Antonio and Santa have been fighting with each other for a long time, over the peace and stability of Lutie and christmas.
Recently, Antonio seems to have gone into hiding and recruited many monsters to aid him in this year's Christmas to make sure his attempt to overthrow Santa is finally successful.
Santa has gotten hold of this information and decides to take action and to protect Christmas once again.
1st Quest.
Fortify the fort! All levels
Players will have to collect items to help fortify the fort that Santa is building to defend against the monsters under Antonio. Different level ranges will have to collect different items.
Lv 1~10
All kinds of trunks (i.e. barren trunk, fine-grained trunk, etc.)
Lv 11~30
Trunk (no prefix)
Lv 31~60
Lv 61+
(GMs will decide how much to collect, maybe add a higher drop chance of these items from crystals and higher spawn rates of crystals)
Reward : Christmas Tokens (maybe the picture of a poring coin?)
2nd Quest.
Sneaky sneak...surprise! All levels
Occasionally, probably a few times an hour, many monsters spawn in Santa's house and player can kill them to get more christmas tokens. (Sry if i copied ur idea....)
3rd Quest (1st Part).
To side with Antonio Level 30+
When a party of 5 players enter a chatroom created by Antonio(somewhere in Lutie), they will embark on a mini instance. They will be teleported to an empty Santa's house map and kill any monsters from Santa (A large wave of porings,then poporings, then marins and then out comes 2 angelings) After all the monsters are killed, Antonio would have done his messing wih Santa's gifts, all players will be warped back to Lutie.
Reward : Christmas Tokens (Stolen by Antonio)
3rd Quest (2nd Part).
To side with Santa Level 30+
Same as above but in this case, Santa is trying to find the bombs that Antonio has set and destroy them, monsters will come out to stop him and players will have to kill them.
Reward : Christmas Tokens
4th Quest
Ensued war All levels
Antonio finally decides his all-out war and brings his whole bunch of monsters to Lutie to fight, Lutie Field 1 will be filled with monsters from both sides. There will be a warper at the entrance of Lutie field to warp players between Lutie and Aldebaran. These monsters have a lower chance of dropping Christmas coins.
5th Quest
A secret mission Level 50+
Santa finally comes up with a plan to crush Antonio but without war. He sends players to Antonio's hideout to find out more.
Player goes to hideout and reads an open diary.(Hideout : Probably use bios quest room?) Diary states that Antonio was possessed and the real him is trapped inside the red bag that he carries around all day long. Player returns to Santa to tell the news and Santa tells player to sneak up on Antonio to try and release what was in the bag. Player goes to talk to Antonio and release what was in the bag, then the spirit that possessed Antonio hits Player for 50% of his life before flying away. Return to Santa for EXP reward + Christmas Coins
6th Quest
The final expulsion Level 50+ (Previous quest as pre-requisite)
Santa found out that the spirit that possessed Antonio was actually one of those that escaped from an underground soul chamber. (Santa will teleport player to soul chamber. Maybe put this soul chamber as a the one in the Eye of Hellion quest, or most would remember as the Nile rose quest) The 1st time is free to enter where a monster with the Reincarnation of Morocc (spirit form) appears, only that the name changes to Antonio's Spirit. Its much weaker than the original but still a challenge. After this is comepleted, players can talk to an npc in the chamber to warp back to santa's house and collect a reward for this, probably more Christmas coins. After this, players may pay 30 christmas coins to bring a whole party in and the npc in there will spawn a random boss type monster when talked to and agreed. The highest chance being a miniboss like probably Vocal or Vagabond wolf.
7th Quest
Clearing of the remains ALL levels
Santa tell players to kill monsters accoridng to their lv and return for a christmas coin reward.
Turn ins :
There will be a kafra npc by santa to exchange coins
1 coin : 20 Red potions, 5 Yellow Potions or 1 white
5 coins : 10 blue potions, dead branch
10 coins : poring box
20 coins : Antonio's Santa hat, Santa's beard
50 coins : OCA, Bloody Branch
100 coins : MCA
Exp turn in :
Players will enter how many coins that will want to turn in and get exp worth that much.

Heres my Christmas event suggestion~
Started by
, Aug 09 2010 11:08 PM
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