I hate to say this, but since playing Requiem and joining in in the Murder Hour fun, it has been apparent that there are a few individuals who ruin it for the masses. What I mean by this, there a few people, <removed>, <removed> to name a couple who routinely will kill steal to obtain drops, stealing them from the people who worked to kill the bosses. Week after week this happens with no real consequences. It is my opinion that either the GMs in charge of the MH each week need to take a strong stand against this and immediately temp. ban any player who kill steals to obtain drops, or in a sadder turn, terminate the weekly murder hour. While the ladder seems harsh, many people each week continually point out that this is going on, and continually nothing gets done about it from the GMs.
Now i know a lot goes on behind the scenes and I am eternally grateful for the event and all that the few GMs who run it do. But at the same time not having the opportunity to reap the benefits of the teamwork to bring down the beasts gets old quickly. 6 or 7 weeks in a row this has happened. Please do something about this problem. So many people enjoy the Murder Hour and so many people are unhappy with the results because of this.
Thanks for reading,
(Edited by CM Varitas: Names have been removed. If you wish to report players please make sure to send a ticket to Warpportal Support.)