When this game was populated, it was quite a bit of fun. Not sure how it's still viable but maybe the other regions coming here have made it profitable. Would love to see this game get a refresh, complete overhaul or even a sequel. Just something that moves away from this and it becomes viable again. Maybe I'm wasting my time but this game was so much fun back in even S1. This will probably fall on deaf ears but I wanted to get it out there as it was a lot of fun. Does Helium even work there anymore?

Going back to what works
Posted 17 June 2020 - 05:13 PM
Posted 19 June 2020 - 04:17 PM
We thank you for your interest in Requiem Online. Helium is indeed still the producer for Requiem Online, unfortunately he is one man who is operating on limited resources. As it has been discussed in many other threads recently, including this one, there appears to be an interest in overhauling or upgrading the game in general. While this is something we would absolutely love to do, regretfully that is not our choice and unfortunately, we do not have the funding at the moment to take part in such an endeavor. Indeed, a sequel would be an excellent idea, but right now that is not possible. Should anything change we will be the first to make an announcement via our social media and the forums.
Posted 29 June 2020 - 12:01 PM
Requiem is an old game but still very interesting. Regardless of the problems that the administration of the game is going through, I believe that there is a lack of greater work in the marketing part of the game. Disclosure in particular. If you talk to the various MMORPG communities that exist, when you ask who played Requiem, few people will say yes and many will ask, "What game is this?" Requiem today is a game that basically the older players who still continue playing because they really like the game.
Posted 27 September 2020 - 06:10 PM
Really enjoyed Requiem in S1 and even past that. Stopped playing after they did some changes to classes. The latest dungeon that was out was Erunil Tower. Miss the game greatly but logged in and it was sad to see the state that it is currently in. Would love to see a rework, sequel or perhaps the plug just pulled on it. I say that not in anger or malice but its just sad to look at. I think a refresh of it and dialed back to what worked, along with balancing would make it fun again. Miss the SVS, strongest, FoC etc. Along with the dungeon runs. Really though, I just have a touch of nostalgia. My wife and daughter all used to play this game but time moves on. Just wish something would change with it. Anyways, miss all the old players. Love ya, take care everyone!
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