is it possible to change the animation of some skills back to the old one?
like this wiz's flame explosion:
i remember i liked it so much when i used it. flying + throwing fireballs. it was so much cooler. the current animation is just too flat and boring, because it doesn't look that different from firebolt and fireball.
assassin's shadow explosion was also cooler back then. it looked hurt just by watching it. stab and pull.
those animations made the skills look like real ultimate skills, unlike the current ones. it was more satisfying, imo.
why did you have to change it anyway?
well, of course i know it's not that important to most of ppl. and, ro2 needs to get ppl's attention first before thinking about something like this. but i hope you can change it back or make a much better one someday. perhaps in ro2 reborn or something? (dreaming )
thanks in advance.