Terribly stupid idea.
I don't understand what your hatred of god items is about.
If you play actively, by the time you're 9x trans (when you're trans (which is when you should expect to get endgame content) and high enough to use god items), and you are willing to be active in a guild and come to WoE, you should be able to get access to your guild's god item (or, well, you could have, before the merge on Ymir which forcibly unmade all the god items, so there's now a terrible shortage of assembled god items, and the GMs have not done anything to make them easier to create).
God item use is what you get for playing in an aggressive guild, where you're expected to pay attention and do your job in WoE. God items are meant to be shared easily (that's why the GM's protect them). If you play in an established guild, you get the god item use now. If you play in a guild that hasn't got them yet, you get to be higher in the guild hierarchy and have more influence within the guild, at the expense of not getting god items until the future.
I just don't see what your problem with god items is. They're the ultimate reward in the game, granted to groups of players for the highest form of coordinated effort (WoE) available in the game. They're the compensation for players in big guilds having sacrificed their zeny to buy WoE gears instead of leveling gear, and for having spent their time WoEing instead of leveling, and having made sacrifices for the good of the group.
And to be perfectly honest, they're not that big a deal.
They give you a huge advantage on endgame MVPs? Yes, the big guilds should be the ones doing the big MVPs, because they need the zeny to fund the guild (big WoE guilds spend 500m+ per woe, and guild loot doesn't begin to cut it).
They're nice on leveling? Sure. But they're rarely a gamechanger. I've seen TKMs in labs without meg. I've seen MS in thors without mjol. and bris and slepnir are both kind of a joke and don't give much benefit at all.
I really fail to see why you find them so upsetting. If you seek to personally possess one, of course that's not going to happen, they're intended to be group rewards, not personal ones.
God items are also far more accessible than MVP cards. There are more of them, and they are mostly owned by guilds, which means they're commonly shared with members - not to mention that they are protected and mvp cards arent. It is FAR easier to get access to a meg than to get access to an Eddga card, for example.
And, before you say that i'm saying all this just because I have access to god items and use them all the time... I don't really use them very often.
I used meg + bryn for MVPing BB's last week (but i could have done it w/out them, just would have been slower), and I used meg from j69-70 on my LK, and in vasa I borrowed the meg twice to beat a gunslinger on Amon Ra. I used to get the hammer (and sometimes the bris) in WoE in the unusual event that we didn't have any paladins on. I've used an asprika a few times, but it's not really that amazing....
Edited by DrAzzy, 16 September 2010 - 11:07 AM.