so, yeah. how about this for an idea.
santa's throwing an xmas party for the brandos. he needs gifts, food and other stuff. (could change this to the turn in NPCs? "for all the hard work they have done over the year")
gifts could include:
1) forged weapons. this will give people with smiths something to do. cutter the kitchen for granny brando ? father brando wants an axe so he can chop logs? weapons should be the easier ones to make. lvl 1 weapons so people who want to self sustain can make a low lvl smith and forge for themselves. no weapons that require large quantities of steel, ori, etc (aka, the annoying stuff to collect).
2) cooked foods for the party. nice item hunt. keep it to low level food that doesn't drop from monsters/items, and ones that don't requires overly rare ingredients. also encourages people to make chef hats, hunt items, do various quests.
3) monster cards. any. ditch those useless cards that are clogging everyone's storage. one of the kids is an avid collector maybe?
4) basic item collection. dog wants x amount of bones, grandpa's lost his dentures so he needs you to collect horrendous mouths to make a new set, little girl loves flower rings and wants one for each finger, etc etc. basic, easy to do stuff that makes people go to "old" places like payon caves and GH.
5) mother brando wants a beautiful new necklace, collect various non NPC gems (opals, pearls, aquamarines etc)
rewards could be:
repeatable jolly roger turn in style exp for each NPC completed. xmas style gears could replace the pirate style gears (santa hat, grandpa beard, antlers, pipe, red nose, etc)
event headgear after the first full completion. slotted top? event only box dropper? "special item" dropper? (similar to blanks, but not as abusable)
useful consumables (repeatable). ygg berries? green ales? (maybe a new version... xmas sherry?... chance to go blind on use ("blind drunk"))
useful consumables (non-repeatable, lvl dependant). HEBMs? lvl 10 foods?
i think basing it purely off a KC would be dull, and last year's quest was a bit slow since you could only do it once per chara, so after day 2-3 everyone had done it and the quest went silent. event HAS to be repeatable and worthwhile to keep the "festivities" going.
if this is of interest to the GMs, i'd be happy to further advise on items to keep the quest fair for all. the xmas quest shouldn't be "elitist" and have unfair items that "lowbies" can't hunt.

idea #1
Started by
, Aug 10 2010 04:06 AM
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