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Starting out with Spare Card

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#1 Anxe


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Posted 09 May 2011 - 11:46 AM

I was wondering if it would be best for me (from level 1) to equip the card and level up with it, or to sell it. I am not sure what the drop rate is like with the blank cards, though I did see that with the Medal rewards you can turn in for base/job exp and also with 1500 medals you can get a pretty nice weapon.

Also what would people estimate the average cost to be to *decently* equip a combo monk for the trans->third journey? This may have some bearing on what I decide to do with the spare card.

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#2 Axiluvia


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Posted 09 May 2011 - 12:57 PM

Well, depending on what server you're on, the spare card itself can go for 300 million or so... and blank cards themselves can be worth 5-20k, again, depending on the server. The drop rate, from what I've noticed, is about 2%.

Personally, I'd make a throwaway mage to fireball a ton of low level mobs (like ant eggs, or whatnot), to get a bunch of blank cards together, and sell, or use those.

You can also trade in the hugel badges for things like taming gift sets, old blue boxes, or certain level 4 weapons, again, all of which sell for a nice price. I would say it's much more worth keeping the spare card and selling other things then selling the spare card itself.
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#3 DrAzzy


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Posted 09 May 2011 - 01:29 PM

Spares are worth a fortune (looks like over 100m, but not by that much - not 300m as Axiluvia stated*) on valk (while being non-existent on Ygg, since that server was created after the event that brough Spares), because of the high demand there by users of illegal third party programs (Valk, due to it's free nature, has always been more heavily botted). Obviously, if you've got a bot killing 24/7, a spare card is a lot more valuable than it is to someone killing a few hours a day.

On Ymir, on the other hand, spares are worth only 25-30m (barring the one idiot vending some that aren't going to sell for 99m each). Blanks drop at 1% rate. On Valk, blanks are ~30k each, on Ymir, maybe more like 40k each.

So if we assume the price on valk is 120m for spare, 30k for blanks, that's 4,000 blanks to pay off the cost of the spare, or 400,000 monsters. Thats a damned long payback period!
So, if you're on Valk, you'd probably be better off selling it - you'd get alot more out of having that cash early on, than holding onto the card and finally earning what you could have gotten from selling it after several years (unless you're really hardcore).

On Ymir, let's call the price 30m for spare, 40k for blanks, meaning 750 blanks to pay off the cost of the spare, or 75,000 monsters. You'll hit that at some point in third job on your first char (late third job, i think), by my back-of-the-eyelid calculations. Here, it's worth considering keeping it.

As for the cost of decently equipping a char, I have no goddamned clue.... Depends how you define decently! One man's decent is another man's garbage and a third man's epic.
If I were to go out on my genetic wearing my +8 HF (low hundered m iirc), +7 immune nyd (1xx m), variants (40m), etc, I might call myself decently geared. I know plenty of people though who would consider that axe to be amazing. And I know a few people who feel that it would be a waste of time to use a genetic without a hammer and at least one belt (billions). So, i don't really know how to answer "how much does it cost to gear class X" questions, because everyone will answer that differently, depending on their resources.

You'll at least need an immune nyd, and variant shoes for a sura... Plus weapon.....

*I know at one point on valk they were worth that much

Edited by DrAzzy, 09 May 2011 - 01:30 PM.

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#4 Axiluvia


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Posted 09 May 2011 - 02:11 PM

Well, I played on Valk, and quit for a bit, so didn't fully check prices when I came back and transferred stuff to Ygg. And from what I've seen, they seem to drop around 1-2%, but maybe it's different with a VIP versus non account as well...

Also, the hugel badge rewards might be worth keeping in and of themselves, if you'd rather get them through the cards and badges, then say, farming for them. Taming gift sets, for example, equal out to 100 blank cards, and for 6000 blank cards (yes, it's a lot), you could get something like... say, Excalibur, Ice Pick, Hatii Claw, or Grand Cross.

Of course, me, enjoying cute pets, and having like... 10 characters to outfit, I feel that keeping it is worth a bit more than selling it. If you're just outfitting one character, then yeah, might be better to sell it.

And like I said, if you don't mind spamming fireballs on ant eggs (or other AoEs on low level mobby stuff), you can get them fairly quickly. Just from the week we've had them on Ygg, we have about 150 blank cards. Of course, we transferred three spares, and have been having at least one character use them whenever we go out ;)

Edited by Axiluvia, 09 May 2011 - 02:13 PM.

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#5 Anxe


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Posted 09 May 2011 - 02:23 PM

Thank You for your replies. I will certainly take your thoughts into consideration. I am thinking I might hold onto the card and get a few medals to turn in for the exp repeatable. If that doesn't seem like a worthwhile venture then I may end up selling it.
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#6 Andini


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Posted 11 May 2011 - 09:20 AM

sell it while you can, people are xferring a bunch of spare cards from ymir, and prices for spares are dropping. it prob will stabalize sometime in the future, but not sure if you're willing to hold it that long.
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