Is this game in it's current state too far ahead to viably come back to as a new player? Without donating or using irl money to catch up? Is it even worth it and if so which server?

Long time older player. Question.
Posted 26 March 2019 - 04:03 PM
Posted 26 March 2019 - 04:43 PM
I was an old player too, I came back and started fresh on the RE:Start server (was brought back to RO because of ROM and didn't end up enjoying ROM), I gave most of my gears away on renewal and quit renewal ~5 years ago.
With the current EXP boost from the marriage event, it's pretty easy to level something pretty quickly (with turn ins too). Combine it with the St. Patrick's Day event and you can get some exp boost there too for turning in pretzels.
As far as which server, if you want to play 3rd class, then Renewal. You could probably farm oranges there and sell them for 15k zeny a pop (they are used for the current St. Patrick's Day vent) to make some quick zeny to cover basic gears/pots and buy a Rudolf hairband and be set for quite a while.
If you do not want to play third class currently, then it's between Classic/RE:Start, I prefer RE:Start because the classic UI is just too old for me to go back to any more. The market is tougher to break into because things cost ~25x more than they would on other servers pretty much and there are far fewer players. Classic market might be more friendly to new comers. You can also do surveys for a couple hundred WPE if you don't want to spend any money and use that to buy a small amount of SV and you can sell that for like a couple hundred million zeny right off the bat to start out.
Whether it is worthwhile is entirely up to you, and what you want to get out of playing RO again. If you have time to play, then might as well give it a shot if you're interested. If you decide to return to RO, hope you have fun.
Posted 27 March 2019 - 05:52 AM
Since it's still being updated, it's not that hard compared to all other options. I mean, if you level your character you will end up competing for new gear and everyone will start the same since new gear will have just been implemented, also, not sure if 3rd classes are coming or not but if they are then you'd be just in time
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