as the title says

Open PEGASUS and Lets Unite in Fixing/Balancing the Game!
Posted 20 August 2018 - 12:38 AM
Uuuuhahaha good luck friend. It would take 'too long' to fix the balance, because they don't approach it the proper way. They want to put it up, take a bunch of feedback, make one large batch adjustment, and expect it to work first time around, and stay working for too long. I mean, their 'major' event, the recent PvP Tourney, was only scheduled what, 1-1.5 hours per WEEK. Balance would take at least 4 hours a week worth of payroll hours, they can't afford that. Not for the 2 or 3 months worth of slow incremental changes it would take to get somewhere meaningful.
Posted 24 August 2018 - 12:03 PM
Uuuuhahaha good luck friend. It would take 'too long' to fix the balance, because they don't approach it the proper way. They want to put it up, take a bunch of feedback, make one large batch adjustment, and expect it to work first time around, and stay working for too long. I mean, their 'major' event, the recent PvP Tourney, was only scheduled what, 1-1.5 hours per WEEK. Balance would take at least 4 hours a week worth of payroll hours, they can't afford that. Not for the 2 or 3 months worth of slow incremental changes it would take to get somewhere meaningful.
We never know. It would be great if they made changes from time to time not the ones you said that they tend to accumulate everything before making a change.
I am hoping that they will read this and start acting.
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