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Give your favorite monsters a story!

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#1 KingOfBabylon


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 04:19 PM

There was once a thread like this on the old forums, it was awesome and fun. So, ignoring all lore, make up your own story for some RO monsters! Ever wonder if the Loli in Loli Ruri could refer to something else?

Ruri always loved playing at night time. She thought she could handle herself so she often would sneak out at night; mostly to play with her friend she named Loli. Loli was a black cat, that for some reason, everyone denied existing. No one's ever seen her, let alone believed she could talk. On this particular night, Ruri was especially happy to go play with Loli, for it was her 10th birthday! "Loli! I've brought you a piece of my birthday cake!" "And what a lovely piece it is! Thank you!" Loli replied gratefully. After she finished the slice of cake, the two played, rolling around in the grass, hide and seek, and climbing trees.

"Up here, Ruri!" Loli meowed from a high in a tree. "The moon is pretty from here!" young Ruri said to Loli. "Well, I better get home now." Ruri said was she began climbing down. Loli nodded. We'll play again tom-" Ruri's words were cut short as she slipped, falling quite a ways to the ground. "NO!" Loli shouted.

She lept from branch to branch till she reached the ground where Ruri had fallen. She licked Rrui's hand, there was no response. "I must get help." Loli ran into the town screaming, a bit scared since she had avoided contact with anybody besides Ruri. "HELP! IS ANYBODY THERE?" Lights flickered on, and doors opened. "You must come with me at once to the forest! Ruri! She's -" "A talking cat! A demon! What have you done with Ruri, demon!?" Demanded a man who Loli took to be her father. "In the forest, you must hurry!" Loli replied. Someone shouted out "The demon must have done something horrible to her and now she's trying to lure us out too!" Someone in the back yelled. "Never trust a demon!" A woman yelled. "Get that thing before it destroys us all!" Another man yelled. Loli turned to run but not before getting struck by somethin hard. A stinging sensation filled her body as she retreated back to the forest.

By the time she reached Ruri again, she could barely stand or keep conscious. Staring up at the moon one last time, she cuddled against Ruri, the only human that had ever treated her with kindness. She closed her eyes for the last time.
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#2 Droyd


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 04:21 PM

Your user icon suits this post well
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#3 Miii


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 04:33 PM

... Should I really bother?
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#4 Tigra


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 04:36 PM

oh wtf... do not like sad stories
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#5 Fibrizzo


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 04:42 PM

What are you smoking? I wanna taste it xD
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#6 KingOfBabylon


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 04:42 PM

What are you smoking? I wanna taste it xD

Obviously pinapple express =P

Edited by KingOfBabylon, 02 April 2011 - 04:54 PM.

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#7 Shenn


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 06:32 PM

That's just too sad :o

Edited by Shenn, 02 April 2011 - 06:36 PM.

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#8 Evionne


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 07:01 PM

That's just too sad :o

To be fair, it is about a monster that resides in the Realm of the Dead.
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#9 Oda



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Posted 02 April 2011 - 07:36 PM

I'm sorry but the magnolia still has the saddest backstory.
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#10 KingOfBabylon


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 07:49 PM

I'm sorry but the magnolia still has the saddest backstory.

What's magnolia's back story? =)
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#11 Miii


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 08:32 PM

A chicken egg getting fried in the hot desert?
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#12 Nitro


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 09:45 PM

Hmm, interesting read. Have you ever tried writing longer stories?
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#13 kati3


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 09:56 PM

Nice story but where do i get magnolia's backstory?
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#14 Sera


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Posted 02 April 2011 - 10:08 PM

You see, one day a man went out into the desert alone to take a piss. Some angry Arabs came along and chopped off his manhood before killing him. They buried his corpse so it wouldn't haunt them, but they forgot to bury his manhood, and so now it swims around through the sand seeking eternal vengence on the Arabs and hopes for a proper funeral.

Thus was born Hode.

Loli Ruri got lost and ended up in the desert where she ran into Hode.

Thus was born Magnolia.
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#15 KingOfBabylon


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Posted 03 April 2011 - 01:52 AM

Hmm, interesting read. Have you ever tried writing longer stories?

Well, there's 2-in-one I thought up in the old thread that is a lil longer. I like my ideas, but my writing is...crappy. Inc: Wall of text.

Love stories don't always have a happy ending. Payon was going through a time where marriages were arranged and women were not equal. Sohee was young and had feelings for a boy named Jacus Yao Jun who made arrows for a living. He was funny, witty, charming, friendly, and cute. He and Sohee had been friends since childhood but she never told him that she had fallen in love with him.

One day, Sohee's parents had some surprising news for her. They had chosen a husband for her and they were to be wed in a week. Sohee was bound by law to honor her parents wishes and bound by her feelings of not wanting to disappoint her parents either. Sohee and Relaus was married the next week and moved on the border of Payon. Sohee kept her sadness suppressed for a year. Relaus was a kind husband, nice, but Sohee still only had love for Jacus, but never could tell her parents or Relaus. Sohee knew it was only a matter of time before Relaus would take her. Sohee knew it was her obligation as his wife to give IT to him if he requested it. The sad time had come when he had..Sohee lay dieing inside.

The next evening, while Relaus was out, she went to his shelf and took the symbol of her chastity, a simple knife. She then ran away taking nothing with her but the clothes on her back and the chastity knife. She had to find Jacus and tell him her feelings. She made her way to his arrow shop and watched a moment from a distance. She saw him, the one guy she truely loved, embracing a young lady. Sohee was heartbroken..she ran as far as she could into the woods. She sat crying for about an hour before she took her knife and ended her pain with it.

Munak never knew Sohee but attended her funeral anyway because Jacus was a childhood friend of Sohee. Munak and Jacus Yao Jun was another arranged marriage. Munak, like Sohee, was not in love with the man chosen for her. She had feelings for Jacus's friend, Bongun.

She had met Bongun a few days after she had met Jacus. She liked him from the moment that she met him. She feigned being happy to please everyone around her. She spent a lot of time with Bongun, only on friend terms though. She wrote in her diary about everyday and the true feelings she had about him. She kept a lock on her diary though, of course, and hid it too.

Time passed, and Munak had fallen deeply in love with Bongun and had to tell him her feelings. She had gone walking with him through the forest and tried to explain as best she could her situation. Bongun did not say whether or not he felt the same, he only said "I must go give this some thought." She wrote in her diary about how eager she was for his response. She felt as giddy as a young school girl but afraid of what everyone would think about her going against arranged marriages. She waited a few days, but there was no word from Bongun. She gone outside often hoping he would visit, but he had not. She looked through the town in hopes of seeing him, but she did not.

She nonchalantly asked Jacus if he and Bongun were going to do anything together during a conversation. Jacus looked down and said "He's dead." Munak looked at him in shock. "What happened!?" she asked. "He was found murdered in Payon Cave. There was a gash across his face and he had been strangled. The killer also left a painting of Bongun after he had died." Munak remained a calm sort of sad on the outside, but was heartbroken on the inside.

The next week, she had gone out shopping for a new kimono to wear at the funeral. She overheard a group of men talking. "It's sad, he was such a popular young lad, hard worker too." "Did anyone ever find out how he died?" "No, only the soldiers know the details and aren't allowed to talk about it, probably died in a terrible way though." "Yes, none of the townsfolk seem to know anything except that Bongun was found dead in Payon Cave." Munaks eyes widens in shock and fear. "Then..then how did Jacus.." she said to herself. She suddenly felt very frightened as she figured the truth out herself.

She ran as fast as she could home, she stopped only once to vomit at the thought of what she knew happened. She had to retrieve her diary in case her husband had ever found it. She ran to her room as soon as she got home. She opened her drawer and grabbed her diary and turned to leave. She came face to face with Jacus Yao Jun.

"Going somewhere?" he asked as he plucked the diary from her hands. "Any new entries?" he asked as he pulled a key out of his pocket and opened it to read. Her eyes widened in terror as he skimmed through the pages. " killed him!" She yelped. He closed the diary and hit her hard across the face with it knocking her to the floor. "Yes I did. I loved you, more than anything, but that wasn't good enough for you. I was never good enough for you!!" He shouted.

He kept Munak tied up all day until night, when he dragged her to Payon cave..

Edited by KingOfBabylon, 03 April 2011 - 01:59 AM.

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