Decent level 85-100 training spots for rogues? - New Player Zone and General Guides - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Decent level 85-100 training spots for rogues?

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#1 Travalanche


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:04 AM

Okay I'm currently a level 88 dagger-gank build rogue and here are my base stats without bonuses... 86 str, 76 agi, and 40 dex. Basically I have been leveling at petites because they seem to rarely hit me and die at a decent pace but I'm beginning to level slow at them. My rogue is my ONLY character so I have no funding for potions and I have no friends either so I can't join a party and I haven't yet anyways so I'm used to soloing.

I attempted the clock tower/turtle island/ chaos druids but I tend to get hit a TON "especially at the clock tower even with over 340 flee" so those places are not an option, also I only have 200k and I'm trying to at least make a slight profit when I level or I will never be able to rebirth so take that into consideration, anyways give me a few tips for places to train, thanks.

Edited by Travalanche, 13 April 2011 - 09:11 AM.

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#2 Puppet


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:14 AM

Can try GH churchyard and kill Dark priest, just avoid darklord
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#3 Travalanche


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:17 AM

ok, I'll check it out thanks.
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#4 Travalanche


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:32 AM

Can try GH churchyard and kill Dark priest, just avoid darklord

Im at glastheim where exactly is the churchyard, the gargoyles are a tad tough and I'm using an average of 4 yellow pots on each for okay exp so hopefully it isnt that bad.
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#5 Travalanche


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 09:40 AM

Okay to hell with glast heim, that place always makes me go bankrupt and I dont enjoy abyssal knights throwing me around. I have no idea why everyone tells me to go there, it's honestly a death trap unless you are totally funded and I'm still using eden 3 equipment due to not having any zeny at all even at almost max level...

Edited by Travalanche, 13 April 2011 - 09:41 AM.

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#6 soudou


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 10:32 AM

Okay to hell with glast heim, that place always makes me go bankrupt and I dont enjoy abyssal knights throwing me around. I have no idea why everyone tells me to go there, it's honestly a death trap unless you are totally funded and I'm still using eden 3 equipment due to not having any zeny at all even at almost max level...

Glast Heim is very large with many different maps of different difficulties. Though 3 maps in particular are the most popular these days, GH Churchyard, Sewers and Chivalry. The last 2 are for high levels past 100+. It sounds like you're wandering around the surface area with grass etc. and haven't gone inside? Abysmal Knights are very few on the surface (only 2 and slow moving so easy to avoid) but they are WAY out of your range, they are for players level 107+. To get to the Churchyard here is the way:

1) From the surface map go to the lower bottom area, in the middle (there should be a red dot on your minimap around there to indicate there is a door). You should see some wide steps leading up to a door portal.
2) Head to the bottom right dot (on the minimap) portal. You can kill the Wraiths and Evil Druid on the way.
3) That is the churchyard. Kill Dark Priests, Wraiths and Evil Druid (as well as the pests Mimic and Hunter Fly). Avoid Dark Lord boss monster. Best with Fire or Holy endow.

Here is what the map should look like on your minimap. Right in the center is a sort of semi-safe spot by the way (not totally safe but you'll find many resting or party sharing there).

If those are too hard try Stapos (again faster with Fire Endow). If you're on a VIP account/subscription to get to them use the Prontera warper (from the lower left spawn point, go up to the wall then head left until you see a pink dress/white apron/brown hair girl) to go to Juno. Then head up and left of the Kafra NPC to the same pink dress NPC to warp to Rachel. From Veins use the yellow hair/red coat NPC to warp to Veins and exit south of town.

On a non-VIP account you may have to use Kafra from Prontera to warp to Izlude then take the airship system from Izlude (bottom right) to Juno then Rachel I think (been awhile since I had to use airships along that way).

This is the Stapos map:

There is also Roweens which is the map you end up on after exiting the Rachel airship. Or from rachel town just go out the right-side exit.

This is a good site to search for monsters in range (which is 15+ levels at the most):

By the way if thats really your only character you should make a Merchant character and get it a few levels just for Overcharge and Discount. So you can sell items to NPCs for more zeny. And also buy potions cheaper. It can also vend items to other players to make zeny. You can check if any items are worth selling to other players on Ragial:

Best of luck.

Edited by soudou, 13 April 2011 - 10:52 AM.

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#7 Travalanche


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 11:58 AM

TY so much for the in-depth reply, It's just that I have to drink at least a 40oz of beer to be able to grind efficiently for some reason, which can make it hard to concentrate on potting which is why I prefer to fight easier monsters, I'll try the churchyard though. Oh, and as I mentioned earlier I'm broke as well so If I ever hope to afford rebirthing it's sort of required considering that I only have 120k currently and I need 1.3 mil LOL...

Edited by Travalanche, 13 April 2011 - 12:00 PM.

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#8 soudou


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 03:18 PM

Oh, and as I mentioned earlier I'm broke as well so If I ever hope to afford rebirthing it's sort of required considering that I only have 120k currently and I need 1.3 mil LOL...

Are you on Valkyrie or Ygg? Bots do make it a bit tougher to make zeny sadly due to lowering value of low-level items. For example, on Ymir, Bear Footskins from the easy Bigfoots at Payon go for 5,000 each (I made 1,500,000 zeny today dropping 300 in someones Buy Store) but only 600~1,000 on Valkyrie.
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#9 Travalanche


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Posted 13 April 2011 - 03:24 PM

Are you on Valkyrie or Ygg? Bots do make it a bit tougher to make zeny sadly due to lowering value of low-level items. For example, on Ymir, Bear Footskins from the easy Bigfoots at Payon go for 5,000 each (I made 1,500,000 zeny today dropping 300 in someones Buy Store) but only 600~1,000 on Valkyrie.

Oh I'm on Ygg.
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#10 Dukeares


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 10:04 PM

mmm how about grinding on harpy and Goat..since both of their drops worth a lot when overcharge to NPC.

Since ygg a new server and Rougues are ur first character it might be better for long term future if priority are given to farm for zeny first.Since the server is still new and like every new server They need some 1 who can help them in OC and DC .Try make a Merchant and while leveling on ur Rogues. Have ur merchant put up OC and DC Service Chat in the tool shop at the same time in Pront and give/charge 20% OC and DC and keep the remaining as profit.
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#11 Anko


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Posted 15 April 2011 - 09:24 AM

See if someone will let you join the harpy or medusa turn ins.
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#12 DrAzzy


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Posted 15 April 2011 - 10:07 AM

Joining a harpy turnin party would be your best bet. And i'd have said harpies in general for soloing, esp if you're short on cash and on ygg.

I have to drink at least a 40oz of beer to be able to grind efficiently for some reason

Interesting, I was never able to grind if I'd had more than a drink or two. I've done Okolnir, Sealed Shrine, and Endless Tower in parties while wasted, but I can't seem to stay focused on soloing while drunk.
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