Ranger Skill Engrish Fixes - Renewal Testing - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Ranger Skill Engrish Fixes

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#1 Madvillainy


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Posted 28 August 2010 - 03:47 PM

- Main Ranger
- "...and decrease damages from those monsters"
Fix: and decreases damage from those monsters

- Electric Shock
- "...immobilizes the target and surroundings around the target"
Fix: immobilizes the target and 3 x 3 cell area around the target

- Wug Mastery
- "Then Wug will return to the Nature and stands by till caster calls him"
Fix: Then Warg will return to Nature until the caster calls again

- Arrow Storm
- ".. at the target and surroundings that range 5 x 5 cells..."
Fix: ...at the target and 5 x 5 cell range around the target

- Detonator
- "...activate the traps that already set on the groud"
Fix: activate traps that are already set on the ground.

- Camouflage
- "...other monsters can't notice the caster..."
Fix: other monsters cannot see the caster
- "Caster turn into translucent body during hiding"
Fix: Caster's body turns translucent during hiding
- "Increase Critical rate and ATK, but decrease DEF while casting skill
Fix: Increases critical rate and ATK, but decreases DEF while skil is being cast.

- Wug Rider
- "Disabled to shoot arrows and use other skills but Wug's skills while riding a Wug."
Fix: Characater cannot shoot arrows or use skills other than Wug skills while riding Wug.

- Fear Breeze
- "Arrows are consumed as its number of attacks"
Fix: Arrows are consumed equal to the number of attacks listed in skill level

- Magenta Trap
- "...and surroundings (inside 5 x 5 cells) are cahnged..."
Fix: and the surrounding 5 x 5 cell area are changed
- "Nullified to use on MVP monsters and other players"
Fix: Cannot be used on MVP monsters or other players

- Fire Trap
- "gives [ignition] status on target and surroundings that are in 5 x 5 cells"
- gives [ignition] status on target and surrounding 5 x 5 cell area
- "Can be set on target's underfoot but, maximum 1 trap is allowed"
- Can be set on cell under target, maximum 1 trap is allowed"

- Ice Trap
- "gives [freezing] status on target and surroundings that are in 5 x 5 cells"
Fix: gives [freezing] status on target and surrounding 5 x 5 cell area
- "Can be set on target's underfoot but, maximum 1 trap is allowed"
Fix: Can be set on cell under target, maximum 1 trap is allowed"

- Wug Strike
- "Also, enabled to use it during Wug riding"
Fix: Can also be used when riding Wug
- "Make Wug run into 1 target and gives damage to 1 target"
Fix: Make Wug run into 1 target and gives damage to that target

- Wug Dash
- "Enable to use it when Ranger is on Wug riding"
Fix: Can be used while Ranger is riding Wug
- "Make Wug scamper into straight direction. To stop the Wug, use the skill one more time."
Fix: Wug will dash in a straight direction, to stop dash use the skill again
- "In the case of bump against any obstacles, Wug will stop, but if the Ranger has already learned Wug Strike, it gives damage to the crashed enemy"
Fix: If Wug runs into a obstacle it will stop, if Wug runs into an enemy and the skill [Wug Strike] is already learned Wug will damage enemy

- Cobalt Trap
- "...the target and surroundings (inside 5 x 5 cells) are changed to water property permanently."
Fix: ...the target and any enemy in surround 5 x 5 cell area is changed permanently changed to water property.

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