Other peoples topics on the subject: 1 & 2
Dead Branches and Bloody Branches are often abused. They are used as anti-bot devices and when you get mad at someone because their party is full. They are spammed right outside of towns, the maps where low level players should be able to feel safe. People are going to flame me for proposing this, but I strongly believe that they should make an arena where people can go and branch monsters to their hearts content, without ruining everyone else's gaming experience. Most times you know what is on a particular map, with branches you never know what is going to hit you when you least expect it.
I remember when I made my first character and I was walking from Payon to Prontera, you freggin die by some huge scary monster, when you still can't even kill a poporing. Some new people have to walk from Geffen or further, facing already too strong monsters, then they die from a branched monster one map from Prontera and have to walk all over again because they never made it. This can be very discouraging for a brand new player. Especially when they have no idea about branches yet (or hardly anything else for that matter)
When someone branches something too strong and it stays on a map until someone posts on the forums for someone to go kill it is unacceptable in my opinion. If it's in an arena you expect it. I'm fine if people actually kill the stuff, but the majority of the time they don't and leave 100s of monsters where they don't belong.
Now I know I'm going to get tons of hate replies for this, but I don't care. I don't care if it's been this way since RO first launched. Branch spamming is ridiculous and bothers me way more than any bot ever has.
Also another great idea:
Theres a great option. Make a DB map with kafra on it and 4 rooms you can enter. middle map no db. Can only db in one of the 4 rooms on map..
Maybe you can have 1 Room for Guilds to DB in. Have a 24 cooldown so room cant be abused... Great for guild party to db there also put 1 hr time limit on one room. That way others can db after they done.. Room one for morphing and DB. Room 2 free for all, Room 3 BB & DB. Room four Guild party DB time limited. Room four nice so you dont get random ppl interfering with your killing and ttaking drops.. Its an idea i have thought about a long time since this has been an ANNOYING problem in RO>
Edited by ABK1986, 17 September 2010 - 11:27 AM.