Physical Defense - is it working or not? - Bug Reporting OBT - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Physical Defense - is it working or not?

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#1 biele


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Posted 21 July 2012 - 09:48 AM

Hello. Im curious.. is physical def working or not? I was doing quest with fenrirs and i noticed something. Im 24lvl atm, with full gear i've got like 1600 physical def. and did it. Then I was going to check is there any difference with lower def? I took of armor and pants, so I had 800~ pd. It was kinda weird, they were hitting me almost the same (sometimes i've received even stronger hits with full armor, than without it and im not talking about criticals). SO I've got the question. Is it normal? And will I see the difference on higher lvls maybe? I want to be full tank.. but its pointless if i can survive naked doing dmg build to faster exp, than fully armored. Waiting for your response.
Sorry for my English, I wasnt using it for a while.
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#2 twotails12


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 08:22 PM

i do believe it is working but i also believe that some monster do magic damage thus your phsyical def doesnt really matter that much
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