hi to rose developers and hi to all rose players ( the soul of the game that u are trying to kill )
after saying hi and other let's get down to the point
why are u trying to kill the soul the brain ( i mean u ) is dead only thing that keeping these game a life is the soul of the players now u try so hard to kill it to why
i will not tell u what u need to do u know what u need to do
but i will ask u to do it make the game fun like befor when we all like to daily play AA and had alot of friends that u ban them now so the items now days in the market is so high prices few players few buyers even with the few remains in the game who have the items they make the prices go over the roof cuz it's a few in the market
i'm sure u have some kind of a problem of ur own not saying that u don't but pls wake up and smell that the house is on fire these event was like a hard truth for all of us
and if u didn't see it then u still sleep or maybe u trying to sleep
first step to solve any problem is recognizing that there is 1
it's hard work i know to fix the game to get the trust of the player back trust me if u just at least try u hardest i will be the first 1 helping u out the best i can and i'm sure u will find others like me some for the money some for free ( i'm for free only cuz i love the game ) and as best i could
but fix it 1 step at a time and pls think about other players that u ban what will the new player think when they know about these ( it's on the youtube now and goggle and alot more so don't try to cover it up it's useless so let's face it as a man not a woman sorry as a mans stop runing from it man up all of u )
u have the thing that can make these game great and make u so rich 2 but think don't
something that will not help u after sometime cuz it will make ur work harder and harder and maybe u will not fix the broken class the u had broken ( trust issues now )
and pls don't ask us to trust u cuz trust is earned not given
i hope u find my words not something that make u think i want to do bad for the game cuz it's not
it's the hard truth that u need right now to open ur eyes and try to fix it cuz there is still time to fix it and some loyal friends in the game will help u out if only u just asked
it's not bad to ask for a help it's bad that u know u need a help but u don't want to do any help nor let any one help u out
pls think about it
rose is a Unique game let's keep it that way and make it better that is all
for the comment of player or other pls don't trash them we want them to fix it so let's try to make them understand pls remember we help them out not trash them or anything bad ok
Not gonna lie to you, your English is really bad. It's not an insult, just needs some more practice. In the mean time; try just making a post in Egyptian, and having google translate it and post that, might get better results. Because this post, is mostly incredibly broken English.
Not gonna lie to you, your English is really bad. It's not an insult, just needs some more practice. In the mean time; try just making a post in Egyptian, and having google translate it and post that, might get better results. Because this post, is mostly incredibly broken English.
yeah well i think that u told me before but i really don't care about that right now look at the big picture
i think that is more important right now but hey it's also a strategy the thing is if u understand what i said then i think it's ok but any ty for ur comment
That's the thing, even if you are correct and have a good point, if you don't communicate it clearly then people may misunderstand you or mistake what you're saying. So if you want to make sure they understand you should care more about it, or even just ask someone fluent in English to help translate it more coherently. I'm sure you have at least a few friends who would do that for you.
That's the thing, even if you are correct and have a good point, if you don't communicate it clearly then people may misunderstand you or mistake what you're saying. So if you want to make sure they understand you should care more about it, or even just ask someone fluent in English to help translate it more coherently. I'm sure you have at least a few friends who would do that for you.
ok then tell me what is wrong or what make people well misunderstand me
Here is one of the more correct ways of phrasing your question
"Ok, then tell me what is wrong or what will make people misunderstand me."
It's subtle but your request, is comprised of two questions. "What is wrong" and "What will make people misunderstand me".
"well" isn't the correct word, will is the correct word. They have two different meanings.
I'm going to only do this once and correct a portion of your original post, and the corrections may or may not correctly reflect your opinion. This is because I'm not going to have a long discussion with you the ensure it's exactly what you mean and it's not to change what you mean. This will be purely an exorcise demonstrating how many mistakes you made in your original post; followed by an explanation of how these things may add up to someone misunderstanding you.
"hi torosedevelopers and hi to allrose players ( the soul of the game that u are trying to kill )"
Corrected grammar and spelling: "Hello ROSE Developers and ROSE players, the soul of the game that the Developers are trying to kill." [1]
after saying hi and other let's get down to the point
Corrected grammar and spelling:
"I'd like to get to the point." [2]
why are u trying to kill the soul the brain ( i mean u ) is dead only thing that keeping these game a life is the soul of the players now u try so hard to kill it to why
Corrected grammar and spelling:
Why are you, the Developers, trying to kill the game. The only thing keeping the game alive is the soul of the game, the player. Why are you trying so hard to kill that spirit. [3]
i will not tell u what u need to do u know what u need to do
Corrected grammar and spelling:
I won't/will not tell you what to do as you already know what needs to be done. [4]
[1] So with your opening statement, you said "hi to" twice, which is what's called redundant, basically it means it's not needed or unnecessary. Second part where a misunderstanding may occur, is that you mentioned both the Developers and players and then make a statement that was not clearly aimed at one group or another. Someone with a more limited understanding of English, may think that because you didn't specifically say "the developers who are trying to kill the game" that you meant both the Developers and Players are trying to kill the game. English is my native language, but it's not universal and others may be offended due to that statement being aimed at both groups. (Edit) [I don't think you did this on purpose, I think it was just lack of experience showing]
[2] Grammatically, this was just "sloppy" or messy. I'm sure in the Egyptian language you have things that you could say, but it's faster and easier to just not say them more than once, as people will still remember the statement, and find it being repeated as unnecessary, this was one of those times only it was in English.
[3] Now this one was really bad. Since you've mentioned the Developers and players both in the first sentence, but still haven't made the distinction who the statements are being made to, you're only saying "u" and never define who "u" currently is, players may start to now become very annoyed. You'll see in my corrected version, how after the sentence starts "Why are you," is then paused to directly say who the question is aimed at. This is to clarify who you're speaking to, the Developers or the players. "these game" is a grammatical mistake, as "these" is plural meaning more than 1. While "game" is singular, meaning 1. What you essentially said was "all of these one game" it doesn't make sense. Now you end the sentence with "to why" a question that essentially repeats the question at the beginning of the sentence a second time in the same sentence. Remember that redundancy rule, it's the same thing. But you've probably seen people ask more than one question in a sentence, but that's the rule. If you ask more than 1 question in a sentence, it should not being the same question multiple times, except in very unusual or specific situations. These redundancy rules are typically important because in English, when people start breaking these types of grammatical rules, it usually indicates that they're emotionally upset to a degree that they may be belligerent or no longer calm. Professionals, in the sense someone who is in a profession but necessarily an expert, will typically use this potential upset emotion to dismiss you as not being rational. Typical sayings would be "Why don't you calm down first" or "How about you come back when you're not upset and thinking clearly." It's actually frustrating especially if you're upset for a perfectly logical reason, in this case I feel the outrage is justified by the inaction of the staff over the last several years, which is why I'm doing this for you, but only once.
[4] I stopped here because things like using "u" instead of "you" in certain instances demonstrates a lack of seriousness, commitment or dedication to the discussion. Given I believe you are genuinely upset, you should take the time to not use slang or phonetic shortcuts and spell the entire word. It shows respect for the conversation, the readers and gives the feeling that you're calm, mature and ready to have a serious discussion. It's the difference between formal and informal speech. If you were speaking to a government official or a law officer about something important like reporting a crime you witnessed, or your concerns about a new law causing issues; you wouldn't be swearing and using slang. You would speak formally and professionally to make sure they knew you were serious. It's the same thing in this instance.
Now, I do want to address that I don't believe you did these things on purpose. I think you simply have not had enough practice and experience with English to know all of these rules or somewhat hidden things in the language. Which is why I recommend that the next time you want a come across clearly and professionally about something you take seriously, maybe ask a friend who is a native English speaker or has more experience to proof read and check your work. It will come across more professional, things like making sure the person you're talking about is clearly identified and other people don't think you're talking about them, and more.
Language is important, and formal and informal language makes things complicated. They both have their place and appropriate uses, and knowing when it's appropriate is the key to successfully converse with other people.