Help for a returning SC - Thief Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Help for a returning SC

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#1 kingberger


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Posted 13 March 2024 - 10:59 AM

Hey Guys I'm returning to the game and I'm trying to make this SC work out, I think the idea when I created it was nostalgia for when we could only get up to rouge and I had a bow build with trifecta blow from monk and a sidewinder card, just that worked out great! and it was a ton of fun.

I think I got carried away with the ability to do Frenzy from the thief guild accesory and I might have messed up everything or it just might not be a viable build anymore

My stats are 100 agi, 120 dex, 120 luk


I'm only 155 and I have these items:


Not sure why I did 2x hunter fly? that I find kinda weird but what I did notices is that in getting to do Frenzy my plagiarism is only lvl 6 with no preserve, my reproduce is only lvl 5 and it seems like I might have been going for shadowspell that doesn't seem to work with bows anyways (fortunately only 3 points so far so it's fixable)

Should I just get a sidewinder card again? and put maybe a skel archer card for generic extra damage?

Thoughts on getting a ring of the flame lord instead of the temporal ring or the other option is to put a bongun or a wind ghost card in it. What would be better?

Lastly should I focus on getting preserve so I don't loose my trifecta blow? and then copy duple light with my reproduce? which one should I prioritize?


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#2 smurpet


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Posted 20 March 2024 - 04:59 AM

triangle shot all the way. focus on leveling first until abyss chaser.. reset skill stats and get gears forvtriangle shot
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