I used to play ragnarok online few years ago due lovely animated toons with wonderful stories and concept. And I few days I found out there were Ragnarok Online 2 live as well. So here I am!
Reason I start this post is to ask few question about newbi question hopefully it get answered.
1. Is there major difference of class skill and role from Ragnarok online?
2. I love taking role as a support class which used to be High Priest back in Ragnarok online. But I see there is a new class something similar called Alter in here. What's the difference between them and more suggestable for support lover?
3. I also love crafting food for sharing, and I see there are more than food for crafts in Ragnarok 2. May I ask which one does what?
4. Since I'm new to Ragnarok Online 2, is it hard to level and accumulate consumable & zenny by soloing as an acolyte/priest?
5. I used Steam to download and play Ragnarok Online 2. Is there any disadvantage?
Thank you and I'll be seeing you guys at the game!