Cost to user: Time
Reward: Jingle Bells
Things that will be needed: Leaf Cat with a santa hat. Drops with a Santa hat. Jakk with a santa hat. Jingle Bells headgear item. Modify the Sohee Bells?
Oh no! Jakk and his group of bandits, consisting of a Drops, a Orc Warrior, a Leaf Cat, and a Goblin, have stolen the ornaments that go on the Prontera Christmas tree! After committing this act, all five of them split up taking a piece of the loot with them.
The players job is to track down these five and retrieve the stolen ornaments. 50 ornaments must be collected from each bandit. Each Bandit will be wearing a Christmas hat, to help them stand out from the others of their kind. Once the player collects all the ornaments they must meet the Nun in Prontera who requested the ornaments to be returned, and receive their reward. However once they return to the Nun, she warns them that a ambush has been set up. At this point Jakk and his group of bandits will spawn once more, and the player must defeat them to earn her/his reward. After finally putting a end to Jakk and his bandit gang, the entire area around the Christmas Tree will be blessed for 30 seconds. Everyone in the vicinity will receive +10 to all stats, for 30 minutes. Depending on the level of the player they will receive a set amount of experience as well.
Reward: Jingle Bells
Two small bell ornaments set on each side of the head to give the wearer a adorable look.

Int + 2 MDEF +3
ATK 5%
-10 Flee
Edited by Maka, 17 August 2010 - 09:26 PM.