons with certain materials. Weapons with elemental property also do drop, but I wouldn't bank off getting those since they are quite rare. A solid elemental weapon will generally cost you quite a bit, but post your IGN and ill see if I can send you in game mail.


Below is a list of great websites for this server:


1. Market Website


2. Database website with monsters


3. Spreadsheet of the items needed to craft elemental weapons



Post your IGN, and class and ill see if I can get back to you.


GL homie

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#3 Stephcake


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 11:21 PM

And for when the RMS link inevitably gets snipped: :P

You can always just rodex one of the ranked blacksmiths, most of them forge things for no additional cost if you just bring them all the materials (which are usually half the price of the forged weapon).
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#4 Alezzia


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Posted 14 April 2018 - 11:21 AM

Was about to say that, if you bring me the mats i can forge you a ranked ele weapon.



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