I'm new to the game and I wanted to make a priest that can exploit all of the priest's strengths while being able to dish out lots of damage and heal at the same time. I ended up with this tree http://ro2.roguard.n...35133253111551/
I'd really appreciate some criticism.
Here's some thought behind my choices.
Assumptio 5: Seems like a good skill to use to negate spike damage, 40% damage reduction for 10 seconds seems long enough to save a life.
All DOTs Max: I've read that in this game dots penetrate all forms of resistances.
Highness Heal 1: Didn't think maxing this one out was worth it. The skill doesn't seem worth the mana cost unless it's level 10 and I thought 9 points was too costly to invest in it. Renovatio seems like better value for points.
I'm thinking of putting the last 2 points into either Heal or maxing out Suffragium or Angelus.
I'm a noob so be as critical as you can, I want to be good at this game.

Please criticise my Priest build
Started by
, Jun 03 2018 11:48 AM
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Posted 03 June 2018 - 11:48 AM
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