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Super Novice.....=w=

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#1 Cmoota


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 01:17 AM

Okay I understand a super novice is pretty much a kid refusing to grow up... but I mean once you get past 99/99 and become 99/1+ high super novice a number of things disapoint people in general... Ill shall list them now:
1:the top issue... Gear!! its like they expanded in lvl but there is no gear for them for when they reach over lvl 100!
Just the super novice set and angelic set... :D
2: Hp/Sp issues... okay we reached lvl 100+ WHY IS OUR SP SO LOW!?! Sp recover skill or no... 200 base sp sucks and with sp increasing cards it can barly eek out 500 sp or a little more, and hp... well all I will have to say is dont get hit(impossible unless leeching, and still very hard) and dont take on mobs!
Skills: add insult to injury! get a lot of skills that are a waste of points to get other skills
and also practically NO GOOD AOE skills! Okay so they are jack of all trades and whatnot... but beyond lvl 100 is the big leagues!!a high super novices use is.... very low! So they cant use meteor storm... cant they use a super novices veriation of it? or how about bowling bash or unlock the water ball skill for at least an SN since they are pretty weak anyways...
BALANCE is what is being asked here! and a super novice is weak in all fields! not balanced in all fields!
Issues only build... this class is incomplete all around!
Just giving an SN simple AOE skills like Bowling bash or an SN veriation
Heck maybe an sp raising skill!! (THEY LACK SP LIKE I SAID EARLIER!!)
Job lvl limit and how hard it is to raise it as a 100+ SN for Medeocer skills.... must I say more?
99 job lvls is pretty nice and to ask for more then already has been given is alot Im guessing... somewhere it didnt occur that AOE skills are NEEDED in both lvling and survival!
some ideas for SN skills you could pitch...
-Shooting Stars (Veriation of Meteor swarm, a bunch of stars hit the ground doing fire damage)
-Snowflower storm (Veriation of Storm Gust, Snow flower storm basically doing ice damage)
-Angel's Judgement (Variation of Lord of Vermillion, yeah you get the point XD)
-we already get Heavens drive so that at least is a plus...
-Revive... why cant a super novice have revive?! its not like we can replace a priest or anything! for one we dont do massive heals and thanks to our sp we are very useless as is anyways!
Also as I said, veriation of Bowling bash would be nice for str novices
(it doesnt have to be the same skill and it could be stronger or weaker then the original... preferably stronger because when you fight enemies in the 100+ as a super novice you WILL fill the hurt!)
-Frankly Super novice is a class that could AT LEAST use improvement on its lvl 100+ veriation!
The class isnt "broken" per say... but it doesnt compare to ANY class or second class and ITS A 100+ CLASS!!!! :P So if your wondering why I have so much negative to say, its because the class needs some work done badly!

if anything at least give us the hp and sp lvl 100+ Super Novices so deserve for reaching that lvl!
well that and some new gears!
Hopefully I have not wasted my time posting this. All im saying is would it hurt to help out the little guys and girls so much? :p_cry:

Edited by Cmoota, 05 December 2011 - 09:18 PM.

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#2 Cmoota


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 01:25 AM

Basically this is what we need:
-More Hp/Sp
-AOE skills That actually give us some use
-Higher job lvl limit
-more gear!
-wider variety of weapons and whatnot
-Possible skills unique to the super novice class
I think I basically gave the gist of what it is that would help a Super Novice be more then a Leech or a loner...
These are something to at least ponder... I hope... :D

At least consider what I have said! Make the cutest class in the game balanced again considering the enemy strength later on.
for fighter SNs they can get far with an Agility str and dex build but cannot mob at all.
CASTER novice on the other hand is sort of at a disadvantage.
YES they can heal! good thing
YES they can use attack magic! Good thing!
But so much is lacking. at least a fighter novice doesnt have the disadvantage of depending on sp!
a caster novices life line is SP and it can slow a party down GREATLY everytime they run out!
Sitting and doing /doridori can get you left behind alot...

Sorry... I could go on for hours... so Ill stop with what I have said. Post your issues here... and may the GMs here us out!

Okay... No bonus besides alot of non AOE spells and skills for lvl 99/1+ Super Novices...
now I just found out no bonuses for a Super Novice that REACHES 150! :p_sad:

Please help rally support for the Super Novices... This is the final straw about this class!
at lvl 150 you STILL will have a really low sp base... and no Hp bonus like with lvl 99/99 :p_swt:

Ive said it once on this post and I'll say it again... INCOMPLETE CLASS!! :p_cry:

All those extra perks and no true ability to survive later on! :p_swt:

Do we really need to be so weak?

Please! [[Rally support for fixing this class!]] At least make them True Jack of all Trades!

I mean people love super Novices but as I said... they are squishy, #1 and #2 they dont have the power to overpower their enemies, so what they currently have... simply needs work!
They practically get NOTHING really helpful in terms of the way of AOE skills or gear, and just found out nothing for reaching lvl 150! :p_ang:

Edited by Cmoota, 03 December 2011 - 09:07 PM.

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#3 Cmoota


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 10:12 PM

Anyone going to add on to this? :dunno:
at least give me an opinion please~ :p_conf:
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#4 Anko


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Posted 30 November 2011 - 12:24 PM

To help sp, use carat top gear, incubus mid gear, bryn.
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#5 Cmoota


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 01:27 AM

Carat Card? :bang:

Incubus Card?! :thumb:

That sort of just adds on to the fact, you need to spend millions of zeny in order to even make a Semi decent Super Novice! >.<
Those would help but those are some seriously messed up cards to get a hold of! :thumb:
Either way you look at it, those cards would help, but wont help the fact Super Novice, especially super novice casters, Need alot of work on the sp and skill department.

Edited by Cmoota, 03 December 2011 - 01:51 PM.

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#6 IronPlushy


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 03:23 PM

when a taekwon do kid gets ranked their hp and sp is tripled, would be fair for HSN
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#7 Cmoota


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 03:27 AM

Well... when we hit lvl 99... our hp does go up by 2000, but then it goes down again once we get to lvl 100! Oh and did I mention? SP isn't even bothered with! So I can see how ranking and hp and sp tripling once you get rank could help~ ;)
Yet... at the same time thats a Taekwon kid class trait. :sob: so maybe not by ranking, but at least by getting over lvl 100, yeah I can see that~ :glomp:

Anymore ideas? Oh and please rate my topic :p_cry:
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#8 Cmoota


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Posted 05 December 2011 - 09:15 PM

One more thing I would like to add. A true Jack of all Trades means Moderate at everything.
Moderate hp, wide veriety of lvl 3 Euipment at least, Not the squishiest but also not so much the best tanks, not the lowest sp, yet not the highest (Sp Recovery rate is good and all, but caster Novices suffer badly anyways), in order for a Super Novice to be any good, they need to actually BE moderate, not just the theory that they are a moderate class.

Take all that I have said up to now, as a super novice you are pretty weak all the way up to lvl 99/99. that takes a bit of work too CONSIDERING they can easily get killed and wiped out. then you have the High Super Novice test to reach lvl 99/1+ to 150/50. As I also have stated
, once they get to that point their life expectancy drops greatly due to how incredibly useless they can be... :wub:
Almost as if not alot of thought was put in on making them.For one, they are INCREDIBLY weak, not moderate, wich is what the class was based on! Two, they kinda were gypped in the skill department. Spells like JT and Heaven Drive is good and all, and maybe the spirit orb and Faith that gives them a little more hp, but a few of those require wasted skill points on other things, and in the 99/1 to 150/50 catagory, because they ALSO have to work extremely hard for job lvl to get these rather useless skills it makes using a Super Novice that much more pointless...
Come on, the exp for 1 job lvl is still the same for this class as it is for a 3rd job class and a Super Novice skills are just barely second class worthy! I'm sure they can do better then that!
So basically the Gist of what I said is kinda what I already stated:
- different title and sprite would be nice but that's completely up to the creators,
- Either more special perks or Actual Moderate hp and sp not low hp and sp, they shouldn't be squishier then a warlock and shouldn't have less sp then the lowest sp class.
- Equipment is a definate MUST for these poor mistreated hard workers
- Refer to what I have stated about skills up at the top of this forum
That's the minimum of what they need in order to be actually Moderate. :waddle:

I completely understand that "Heck, they just came out, so of course they are going to have some bits of problems."
but also understand we are your customers, and the fact we play this game says its a pretty good game! :P and so far you have not disapointed us in the suprise department.
but is it too much to ask for a class everyone practically adores to be buffed up a ton?
I know, I know, "what about the other classes? if we buffed up super novice, then all people will play as is super novice!" right? We're not asking you to make Super Novice, SUPER HEROS,
Just moderate so they can actually do some good in "parties" and "survive better". :D
I almost put this game down for a while when I found out just how badly the 99/1+ to 150/50 was just missing everything they need to survive!

For the sake of the little guys and girls, please fix them up better then that. A repeat of what they need:
So basically the Gist of what I said is kinda what I already stated:
- different title and sprite would be nice but that's completely up to the creators,
- Either more special perks or Actual Moderate hp and sp not low hp and sp, they shouldn't be squishier then a warlock and shouldn't have less sp then the lowest sp class.
- Equipment is a definate MUST for these poor mistreated hard workers
- Refer to what I have stated about skills up at the top of this forum

Please Support this thread! Thank you! :P
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#9 Cmoota


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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:43 PM

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#10 Charon


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:31 AM


Wwhen you say things like "compared to 3rd class, it sucks" you make it look like its actually alright because SN was not meant to be equal. Just explain how horribly weak it is. Requesting to get on par with 3rds is a counterproductive argument in this.

SN extension is not a new class.
Which is stupid, ppl want an actual improvement not a sadistic "extension"

SN is not supposed to be as good as the rest.
But right now its not even weak, its SN with higher level.
If they gave them all the 2nd class skills, then they would be weak, but at least fun.
Same with HP/SP. No one is asking to get it on par with 3rd classes, just higher from these ridiculously low numbers.

The SN extension is proof that the devs at kro either don't care at all (and let some random guy from the street make SNE in 15 minutes), or they actually laugh their asses off from this cruel joke :P

Why should a player invest MORE effort into SN than any other class to not even get anything, when gravity didn't put ANY effort into creating it?
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#11 Cmoota


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:38 AM

The SN extension is proof that the devs at kro either don't care at all (and let some random guy from the street make SNE in 15 minutes), or they actually laugh their asses off from this cruel joke :P

Why should a player invest MORE effort into SN than any other class to not even get anything, when gravity didn't put ANY effort into creating it?

THIS is my point exactly. They don't give a rats but about us, yet people simply love this particularly weak class! So much potential wasted because the CREATORS of it didn't care! its like sending something thats half done out into the market and saying, "enjoy." Pisses people off!
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#12 CeruleanGamer


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:49 AM

Carat Card? :blink:

Incubus Card?! :blink:

That sort of just adds on to the fact, you need to spend millions of zeny in order to even make a Semi decent Super Novice! >.<
Those would help but those are some seriously messed up cards to get a hold of! -_-
Either way you look at it, those cards would help, but wont help the fact Super Novice, especially super novice casters, Need alot of work on the sp and skill department.

Every class takes millions worth of gear to be decent if you want to be competitive and capable in end game.

Edited by CeruleanGamer, 07 December 2011 - 11:49 AM.

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#13 Cmoota


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 09:01 PM

Every class takes millions worth of gear to be decent if you want to be competitive and capable in end game.

Yeah "however" in this sense the gear in question are very expensive cards that are rarely on the market.
Example: Succubus/Incubus cards... those cost alot... Carat Card, pretty expensive. one of the recomended cards was the Orc Lord card... I don't know anybody that has even gotten that or has found that either from Orc Lord himself or even an OCA! Raydric Card,expensive card on its own! all these cards for the weak Novice gears that only make them live just a tiny bit longer and Squish... they die anyways in the upper ranks! In many cases I'm basically saying they need at least one of the many MANY things that are on my list!

This class is for those seeking challenges... I understand that. But does the class have to be so impossible?!
Literally the only way you will make it to 150, is through means of turn ins! Trust me, that's suckage!
I've tried to make my sweet super novice at least a little decent. it literally is heart breaking to watch her get killed so easily! ;~; at least fix the defense on the shield or armor a bit more... for protection that's supposed to be from an angel, the Angelic Gear sorta still sucks! and it's literally the best gear FOR them!

At the very least give them better armor and weapons for later on! a better non soul linked staff, and some armor that boosts their hp/sp and defense to a point where they can actually stand a fighting chance!
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#14 Anko


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:16 AM

Yeah "however" in this sense the gear in question are very expensive cards that are rarely on the market.
Example: Succubus/Incubus cards... those cost alot... Carat Card, pretty expensive. one of the recomended cards was the Orc Lord card... I don't know anybody that has even gotten that or has found that either from Orc Lord himself or even an OCA! Raydric Card,expensive card on its own! all these cards for the weak Novice gears that only make them live just a tiny bit longer and Squish... they die anyways in the upper ranks! In many cases I'm basically saying they need at least one of the many MANY things that are on my list!

This class is for those seeking challenges... I understand that. But does the class have to be so impossible?!
Literally the only way you will make it to 150, is through means of turn ins! Trust me, that's suckage!
I've tried to make my sweet super novice at least a little decent. it literally is heart breaking to watch her get killed so easily! ;~; at least fix the defense on the shield or armor a bit more... for protection that's supposed to be from an angel, the Angelic Gear sorta still sucks! and it's literally the best gear FOR them!

At the very least give them better armor and weapons for later on! a better non soul linked staff, and some armor that boosts their hp/sp and defense to a point where they can actually stand a fighting chance!

Incubus, sucubus and carat cards are not cheap but not exactly unobtainable either. Those cards have always been valuable additions to a super novice and super novies always relied heavily on gear - that much has never changed. On ymir i have seen maestro ribbons for 25mill.

Orc lord does absolutely nothing for SN.

You can get about 1.5kish sp on a SN, probably a chunk more as i am still low level and i do not wear all my sp gears.

I agree there should be some hp and sp boost, especially when you get to 150 but it should be moderate.

The npc novice garment and shield you buy from lhz are exceptional for npc gears. I'd recommend looking into these as you seem very poor in game and i think a big part of your troubles lie there if you cannot even afford a raydric card. My advice is that if you can't afford it, hunt it. Most basic gears can be gotten that way.

The gear thing is an anomaly since they can use god items but not the stuff in between. It's like a masochistic journey in terms of gears.
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#15 Cmoota


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:33 PM

Incubus, sucubus and carat cards are not cheap but not exactly unobtainable either. Those cards have always been valuable additions to a super novice and super novies always relied heavily on gear - that much has never changed. On ymir i have seen maestro ribbons for 25mill.

Orc lord does absolutely nothing for SN.

You can get about 1.5kish sp on a SN, probably a chunk more as i am still low level and i do not wear all my sp gears.

I agree there should be some hp and sp boost, especially when you get to 150 but it should be moderate.

The npc novice garment and shield you buy from lhz are exceptional for npc gears. I'd recommend looking into these as you seem very poor in game and i think a big part of your troubles lie there if you cannot even afford a raydric card. My advice is that if you can't afford it, hunt it. Most basic gears can be gotten that way.

The gear thing is an anomaly since they can use god items but not the stuff in between. It's like a masochistic journey in terms of gears.

masocistic.. probbly is the right word in this lol... and I DO mean Moderate, as in not the lowest and not the highest in any catagory! right now they are just weak...
Gah! I have all kinds of sp gear on and I only have 500 sp!
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#16 Anko


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:14 AM

To break the 1k barrier you need a bryn - you might get about 1k without a bryn if you stack all the other best sp items and get high int.
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#17 Cmoota


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Posted 15 December 2011 - 03:03 PM

To break the 1k barrier you need a bryn - you might get about 1k without a bryn if you stack all the other best sp items and get high int.

You need a god item..... Thanks... :) this hasn't been my best day today....
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#18 Anko


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 04:44 AM

Thing is why do you need over 1k sp? Once you get a decent pool then you are good to go imo - having that much sp on a SN is just a luxury since it's not like you have a skill dependent on max so for damage like Guillotine Fist. You can replenish with sp items/get increased sp recovery and/or use dori dori.
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#19 Cmoota


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 02:58 PM

True... but the class is sorta lacking... I took advantage of the free reset and re-examined my build...
Its a requirement to have the thieves evasion boost.... I know that now, but doesnt change the fact we can't even really aid the party very well at all!
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#20 Anko


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 07:11 AM

True... but the class is sorta lacking... I took advantage of the free reset and re-examined my build...
Its a requirement to have the thieves evasion boost.... I know that now, but doesnt change the fact we can't even really aid the party very well at all!

I've supported low-mid ti parties on my own. :> Decide on the role you want your SN to play in a party and tailor it to the resources you have access too. Above all else, realise that the class is not meant to be on par with 3rd classes. (Although i would sometimes choose a SN over other classes for TI.)
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#21 Helen07


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 11:37 AM

-NEW STAFF FOR CASTER NOVICE!!!!! new 4 slotted staff only for Expanded Super Novice will do (Hypnotist staff with 4 card slots)....
-Enable SN to use Eden Staff 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Remove the Super Novice Spirit bug and the Lude and Quve bug
-They should make Thunderstorm at least 7x7 aoe !!!
-ADD MAGNIFICAT SKILL (maybe replace gloria with magnificat) or whatever COZ THEY NEED SP!!!
-Delete the Iron Fist Coz it is damn useless.

Edited by Helen07, 22 January 2012 - 11:42 AM.

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#22 CleanWaterDev


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 06:06 AM

Ok then... So many years later I really need to ask since nobody said it anywhere...


Is the +2000hp loss at lvl 100 still persists? Do I get more +2000hp bonus when I reach the lvl 150 now?

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