Meant as a guide not a definite instruction. I've tried to cover all bases, and hopefully someone completely new to raiding can read this and learn something. May not be 100% correct as I've done this from memory =/
Also, I'm sure there are other ways to do these bosses but I find these methods work for me.
The number of healers and boss kill times etc are based on non-capped party members with average gear.
Terms used~
DoT - Damage over time
AoE - Area of effect
RH - Ruinhorn
DC - Doom Cheras
LW - Lord Werinuman
JS - Jacob Shrine
Short pointers~
- Don't forget to set drops! It WILL happen x.x
- Warlords' and Elementalists' HP buffs are very useful.
- Don't over-buff. Too many buffs will cause your HP buffs to be kicked off.
- Wait for tank to get sufficient aggro before attacking.
- Make sure everyone's pet auto-loot is turned off.
- You can remove bosses' resistance buffs by using an Avenger's pet, or using Posession Beast skills to over-buff the boss to kick them off.
- All tank HPs stated are when buffed, which may include WL and Elem HP buffs.
Alongside the main tank and the healers, it's a good idea to bring~
- Warlord to buff everyone's HP and short range damage. They can also debuff defence
- Elementalists can buff your party's HP, magic damage and resistances. They can also debuff the bosses's resistances.
- Mystics can buff your party's fire and physical damage. Their heal totem removes DoT and is very useful in some raids.
- Forsakers can debuff the bosses's fire resistance by up to 43%. Coupled with Mystics' Bloodlust buff this makes for very fast boss kills.
- Tempests can buff attack speed and short range damage.
- L79 Avengers can capture Disgust Hunters from Secret Temple that can kick the buffs from bosses. Very useful for some raids! They also have defence debuffs.
- Dominators' Kazara familiar can slow bosses' movement speed by 50%, which is very useful for kiting raids. Their pets provide additional targets to soak up AoEs, and they also have a defence debuff.
Healing and looking after the party~
- It is the Radiants' job is to heal the tank first and party second. Their two party heals at maximum level have only 8 and 10 targets. The party heals will mostly be targeted at the tank, meaning anyone not within 20m of the tank (or less, depending on the heal's level) will not be hit by the heal. If you're not receiving any heals move around until you do - the party heals hit the same people every time so if you stay put you will never get them!
- As the best heal-over-time (HoT) class, party healing is the Mystics' job. They need at act as DoT removers and party healers first and DPS second, which can be frustrating with so much DPS at their disposal. In raids with DoT, it is vital the Mystics work together and alternate heal totems to avoid downtime. This is done more easily if there are more mystics! They need to look after the people the Radiants' party heals miss.
- Elementalists have very useful buffs - HP, magic attack and resistance, and also a resistance debuff for the bosses. The buffs are single-target and have 20 second cooldowns, meaning it takes 5 minutes to buff the entire party; don't demand buffs and rush the elves when they're already buffing as fast as they can!
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- Tank with 14k HP
- 2-3 Radiants L65+
- Warlord and Elementalist for HP buffing melee classes
Ruinhorn has 3 phases~
- 100~75% HP - uses relatively weak attacks with no serious AoE. Easy phase.
- 75~25% HP - starts using Earthshock, ~20m range AoE that does 4-8k damage, and also stuns for a few seconds. You will probably need a Warlord and Elementalist to buff your melee people's HP so they can survive this. Casters can stand just out of Earthshock range and just about be in range to cast their ground-targeted skills.
- < 25% HP - begins summoning ghouls. Ruinhorn will choose a player and run to their location. RH will summon a ghoul or two there then continue attacking, which may be an immediate Earthshock. Your party will have to run to the other side of the lair to escape this, while the tank chases RH.
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- Tank with 11k HP
- Second tank for Dopplegangers
- 3 Radiants L65+
Biskra itself has relatively weak attacks, but can crit hard. Skills include~
- Geyser - 6-target 3-second stun that does 1700 damage
- Whirlpool - 8-target AoE that does ~2000 damage
- Weakening - cast on a random person and reduces their HP and MP to ~10%. Nasty if Biskra picks the tank to Weaken.
- Recovery of Sea - Biskra starts using that at about 50% HP. Recovers a small amount of HP, but will make the raid much longer if you don't have high DPS.
Every now and then Biskra will cast Deadly Sea. He will poop out a large black patch on the floor that damages anyone in it for 500 damage per second. The tank and party need to move as soon as this is being cast. In the last 20% of his HP, Biskra will cast this quite often. There's plenty of room in the cave so the party can stay well in front of the tank (see piccie).
During the fight, Biskra summons four Dopplegangers, at ~80, 60, 40 and 20% of his HP. It is a random pick of 3 types of dopple~
- Attack slow dopple - casts Overbearing Clamor - slows attack speed by 100%, movement speed by 80%. Weak to long-range physical damage.
- Cast slow dopple - casts Chaos Wall - slows cast time by 100%, movement speed by 80%. Weak to magic damage.
- Fear dopple - casts 15 sec of fear on your party. Nasty one. Weak to short-range physical damage.
The two types of slow dopple can be tanked by the main tank. Be wary of the movement speed slow however, as it can make avoiding Deadly Sea difficult if you don't start moving in time. Also the cast time slowing means heals will come less often. Be on the ball!
The fear dopples are nasty because they can fear your healers for ~15 seconds. They can be dealt with in a couple of ways~
- The second tank (this may be any class that can take aggro) leads it away from Biskra so the main tank and healers are not in range of its fear. A Radiant or the Mystics / Elementalists can help out with healing the dopple-tank.
- The Radiants use their Possession Beast to avoid the fear, and the main tank tanks the dopple. This is reliant on the Radiants having charged PBs, obviously.
- It IS possible to have the main tank tank the dopple while the healers stand as far as possible and out of fear range. While moving around from Deadly Sea this can be hard to do.
Doom Cheras
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- Tank with 15k HP
- 3 Radiants L70+
- 2+ Mystics L65+
- Warlord and Elementalist
Doom Cheras is a fun one. A small cave with lots of AoE and fear and silence to top it off. Without working well as a team this one will be very hard indeed. A bit of fire resistance doesn't hurt, but not many of DC's attacks are affected by it.
The first phase is nice and easy. DC has a couple of AoEs so stand outside of Mashing's range. Nice easy phase to get you warmed up.
After a while (~80% HP) DC will start using Scream of Gehenna. This will hit 8 people with a DoT of 1000 per 2 seconds, for 10 seconds. It seems to hit one additional tick immediately, so a total of 6k damage. Coupled with Mashing or the fire breath AoE, this can be bad news. Use your Mystics' heal totems to remove this DoT. With some timing and teamwork you have have one totem up all the time, and anyone with the DoT can run near it to get it removed.
At ~50% HP, DC will take a break from attacking to run around and summon a load of firedragons. These die easily enough in the AoEs of your casters, and DC will be too busy spawning them to attack anyone. A nice rest for the healers!
After this it's back to the Scream of Gehenna and normal attacks, but DC will use Fire Armour to make herself a bit tougher. If you got this far this bit won't be a problem.
At ~20% HP, DC will start using Horror of Death. This is a 15 second fear with a 30m range. You'll find a few of your party get feared out of the cave. There are a couple of ways of dealing with this~
- If your tank has enough HP to survive 15 seconds without heals, they can get themselves wedged in a buggy spot in the centre of the lair (see piccie) to avoid being feared out.
- The tank lures DC to one of the back corners (see piccie), one of the Radiants can wait at the opposite side of the cave out of fear range, and run in to cover the heals after fear is cast.
The last 5% or so is the tough bit. In addition to the fear, DC will use Silence of Eternity - a 10 second silence that stops any casting, including heals! Dealing with this depends on if your tank got stuck or not during fears.
- If they are stuck, the healers will have to go PB to avoid the fear, and hope the tank survives the 10 seconds they're silenced for.
- If not, the same method as #2 for the fears can still be used. If the Radiants alternate using PB this isn't really that hard!
Lord Werinuman
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- Tank with 10k+ HP
- 2-3 Radiants L70+
- Dominator L70+
- 2 tanks with ~15k HP and 60%+ fire resistance
- 2-3 Radiants L70+
LW's attacks themselves really aren't that bad. Some AoE and spell reflects, but the two biggest problems are the totems and the Statue of Werinuman lithify if it gets the tank.
The totems tick for ~650 damage per 2 seconds on a target with ~20% fire resistance, and LW can place up to 8 of them. Lots of damage.
Statue of Werinuman is cast on a random target and lithifies them for ~15 seconds. If this is the tank, they lose all aggro. This is the reason for having a second tank, who must taunt as well as the main tank to make sure they have second highest aggro in case this happens.
A L79 Avenger with Disgust Hunter pet can be used to kick some of LW's buffs, making for a faster kill.
This raid can be difficult if you don't work as a team, especially if not many people have high fire resistance. There are a couple of ways to do this raid.
- Kiting~
- Semi-kiting~
- Stand-tanking~
It is theoretically possible to just stand in one place and tank all 8 totems' damage if the whole party has 80% fire resistance - should be 1.2~1.3k damage per 2 seconds, which healers could cover. In theory.
Jacob Shrine Raids
There are 3 bosses in JS - Roboguard, Plugger and Tyrant. Killing any of them will bind you, so you might as well plan to kill them all!
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- Tank with 18k HP
- 3 Radiants L70+
- Warlord and/or Elementalist (party members will need 6k+ HP)
Roboguard has resistance buffs he uses during the fight, so takes a little longer than Plugger. His main damage on the tank comes from physical attacks and crits, over 6k sometimes. The tank's block rate should be high for this guy. He has attack and movement speed slowing debuffs for your party and only a couple of attacks to watch out for~
- Lightning Arrow - hits a random target for ~4k electric damage. Damage can be lowered with resistance.
- Needle Wheel - hits everyone for ~4.2k damage. This can't be resisted, so make sure your party can withstand this before attempting! Warlord and Elementalist HP buffs should easily get everyone over 7k HP.
This raid is easy if you have a well-geared tank and Radiants. A L79 Avenger with Disgust Hunter pet can be used to kick some of Roboguard's buffs, making for a faster kill.
Everyone should stand within 20m of the tank to be in party heal range. Mystics can help heal up the people stood further back that party heals miss. There's long enough between the Needle Wheel attacks to get everyone topped up.
Wiki link
- Tank with 18k HP
- 3 Radiants L70+
- Warlord and Elementalist
- 2+ Mystics
Plugger dies a little faster than Roboguard due to teh lack of resistance buffs, but he's a bit harder - he casts DoTs, many many DoTs!
He does similar melee damage to the tank as Roboguard.
The DoT skills Plugger uses tick up to 500 per 2 seconds, on the whole party. Mystics' heal totems are very useful to remove this, and they Mystics should work together to kept them up at all times. The attack to watch out for is Overvoltage. This hits around 3.7k and has a DoT of 500 per 2 sec afterwards. The initial damage is affected by resistance.
The two DoTs stack together, doing ~1000 per 2 sec, which if not removed by the heal totems quickly can be a lot of trouble! The more Mystics in the party the better.
Plugger also uses the same Lightning Arrow attack as Roboguard.
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- Tank with 20k+ HP
- 4 Radiants L70+
- Warlord and Elementalist
- 2+ Mystics
First off, everyone will need Curse resistance, at least 50% to be safe.
Tyrant is actually quite easy for the first 90%. He doesn't hit too hard on the tank physically, although he can use Vital Stimulation and double his attack strength for 7 seconds (5800 was max damage noted). Throughout the fight Tyrant will use various immunities so an Avenger with Disgust Hunter pet can be useful to remove them.
His skills include~
- Acidic Breath - 25m AoE, ~2000 curse damage (can be resisted) followed by 400 damage per 2 seconds, for 60 seconds.
- Bite - hits the tank (after ~50% HP changes to a random target) for a couple k damage, and 700 per 2 seconds, for 60 seconds.
- Heavy Blow - 25m AoE 5(?)-second stun, doing 2300 damage that cannot be resisted. Tank needs enough HP to live through this without heals.
- Sweep - Starts this at ~10% HP left - 20(ish)m AoE that hits ~2000 with 65% curse resistance. Might use 2 or 3 times in a row very quickly.
Tyrant requires a bit of positioning. The tank should take Tyrant to the back of his room, near the exit gate. This allows the party plenty of space in the rest of the room to get out of range of Tyrant if need be.
For the first 90% the AoE stun happens quite often, usually followed by Acidic Breath, so the Mystics must work together and time the heal totems so one is always up so the DoT can be removed even if everyone is stunned. Tyrant will use Bite on the tank and thump him for a while. The party must stay within 20m of the tank for heals and close to each other for the heal totems to be effective, or more than 25m away from Tyrant to avoid the AoE skills.
When Tyrant is down to ~50% HP, he will use Bite on random people in the party. It doesn't do much damage, and the DoT will be removed by the heal totems. This will however cause Tyrant to move away from the ideal tanking spot by the gate, so your tank must move him back after. Otherwise he carries on as normal.
The real fun comes when Tyrant is down to ~10% HP. This will be marked by him using the imaginatively-named Protective Shield That Relects Skills. This will... reflect skills back at your party by a certain chance and at a certain % of the original damage. Shouldn't be a problem, but it is distracting.
The Heavy Blow stuns will come thick and fast, every 20 seconds or so, and Tyrant will use Sweep on your party (which hits HARD). Curse resist really helps here - at 65% resistance it was hitting me for ~2000 damage.
He will also use Acidic Breath much more often, making it vital to keep those heal totems down to remove the DoT and help heal anyone the Radiants' party heals miss.
A couple of ways to deal with this last phase are~
- Everyone stays in the same place and at least the Radiants and Mystics use their Posession Beasts to avoid the stun. They should take it in turns to go PB, unless you have enough DPS to kill Tyrant in the 4 min the maxed PBs last.
- Half of the Radiants and Mystics move back out of the AoE range. The back Radiants chain-heal using party heals targeted at the front-line Radiants, and the Mystics continue dropping totems as close to Tyrant as possible. With this method the tank must be quick to move Tyrant back to the tanking spot after the random Bites so the back team doesn't get AoE'd. Other long-range DPS can move back too if they weren't back already.
Edited by tally, 21 July 2011 - 06:34 PM.