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Best Homunculus S for a Filir?

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#1 mekomori


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 10:46 AM

I currently have a Filir :D
And I'm almost a Geneticist, and I still can't decide which one I want...

I plan on becoming an MvP-er. But... Filir isn't exactly a tank x__x And I don't want to have to start leveling a homunculus all over again. :/

So what's a good Homunculus S my Filir can be for MvP-ing? >.<
I was gonna go with Eira but it doesn't seem to be good for MvP-ing at all.
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#2 Realus


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 11:27 AM

I currently have a Filir :D
And I'm almost a Geneticist, and I still can't decide which one I want...

I plan on becoming an MvP-er. But... Filir isn't exactly a tank x__x And I don't want to have to start leveling a homunculus all over again. :/

So what's a good Homunculus S my Filir can be for MvP-ing? >.<
I was gonna go with Eira but it doesn't seem to be good for MvP-ing at all.

What do you want from the Homunc S?
Sera's painkiller can help reduce damage (about 850~ damage less from everything), so you can practically ignore weak mvps mobs with this.
Dieter gives you Pyroclastic, for +200 ATK, which can help out AB damage. Also a skill to make you take -10% Damage, so a quick defensive barrier. [Don't let it run out while your taking damage though... you lose 30% of your HP when it ends]
Eira has Overed Boost, which sets you guy's flee to 500. [Although, If the MVP powers up, your not dodging -_-]
Bayeri has Safetywall... IDK if this will actually be useful in practice.
IIRC, Eleanor has nothing for MVPing.

If you want the homunc to actually TANK the mvp for you... it's probably not going to happen. Especially when powered up, they are just living for 1~3 shots.
They can distract it for a brief moment if you have it lure the MVP... that's about it.
But for those two traits, you don't need a specific Homunc S.

If your just asking what to pick for Filir...
Sera's Paralyze Needle is melee IIRC, so Flitting helps this.
Dieter's Pyroclastic will boost Moonlight's Damage. And Flitting Boosts Lava Slide/Magma Flow Damage I think.
Eira's Overed Boost can Intimacy farm for SBR, otherwise Filir has no Synergy with Eira.
Bayeri's Stahl Horn is Melee, so Flitting. It's 2nd skill (Name eludes me) apparently gives 60 flee (And supposedly aspd), this would supplement Flitting/Accelerated Flight. It's 4th skill (Attack Buff) would boost Moonlight Damage.
Eleanor's skills are all melee, so they are boosted by Flitting.

If not for those "MVP" reasons, or "Synergy" between Filir/S types...
- Then pick one that you like how it looks. (This is how I picked my Eira, lol.)
- Or pick one based solely on it's Homunc_S Skills, as if it didn't matter that you had a Filir. [Like Painkiller from Sera is pretty godly in PVM, so maybe you pick Sera JUST because of Painkiller]


PS: Re-leveling isn't that bad. It's like what? A week max to 99?
The annoying part is getting to loyal. (And in at -least- Lif/Amistr's case... TWICE)
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#3 Tetsamaru


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 12:21 PM

Ya, leveling isn't a pain, its the feeding for intamacy is.
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#4 mekomori


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 12:38 PM

Yeah... x__x The intimacy takes foreverrr. Dx
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#5 Luckywhiterabbit


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 06:53 PM

If you want your houm to tank the MVP, I'd go with either dieter or sera. Filir > dieter is something I'd wished I'd done rather than Amistr > Dieter, because while Dieter isn't a pure tank, it can do a lot of damage while remaining quite durable regardless of it's base and Filir's Flitting would boost it's damage more conveniantly than blood lust (which is only good for afk leveling I now find). Magma Flow will quickly dispose of the MVP's mob before Dieter goes down, and it'll buy you enough time to lob in a few bombs before you can run away and re-summon your homunculus.
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#6 Froggems


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Posted 26 March 2012 - 01:04 PM

Filir>dieter is something i really want to do as well. Honestly if the homic resetter i am making a third gen to do it. So i will have a potter,mvper and woer.

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