Simplest Class To Understand? - New Player Zone and General Guides - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Simplest Class To Understand?

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#1 xVerit


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Posted 14 May 2011 - 08:58 AM

There are a lot of topics about what class is good for a beginner, but i would like to just start as a class that is not confusing. I see some classes that require a lot of attention to stats, skills, equips, and other things. Is there a class where I could just pump one or two stats, focus on a few skills, and start with as a beginner? I was going to go thief, but I'm having trouble choosing bow or dagger, dex or agi; some people have different opinions and its quite complicated for me as a newcomer. So what is the simplest class to start as in regards to stats and things? Would it be going as a thief and pumping agi, or a swordsman and pumping str? Any help would be highly appreciated, I'm just overwhelmed by all of these builds and such! :o Thanks in advance! :P
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#2 iCandy


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Posted 14 May 2011 - 09:50 AM

There's no class that's easy. esp if you are reaching high levels already. i suggest that you do your research. iROwiki is a good place to start.
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