Post-Gunslinger Quest Help
Started by
, May 01 2011 09:47 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 01 May 2011 - 09:47 AM
Once I completed the Gunslinger quest I couldn't find a way to get back to Prontera. I'm base level 13 so walking there isn't an option and I ran around trying different methods, ended up in Juno and the kafra employees don't teleport there so now I'm stuck with basically no zeny back in the Gunslinger Laboratory. Also, how do I get from Prontera to Prontera Culvert? Thanks in advance

Posted 02 May 2011 - 12:10 PM
Take the airship, get off at Juno, and switch to international flights. (The Kafra will be hidden so move your camera so you can see her next to the domestic flight Kafra.) Once you get on the international airship, depart for Izlude and walk to Prontera. If you're on Valkyrie, watch out for dead branch monsters!
To get to culverts, go to the Prontera Chivalry in the upper left corner of the map. There should be a guard NPC in there that asks you to clean out the sewers. Register for the volunteering and he'll warp you to the culverts. (He'll only do this once, though.)
If you don't want to go through all that, head out the west gate of Prontera and go down towards the closest stream. Follow the stream to the right until you see a guard. Talk to the guard and he'll warp you into the culverts.
To get to culverts, go to the Prontera Chivalry in the upper left corner of the map. There should be a guard NPC in there that asks you to clean out the sewers. Register for the volunteering and he'll warp you to the culverts. (He'll only do this once, though.)
If you don't want to go through all that, head out the west gate of Prontera and go down towards the closest stream. Follow the stream to the right until you see a guard. Talk to the guard and he'll warp you into the culverts.
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