It seems that this WHOLE branch of classes has been dug into a furiously deep hole by overall neglect. Add to that, the fact that all the updates and item creation seem to benefit the same couple jobs OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. It feels like a high school clique and the extended jobs just aren't cool enough to get in. One thing that could be done is possibly looking at the jobs objectively and attempt not to skip over certain classes i.e. the extended ones. When you keep adding gear to jobs that ALREADY dominate and continue to ignore the ones that need boosts, you are effectively unbalancing everything. I mean, how much help did Sura's and Royal Guard's really need? I would just appreciate a little more equality in the updates. Thank you.

Extended Classes?
Started by
, Jul 13 2011 07:49 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 13 July 2011 - 07:49 AM
Posted 15 July 2011 - 02:10 PM
With the implementation of 3rd classes, Extended classes were made completely obsolete. Plain and simple.
BUT, on the bright side, there is work being done on Ninja and Gunslinger 2nd classes, wich will catch them up. Not make them on-par with 3rd jobs, but to put them back where they were before 3rds.
In my eyes, Extended classes aren't meant to be as powerful the as normal, organized classes. They're more of a fun class that you can play to take a break from the competitive, transcending-race play that usually goes on. That's why they're extended classes, with their own grouping. And why the Powers That Be aren't worried about bringing them up to 3rd-class tiers. It's also why I always feel a bit sad for the players that make Extended class jobs their main char. :x
However, I do agree that recent equipment implementations were pretty bad. Instead of helping the weaker classes with new gear, they went to the OP 3rds and made them some jank equipment that they didn't want, or need for that matter. I mean, what Sura is going to be running around using Sura's Rampage? :I
BUT, on the bright side, there is work being done on Ninja and Gunslinger 2nd classes, wich will catch them up. Not make them on-par with 3rd jobs, but to put them back where they were before 3rds.
In my eyes, Extended classes aren't meant to be as powerful the as normal, organized classes. They're more of a fun class that you can play to take a break from the competitive, transcending-race play that usually goes on. That's why they're extended classes, with their own grouping. And why the Powers That Be aren't worried about bringing them up to 3rd-class tiers. It's also why I always feel a bit sad for the players that make Extended class jobs their main char. :x
However, I do agree that recent equipment implementations were pretty bad. Instead of helping the weaker classes with new gear, they went to the OP 3rds and made them some jank equipment that they didn't want, or need for that matter. I mean, what Sura is going to be running around using Sura's Rampage? :I
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