Just a POLITE TRUTH reason about "Macroing" - Ragnarok Online - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Just a POLITE TRUTH reason about "Macroing"

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#1 Masamok


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Posted 08 August 2020 - 04:38 PM

I know from the start, people hates Third Party Program - Bot - Gray World - Game Card Resizer - ETC.
But to be HONEST? I used all of this since I played this game (Its just nice to say the truth than to wear your mask and show that your innocent). and learned that all of this was Wrong and Illegal

But these thing called Macroing, people now hated this too since bot are out, because they think that it is one of those Third Party Program. Let me say this, just an opinion cause its my right ofc hehe. Macroing is a complicated thing on this game, I know, if you use this while your hand is on your keys then its good. But if you use this for AFKing then Good Luck. Im no hating those people who uses this kind of "GAME TRICK" :ph34r:  cause it is a skill. "Did you know that before you can make a code for macro, you study the game first?" because you are using your mind and it was cool and awesome. Were a human and were born to think without limits, thats why we made an AI for our deeds :lol: and its FUN! XD

But in my case, I use Macro due to my hand was broken... you know? I got an arm injury on my left arm when I was a kid. But  Ro become part of my childhood :Emo_12: , I know I am not suppose to do somethings like this, because its not healthy. BUT I LOVE RO :ani_swt3: , even if GX :fighter:  are still VERY OP /gg. But then if you dont believe me, its hard for me to play with my one arm only. but it didnt stop there, I think for possible way to play this game. then I found this auto click application. I started to upgrade my mouse, did buy my Gaming mouse the one with 5keys + scrolls? if you know that.

the one look like this... I use AHK to those keys for the configuration keys in game.
its hard for me in the beginning, because I need to think the codes for the game skills to be function.
then I upgrade to auto click when I use this on some keys also. Yes I got tired also, and just watching my game AHKing/AFKing cuz its hard to spam keys with all of your fingers.

now can someone please Appreciate my Condition and my Mind(because I did ways just to play this game :Emo_15: )?
because of the condition and reason of AHKing on game? please rate me for that then hehe. calling for GMs attention also Hi :ok: .

but every time I AHK-ing on RO someone PM me that they will report me :hmm:
and they've said I will get banned forever. Can I just play on my free time, Sit - Hit the AHK & Ro - and then - Relax? :p_laugh:
but If you dont want my Topic now you can now report me.

theres a lot of game also out there that we can play, but for me it is fun to play this game, isnt?
now hoping that everyone will notice me XD

and If you guys wanted to know how to Macro - I can help also hehe

just use AHK/Macro for good reasons.

hope the you guys enjoy your game, Im expecting that I will get banned because someone reported me now :p_cry:
and maybe this is my last play, byee love you all!

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#2 Masamok


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Posted 08 August 2020 - 04:44 PM

If you want a video of me playing with one hand I can show you, hehe if its impossible on your mind that I can do that.


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