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Legendary Heroes: New Beginnings {Update:Chap. 9}

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#1 Galexy


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:14 PM

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Chapter Index
Chapter 1: Home
Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 3: Oblivion Temple
Chapter 4: Training Grounds
Chapter 5: Hunger

Chapter 6: The Golden Ring
Chapter 7: The Rift
Chapter 8: The Return
Chapter 9: Out of the Fire


Read the first story here:
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When we speak of these truths, years from now, who will remember? Who will believe? It fades in the minds of nearly all of those involved in this day, how can it stand the test of time? The few memories that remain have become twisted, intertwined with half-truths, lies and blurred recollections. Too soon all that will be left of the remnants of truth will be reduced to fairy tales and legends. I cannot let that happen. I refuse to let my story, our history, fade into nonexistence. This book will help me record the truths - the whole truth, not just as I know it, but as all those involved know it. Our stories will be known.

Author's comments:
As always, I'm looking for characters to play a role in my stories. Please PM me with character information (appearance, personality, Hebarn/Arua affliation, profession, etc.)

Fixed all the crappy punctuation errors that this new forum look brought on. Too lazy to do the previous story...for now anyways. So sorry, guys. =(

Edited by Galexy, 02 August 2012 - 06:52 PM.

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#2 Galexy


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:23 PM

Chapter 1: Home

  • It's odd how so desolate and cold of a place feels so much like home now. I did not think it would be comfortable, living here, nor that I would take to loving this place as much as I have. From the short conversations I've had with the other residents here, I am not the only one that feels this way.

    Xyler is preoccupied still, that much I can see. He says he is happy here, helping me recover my memories, but he aches to go back out into the worlds. There is something that draws him away from here, but I know not what. He mutters in his dreams, about snow and oceans and traps. But I cannot see how they relate. Has it anything to do with whatever it is that haunted him back on Luna? I fear the answer that will take him away from me once more.

    He spends his time with Herune these days, learning from the man all he can about the workings of this world. They tinker in gadgets and spells and histories of the worlds. It was a shaky start, as both men hated one another. The Dark Lord, Hebarn, intervened and now those two are inseparable. He is as much interested in their work as they are in exploring it.

    I do not know how I feel about this new relationship. I cannot find it within myself to trust the Betrayer. Harin shares my feelings. Like in all walks of life, you have to deal with those you despise and simply work through it and move on. But who can move on from such monstrous tales as those that surround the God of Darkness and the Betrayer?

    It does not help things that the god has his eye on me. Katinka rages against her lord's interest in me, who she sees as stealing her spot beside Hebarn, as Xyler has somehow claimed Esseff's place as deputy master. But I am no fool. I know it is not me that He fancies. Our god, for is he mine now too, He wishes to know how I can function without the User-Interface to connect me to the worlds. He wants the knowledge behind this unique skill and the ability to wield the power behind its secret.

    Instead of thwarting him, as I would like to do, I allow Harin to help me explore the limits to my power. Together, we have washed ourselves in the secrets and mysteries of Landreign's line. I have mastered some skills that even the most accomplished of Arumics have yet to hear of, and gained skills that, before now, were restricted to mages alone.

    I do not miss the UI as much as I would have thought. It's absence, elsewhere, would have made me an outcast. Here, I am treated with reverence that I do not deserve. I cannot say which effect I would prefer. If anything, anonymity would have been my preference.

    Xyler has fashioned a new UI for me, to prepare us for a return to the outside worlds. Fully functional, removable, and complete with my old ID tag. I do not wear it often here, depending on packs to carry things about. ID tags and specialized level or stat authorizations are not needed here. Not that anyone has trouble knowing my name.

    I've kept a close watch on Junon lately. The announcements continue to confuse me. They rejoice at the return of their goddess, not pausing to think about what happened to cause her disappearance in the first place. Very few even remember her absence. She took care of that.

    Even here, tucked away in this dark corner of the Sea of Souls, I feel Arua's presence. Her essence calls to me, as it does the other Visitors she had taken. She seeks our return to her favor and we rebel with every fiber of our being.

    When we meet, which I know we will do eventually, the goddess with regret the day she ever stole me from my home and robbed me of my memories. Mage Diary Entry, Day 38 on Hebarn, Day 41 After Remembering.
[/list]Galexy looked up from her entry and closed the pink, leather-bound book on the desk. Absently, the Cleric ran a finger along the gilded designs etched into the cover and thought about the mage who had given her the gift. Where was Elly now? What was she brewing up in that workshop of hers in Junon Polis?

"Galexy!" interrupted a voice from down the hall. A white-haired male stuck his head through the open door and bobbed his head in greeting. "There's an emergency meeting scheduled in the main hall in five minutes. He wants everyone there."

He nodded once more and left. Lexy did need to ask who "He" was. Here, only one "he" mattered. With a sigh, the Cleric stood and stashed book into the pumpkin backpack she still carried, put the pack on, and exited the room.

It was a short walk from her room to the main hall. Already, the area around the main dais was crowded with red robed figures. A pathway opened up for her as she approached the crowd, forcing her along through the throng. Eventually, she found herself at the front of the dais, directly in front of Hebarn and a scowling Katinka.

A light tinkling of bells sounded and the crowd quieted down. The God of Darkness stepped forward, his voice deep and rumbling. "Sources inform me that a shipload of specialized Karkian merchandise has crashed landed on the Planet of Gold." He smiled, his lips pulling back to reveal his sharp teeth. "As many of you are aware, travel by ship near that planet has always been -deadly. The god Oro, trapped as he is within the core of his own planet," snickers greeted his words. He continued on, ignoring the disruptions. "Does not take kindly to the ships above his atmosphere."

"But there are ways to avoid the God of Fire's tantrums. Hidden at the heart of the Oblivion Temple lays a special, living portal. Once fed, and tamed, it can take us to Orlo unseen."

Katinka turned to look at her Lord. "But isn't there a portal here that can take us all the way to - " The female Hawker's lips slammed shut, sealed magically by Hebarn himself.

"Do not interrupt me, girl," he said harshly. "Do not speak of things you know not of." He turned his back on the girl and faced the assembled crowd once more. "As many of you may have heard, another maintanence was decreed by the Federation." He spat the name out in a low snarl. His followers hooted and growled their disfavor as well. "It has rendered many of our clansmen, and nearly all of the Citizens of the planets, useless or weakened against the myriad of dangers that plague the inhabited planets. We cannot continue in this manner. We must find a new path in which to exist."

Hebarn raised a gloved hand and waved it forward. The crowd parted once more and admitted Xyler, accompanied by Herune. The Betrayer bowed low at the waist to Hebarn. Xyler stood next to man, expressionless and motionless. Hebarn smiled.

"Our newest recruit has found a way to break us from our bindings to the Goddess," Hebarn announced. He clasped Xyler's right arm and raised it in the air, brandishing the User-Interface panel that was strapped there.

"On the surface, it is a perfect replica of the ones all citizens are required to wear in ROSE. It passes all tests that any NPC robot may inflict on you, holds your items in the inventory panels, send messages, and more. It is similar in every way except one. It is not connected to the Goddess in any manner..nor any god for that matter. It cannot control you, unlike the devices most of you now wear.

"This altered UI will also be unaffected by the patches and updates the Federation sees fit to unleash on the unsuspecting - unless, of course, if you so wish. That is to say, my clansmen, you will all be more powerful than any of those blind servants of Arua."

Cheers erupted around them. A cacophony of hoots and hollers, not all of them remotely human sounding, echoed in the vast chambers and sent chills down the Cleric's spine. That the Dark Lord failed to mention the most important part unnerved the woman even more. For though the facts the god had spoken were true, the devices have not been altered successfully on any non-born citizen of the planets. All those captured Visitors whom have volunteered for the procedure had simply...disappeared. The secret to her survival after the destruction of her device was yet to be discovered; how she lived and functioned, still a mystery.

"It's a good thing that Xy fiddled with ours a long time ago, eh, Lexy" asked the Bourg standing near her. LoPan, his deep red robes pooling around him, smiled and polished his newest gun. "I haven't been off this planet since we left Eldeon. You think he'd let us in on this quest?"

As if on cue, Hebarn turned towards the mercenary and cleric. "Galexy, LoPan," he said. "You will accompany Xyler on this misson as all three of your UIs are already altered. Herune will stay altering those who will join you at a later date. For now, choose three others to fill out your party and leave immediately." A white light streamed from his fingers as the God of Secrets flicked a hand in their direction.

LoPan bowed deeply in acceptance of the quest. A white light blinked on his UI, updating his Quest log. Lexy shot a questioning glance at Xyler, who nodded. The white light blinked on the UI she held in her hand and she opened it to read the quest instructions.

"Go to El Verloon," read the directions in fine yellow text. "Find Starburner. She will show you the way to the portal."

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 07:49 PM.

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#3 Galexy


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:32 PM

Chapter 2: Arrival

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  • What a difference a few weeks made to the world! Never before has Junon felt so alive, so vibrant. I cannot tell if this change is merely perceptual; that my time on Hebarn had altered how I viewed the worlds. The colors here seem too rich, too vivid. I can feel the colors as much as I can see them. I had never realized how quiet the Dark Planet was until I the sounds of this place assaulted me upon arrival. There is much laughter in the city, hasty deals bargained at vendor shops, and the occasional rant at the Announcement boards.

    But overall, happiness radiates here. You can see it on the faces of the citizens, hear it in the words of the speakers. Even those who do little else but complain are happy to be out and about. I am filled with envy. What would it be like to feel that happy once more? To be so carefree, amidst a raging war, with little fear of what may come or what has already past?

    Ruven, our transport here from Hebarn, was quick to boot us from his ship. The piloteering trade has picked up, even with Alfonso's return. It was nearly impossible to get rid of all the illegal modes of transportation during Alfonso's "absence" so many moons ago. Apparently, pirating in the air has also picked up speed.

    I headed towards the Arumic school, thinking of approaching Elly there, seeing how she is doing. But I cannot bring myself to face her yet. Will it hurt? Her not remembering our adventures together? Though I respect her choice to stay, her absence gnaws at me. Perhaps she would feel the same, if she remembered my choice to join up with the Affliction.

    Of course, it was never officalized. Hebarn never made us join the clan, as he did with all the others. We did not wear the oppressing red robes there on that planet, nor were we forced to be emblazoned with the Dark God's symbol upon our flesh. Even though I appreciate these facts, I cannot feel good about it. There is something not right, something he hides from us. I do not want this attention, but I cannot seem to escape it still.

    LoPan, Xyler, and the soldier, XiaoYingWu, return with our supplies for our trip to Zant, and then to the Oblivion Temple. We've ample firepower on our side, with the new knight in our party, so why do I have this nagging fear that something will go very, very wrong soon? Mage Diary, Day 43 A.R. (After Remembering)
[/list]Galexy closed the Mage Diary and stored it in her Inventory. She fingered the black apparatus strapped to her right wrist and sighed. The User-Interface system was heavier than she recalled. Other than that, she had readjusted to its presence a lot faster than she would have thought.

As her party approached, a purple light blinked on her UI console. She tapped the touch screen with her index finger and read the dialogue window that opened up. "You have been invited to join the clan Starburst," read the message.

She gazed at her peers. Purple shiny letters lit up the space above their ID-tags that bore their name. Each and every one of them belonged to this new clan. "Starburst?" she asked as the guys gathered around her. Old astronomy lessons caused a small smile to tug at the corners of her lips. "As in starburst galaxies?â"

Xiao shrugged. "I thought it meant blowing planets up. You know, stars are the same things as planets or something." He ran his hand through his shortly cropped, perfectly styled hair and donned his Jabberwocky helmet, sighing as the object crushed several hours' worth of styling work. Sun beams danced off the brilliant metal of his armor, blinding his party members.

"Ugh!" muttered LoPan. "Why is it so bright?! Even max refined, it shouldn't be that blinding."

"It wouldn't be, normally," replied the Knight, his tone haughty. "If it was made of the usual Jabberwocky metals, than it would be lifeless and dull. I made improvements on the original armor." He flicked an imaginary speck of dust off the huge shoulder plates. As he did so, a flash of red further blinded the group.

"Are those rubies on your shoulders?!" queried Lexy excitedly. She had never seen the Knight outfitted in anything but the Red Robes all the Vassals of Hebarn wore. The size of the one gem alone was astounding. And he had a matching set, one on each shoulder.

"Of course. I replaced the flat red stone-things as well. Anything less simply wouldn't do."

Xyler shook his head at the exchange and put on some dark black shades he pulled out from his Inventory. He tossed a pair of red, heart-shaped ones to Lexy and another set resembling goggles to the Gun Bourg. "Shall we go now?"

"Will we run it? Or cart it?" asked the Dealer. For now, they had decided that it would be safer to travel directly instead of using scrolls as a means of transportation. Going the long way was more discreet. No flags were thrown up showing that people we 'porting, nor would they be as noticed upon arrival in the cities. Spawn sites were notorious for being under surveillance. Even the spammers and con artists know where to stand to annoy, or attract, the most business.

"We'll run it," Xyler said, switching on his UI and equipping his Movement Speed gear. The rest of the party followed suit. "Lexy," he said, looking up from his screen. "There has been another patch released that affects the workings of Cleric buffs in particular." He continued and explained about the party buffs, how they were all single target buffs now and that they can be applied to anyone at any time. "It was fortunate that you've practiced how to work your spells around the restraints of the UI. You'll still be able to party buff when no one is looking. While we're in public, try your best to restrict your spells from party buffs to single buffs." He smiled. "And best not confuse anyone with your Mage spells while we're in city limits either.â"

The Cleric nodded, knowing that discretion was highly important right now. A frown creased her brow. "That's a crazy change," she said slowly, taking in the new changes imposed. "It'll take AGES for a Cleric to buff a party now, especially against those debuffing spells the Monster Bosses like to cast about. Even with the reduction in mana power required, it's going to cost Clerics a lot to protect their friends."

The party agreed. "It might be best to not be seen with a wand at all while we're in populated cities. Every nub and their mama will be seeking you out for buffs. You'll need all the strength you can save to protect us as it is," said LoPan seriously. "From what reports I've gotten from Crune, Monsters have gotten a degree stronger of late."

"Hebarn has released his hold on a lot of the Monsters he controlled, freeing his energy for more pressing matters," Xiao told the group. "They've grown stronger feeding off the energies of not only Arua's servants, but from those on our side as well. We'll have to tread carefully. There's no knowing who's a friend or foe out there now."

The truth of the Soldier's words echoed inside Lexy. She swallowed. "No," she whispered, her eyes on the Arumic flag waving gently in the air over its academy's entranceway. Speed buffs shot out from her Crystal Wand and blossomed over each party member, one at a time. "There's no telling which side anyone is on."


Aurthor's Notes: I included some real game patch information in this story that turned party buffs into single target buffs. Buffs mana requirement were lowered, but would still cause trouble for those not properly statted or geared. Later, party buffs would be added as separate items obtainable from the item mall. There was a lot of backlash from both updates in game, but what else is new? We have since adapted...and moved on. Monsters' ap were increased during this time, as were a number of other things. =)

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 08:23 PM.

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#4 Galexy


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:34 PM

Chapter 3: Oblivion Temple

The run towards Zant, and then El Verloon, was mostly uneventful. Galexy, dressed in the Flower Shorts garb that was her speed gear, glanced at the katars held in her hands. As disguises went, it was perfect. No one harassed her for buffs as she ran along with the others. As many of the citizens' buffs were now reduced to only self-buffs through recent UI patches, the party made rapid progress through the throngs of lower level Heroes.

The Moldies, Grunters, Turtles, and Aqua Monsters gave way before the traveling party. Nary had a bee nor a hornet paid the group any notice. The only attention they received was a haughty flip of the poison-tipped tail of Queen Bibi and a menacing glare from the Aqua King.

As they finally made their way to the new archeological digging site that was the Oblivion Temple, they were stopped by a short, snotty man. Archeologist Williams looked the party up and down before holding out his hand to them. "Here, here," he said with a sigh. "No one gets in without the proper documents."

"What documents?" asked Lexy, confused. The day was growing hot. She glanced at the XiaoYinhWu and grimaced. She couldn't imagine how hot it would be under all those layers of metal. "We're just here to see Starburner. Is she inside?"

The man quirked an eyebrow at the company. "Are you devoted to Hebarn then? Is his the Fate you choose?"

The Cleric twitched at the implication, still uneasy with her new alliance. "I..I..Well, hm, put that way...â"

"We're here to see Starburner per request of the God of Darkness,"interjected XiaoYingWu with an air of formality. He pulled out a small parcel of stone fragments and handed these to Williams. The man accepted the bag, eyes glowing with delight, and mumbled a few words.

"Take these, then," said Williams as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Somehow, the man had formed the broken pieces of stone into full pieces. "These Fate tablets are part of the admittance you'll need to get into the Temple." He kicked the rocks around his toes and coughed lightly into his fist.

"Part of the admittance?" repeated Xyler. With a knowing look, he pulled a sack of zulies from his Inventory and bounced it in his hand. "Are these the rest of the documents we need?"

Williams snatched the bag from Xyler and riffled through the contents. Clearly pleased, the man waved the party inside. "Yes, yes," he muttered. "We can't all work for free, now can we?"

Dark and slightly musty, the Oblivion Temple's main floor was a hive of Heroes. They bustled about, running quests and errands for different NPCs scattered about the room. Bond, the Orlean Ambassador, doled out rewards for materials gathered by the Heroes that fought their way through the underground passageways that snaked beneath the temple.

In opposite corners, Serenity, Arua's loyal servant, and Starburner, Hebarn's head vassal, preached about the follies of affiliating with the other's side and the rewards of aligning with their own. Both acolytes seemed to have an equal number of people following them and, here, in the few neutral territories of the planets, neither side fought openly with one another.

The group approached the crowd gathered before Starburner, who acknowledged their presence with a flick of her eyes. "Go now, my children, and banish the light of lies from our world," she gestured with her hand and the majority of the group before her disappeared in a glow of reddish light. The others left the temple through the front entrance, presumably to run more quests for the Firemage.

"You've come for passage to Orlo." Starburner smiled and gestured them forward. "The way to the portal is hazardous, but easily reached. Things have opened up a bit these past few days. You four are not the only ones headed out in search of the passageway."

"Others know of it now?" asked Xyler.

"Has Hebarn sent out parties ahead of us?" asked Xiao with a scowl.

"Those that seek out the portal are not only Affliction members," replied the Mage, not answering their questions directly. She ignored the clan name emblazoned above their names, knowing the secret of their hearts and the true clan to which they belonged. "Bond, it seems, is sending anyone who asks towards the Orlean Portal with treats to appease the thing's appetite."

"Will we need to run the same quests?"asked Lexy, sneaking a look at the hundreds of Heroes lined up before the woman. For some reason, there were many, many more males lined up before the ambassador than there were females...and a good portion of them seemed to be drooling as well.

"Her quests are long and tedious," Starburner replied. "Lots of running around to talk to crypts, gathering various materials from the monsters than roam free down there, defeating Mammy Queens and Kings, talking to Hiria's ghost in her photo, etc." She smiled, sending chills up the spines of all those gathered before her.

"Luckily," she continued. "We do not need to go to such extents. She reached into the pockets of her robes and pulled out a leather satchel and handed it to Xyler. "I have acquired the items that Bond requires," she said, meaning she stole them from other Heroes, no doubt. "And, since the King and Queen here work for us, we also have the proofs we need from them."

"Do we still need to talk to the...crypts?" gulped Lexy. With all the weirdness of the worlds already, she did not want to add talking to ghosts to the list. Talking to the dead priest in the Desert of the Dead once, on a dare, was all the ghost adventures she needed for a lifetime.

"Why talk to ghosts when we have the real thing?" Starburner's eyes glowed mischievously. A flash of red light next to her dissipated and revealed a figure within. Clad in the garbs of a pharoah, looking quite regal, stood a woman. Her ID tag read, "Hiria."

"How is that possible?" asked Xyler. He gazed at the woman, determined that she must be an imposter.

Starburner shrugged. "The Dark God has his ways." The once and past Queen of Orlo twittered and spoke a rush of words in an alien language. Starburner turned her golden eyes on the queen and nodded. "Alana has a few surprises in store for her."

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Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 08:38 PM.

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#5 Galexy


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:38 PM

Chapter 4: Training Grounds

The path back to Junon was as uneventful as their passage towards the temple buried in El Verloon. Though there was a fair larger number of summons about than usual, it did not interfere with the party's progress. Galexy, LoPan, Xyler, and XiaoYingWu entered the city easily and headed towards the elusive training grounds as instructed by Starburner.

A clan, quite sure of themselves in the wake of their growth and power, had set up a sort of headquarters there, stockpiling and selling their hoard of "salvage" acquired from throughout the lands. Though split between the factions and the God's raging war, many of these clansmen were neutral in the wars. Coin spoke louder than anything.

They entered the training grounds cautiously, fully aware of the lame KOS protocols that seemed to envelope those that visited the area. It was a place for Heroes to practice their skills against one another in fair combat and learn from one another, but as all things in life, it was not always the case. Random attacks were frequent as were the mini-wars that raged between willing and unwilling participants. Here, anything - and anyone - was game.

Lexy's heart thudded in her chest. She was sure that everyone was able to hear the sound and see the fear that gripped her. Still unsure of her powers out in the real world with her altered UI, the Cleric was not ready to put to the test. Her eyes scanned the open field, looking for the clan that Starburner had mentioned.

There, sprawled about the stairs that led down into the field, sat the modern day Hero-pirates. They laughed gaily and toasted one another as they drank heartily from the draft of liquor spilling forth from the brown barrel seated between them all.

LoPan, the Dealer among the Starburst, started to approach the lazing clan. As one of their expert negotiators, it was agreed that he would take the forefront of their bargaining, with Xyler to back him up.

"Wait," said Lexy, interrupting their progress. She squinted her eyes at the Kyoudai clansmen seated on the stairs. "I know some of them...I think" She took a few steps closer and a new smell assaulted her nose. "Yes," she said, her nose wrinkling in distaste. "I definitely know at least one of them."

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"Ugghhhh!" cried Xiao, who had followed up behind Lexy. "What is that SMELL?!" The knight flipped open his User-Interface screen and toggled through the menus. In a few seconds a fresh Rose Bouquet was in his hands. Crushing a few of the roses between his gloved hands to increase the rose smells' intensity, he proceeded to bury his face in the bouquet of flowers.

"You carry roses with you?" asked the Mercenary incredulously.

"Not just one," replied the Knight, not bothering to remove his face from the flowers. "You never know when you might run into a ..ma-..damsel in distress. You never know when you might need it. I bet you're wishing you had a bunch right now."

The rest of the conversation was lost as Lexy outpaced the two and approached the clan, Xyler at her side. The Hawker she approached looked up languidly. His face broke into a genuine smile. "I knew I smelled something quite smelly around here," he said, nodding at Galexy. "What brings you to these parts, Stinky?"

Lexy frowned and held her nose with her right hand as she gestured wildly with the other. "I'm not the one that hasn't taken a shower in AGES!" she cried, pointing the greenish waves that came off his body. "It looks like there's a cloud of poison floating around you."

"Nonsense," he replied, all smiles still. "I smell Goooood. Ask anyone. You still haven't answered my question, Stinkypoo." His gaze flicked to the trio gathered behind her before returning his attention to the Cleric.

"Why can't friends visit friends, Hellis?" called another Hawker further up the stairs. He dropped a large crate of items ontop of the already large pile collected there. Ohsyris wiped his brow and winked at Lexy. "Have you brought some friends to join us, Ohlexy?"

"Perhaps another time," she demurred. She looked back and forth between the pair and flashed her best smile. "We're here on business, actually."

"Ah, business," Hellis repeated. He shifted forward in his seat. "Now that's something more familiar. What prank are you guys pulling this time? Will you be needing smoke bombs? Fireworks? Fire crackers?"

"Get away cars? Salon coupons? Transgender coupons?" piped in Ohsyris. "Masks? Costumes? Ancient gear to disguise yourself as a different profession?"

"We've come for weapons," interrupted Xyler as he stepped forward. "We've heard you've..acquired..a special chest from the Oblivion Temple lately."

"You've heard of that, have you?" asked Hellis, frowning. He glanced at the clan master, who shrugged. "We've other weapons, plenty of high end, durable items. The chest thing isn't for sale."

"Only cause you can't open it, Smelly," Lexy countered, still smiling. She reached for the chain around her neck and pulled it from beneath her shirt. Hanging next to her flower pendant lay an ornate looking key. She unhooked the key from the chain and dangled it before the Hawkers. "And I just happen to have the key.â"

"How do we even know that's the right key?" asked one Hawker.

"Where did you get that?" queried the other at the exact same time.

"Oh, you know me," Lexy said smiling coyly. "Ever the connoisseur of collector's items."

"Pffft," snorted Hellis. "You were never able to afford anything remotely collector's worthy."

"I always brought the best stories," she said, referring to the other form of currency that was bartered across the planets. "And the majority of them were true!"

"What great stories have you brought us this time, in order for us to let you try your key on the chest?" asked the clan master, smiling. "Any new grand adventures to tell of?"

Lexy's smile faded. "I have an adventure to share. Of course I do. Don't I always have the best stories?" She paused and sat down on the grassy field as her friends ranged around her. "I'll tell you about my recent adventures for a chance to open the chest and take half the loot inside."

"HALF?!" exclaimed the neutral pirates. Though the price was higher than they had wanted, all other methods of trying to open the chest had failed. "This had better be one awesome story."

"It is, in its own way." Not all of it was happy and exciting, like her other stories, but it was real enough. "You may not believe all of it, but every bit of it is true..." They nodded absently and motioned for her to continue. "It all started off as a simple prank to bypass Alfonso's level-detecting robot."

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 08:49 PM.

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#6 Galexy


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:48 PM

Playing with forum editing styles...not sure what I like just yet. Colorizing character speeches make them stand out more, but it's also a bit blinding on this white background. Can't get pics to line up next to text, so having to center them within stories...not too bad, I suppose. Will take some getting used to. We'll see where I go from here.

Chapter 5: Hunger

Galexy twirled the new wand in her hand, testing its weight against her previous wand. Compared to the Crystal Wand, the new one, identified as the Oblivion Wand by the User-Interface, was much bulkier and heavier.

However, there were many benefits of this wand. It's green-hued attacks were stronger, used up less of her magical energy, and made for a better melee weapon. She tested out the sharpness of the spikes embedded in the sides of the weapons on the Training Grounds, bull-rushing those gathered there, while the rest of the members of her party tested out their new prizes from the mystery crate as well.

Xyler, bearing golden Scorpion Claws, peppered XiaoYingWu's armor with light scraps as the Knight attacked with the gigantic Crescent Moon. Though there had not been a gun-type weapon for LoPan, the mercenary toyed with a Cursed Staff that would go to Starburner for her part of the bargain.

The now-empty chest, bearing the god Raj's name etched into the lid's inner surface, laid open, Lexy's ornate key still locked in the keyhole. The members of Kyoudai paraded across the TG with their share of the bounty and tested out the limits of the new weapons.

The clansmen had listened to her tale avidly, peppering her with questions to find holes in her story. She'd left nothing out. These were her peers, comrades in arms once. They had to know the truth, however unrealistic it all sounded. In the end, she was not sure if she convinced them or not. The ones allied with Hebarn knew the truth, but were not about to reveal their allegiance out in public. The ones allied with Arua did not recall the months of Remembering. But it was something, to get them thinking on it again, to open their ears and eyes to the world around them. As pirates, they were ahead of the game in that respect.

"It's time we returned to the temple," Xiao said. He glanced down at the scraps on his armor and scowled. He pulled off his helmet and dabbed at his face with an embroidered handkerchief. "Perhaps a quick visit to repair and polish our armor before our return will be necessary. Can't return to Starburner looking like a bunch of lowly Visitors, now can we?"

Those that heard the solider rolled their eyes. "We should return to Starburner," Lexy said. "We have been here longer than necessary.â" She pulled out a few scrolls and handed them to her party members. "Some black market teleportation scrolls," she said by way of explanation. "I traded for some from the Kyoudai members. They take us spawn us directly to some places, no where near the supervised spawn sites. We should be safe from surveillance. They'll be useful as we bounce around in our travels."

They bade farewell to the parties gathered in the TG, read from the scrolls, and teleported to the front entrance of the Oblivion Temple. Once there, they searched for Starburner and told her of the contents of the chest.

"It is fortunate that we have made such a discovery so early in our Quest. A god's chest of weapons will help turn the tide in our favor should the need arise." The fire mage accepted her staff and studied it. "I have something else for you all." She reached into a pouch by her side and withdrew armful after armful of armor. "An exploration group came back from Orlo recently, baring a few new pieces of armor crafted by those that reside on the desert planet." She shook out one of the garments, the white brocade shimmered in the firelight of the temple and rays of light bounced off the gilded embroideries. "They are stronger and more durable than anything wee yet to create on any of the Inhabited planets. Take them and complete the Black Lord's quest."

"Are you joining us, Starburner?" asked the Cleric.

"Not for this leg of your journey, no." The woman's mouth quirked up in a smile, more sinister than joyous. "But I've no doubt that we will meet again soon."

"Let's get on with it then," said LoPan. The reserved man seemed to have perked up suddenly. He donned the new outfit held out for him by Starburner. (Horray for instantenous clothing changes made possible by the User-Interface!) The mercenary puffed out his chest, put on his backpack (which, like all the other citizens of the world, was connected to the UI directly and did not actually hold real items within it), and walked towards the group milling about in front of Bond.

Xiao rolled his eyes and followed the Dealer. "Thank you, Starburner," murmured Lexy as she accepted the new armor, too, turned and followed her party towards the ambassador.

"A moment, if you would, Xyler," asked the acolyte as she handed him his new armor. In hushed tones, the pair held a private conversation that left the Raider frowning.

"The portal is a living entity," tittered Bond as the party approached, not noticing that Xyler was detained. Every other word seemed to be broken by giggles, as if the Monster that was the gate was a mere nuisance. To her, it probably was. "It moans day and night with its 'feeeed me' litany. With all these materials that you've have gathered for me, you will be able to approach the portal and it will transport you to our wonderful world!"

Heroes yelled out countless questions and she took her time answering each one. "This is going to take forever," stated LoPan. His hand twitched towards his gun, ready for battle. Standing still did not suit the ever-roaming Mercenary.

"I got this," smiled Xiao. The man brushed the metal of his current armor, having refused the new garments as they were not shiny enough for his tastes, and shoved his way through the crowd. He paused before Bond and flashed his multi-award-winning smile. "How you doing?" he said and winked.

Lexy stifled her laughter as Bond fluttered her lashes at the Knight. "I'm doing much better now!" sighed the Orlean Ambassor. "What can I do for you, sir Knight?"

"I seek passage to the wondrous Planet of Gold," he said, reaching for her hand and kissing it. "For it is there that I seek to find a treasure that can possibly match a mere fraction of your beauty." From his other hand, Xiao produced a single golden rose and tucked it behind Bond's ear.

Bond's hand fluttered and, this time, she was not the only one to sigh in happiness. Lexy did laugh this time - her first in weeks. It did not help that it looked like LoPan was taking notes.

"Of course! Thereâ??s no treasure greater than those found on Orlo." She flipped her hair over her shoulder, which was quite a feat, seeing as how her hair was up in a bun. "I'll guide you to the portal personally."

"It would be an honor to escort you through these halls," replied the Knight in all seriousness. The pair led the way through the maze of halls as the party followed quietly behind. Xyler, having caught up with them, glanced questioningly at the procession.

Lexy shook her head, reached for Xyler's hand, and formed the end of the long procession of Heroes that trailed behind their party and Bond. "We're off to Orlo," she sighed quietly. "Who knows what adventures await us there?"

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 08:59 PM.

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#7 Galexy


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 06:06 AM

Chapter 6: TheGolden Ring

  • We've wandered through this oasis for hours now. There seems to be no end to this dratted heat. The sands of the desert stretch on for miles in every direction, with only mountains here and there to break up the scenery. We've encountered only a few Heroes since our arrival here, which is odd considering Bond's account of the flow of travelers through these parts. Even the ones that had joined us at the Portal have become lost in this world. I wonder...and fear...that this place is more than any of us had bargained for. It would not be my first adventure where this has occurred.

    I've stopped to rest awhile. Even with my fastest speed gear, I cannot travel as quickly as Xyler. My Hawker is mapping the land for us, as much as he can anyways. The god of this planet is playing tricks on us, I think. It felt like we've walked in circles here,and indeed we have. I wonder if Oro knows we're here on Hebarn's behalf and how this buried god feels about our intrusion.

    We've seen creatures, of another race than those we are used to, roaming in the distance. I could not tell if they were Monsters of this planet, but they traveled with belongings in a caravan. There are civilized like no Monsters I've yet met, including the Clown Fighters of Junon. Are they are part of that peaceful Monsters clan, Ecaep? Surely they are more than just tamed Monsters, but who am I to judge?

    Nova, the Interplanetary Guide here, offered up some information about the Blackbears, as she calls them, but refuses to tell us anything concrete. She will not even admit to us the location of the capital city and its queen, Alana. The guide reminds me of my old party member, who went by the same name. I know that he is not the same person as the one here, but the thought still lingers. It reminds me of adventures past and present and gives me goosebumps despite the heat present.

    It is a strange world, this world of sand. I wonder what things are buried here, under the mounds of dunes we've crossed. It is as though Orlo, like every other world I've known, has its store of secrets as well. And I am not overly positive that I can handle any more secrets at this point. But time will tell. Mage Diary, Day 44 A.R. (After Remembering)
[/list]Footsteps, muffled somewhat by the cushioning grit of the desert sands, alerted the Cleric to another's presence. She looked up in time to see the approach of a Dealer, flanked on one side by a Terror Knight. As the pair approached, she was able to make out the names emblazoned for all to see on their ID tags. Potbelly, an Artisan by looks of his gear and weaponry, paused quietly outside of firing range as was proper when greeting strangers out of city limits. RustBucket, his summon, stood at attention by his side.

"It's good to see another face!" he exclaimed somewhat nervously. He waved his hands about as he talked and twitched as if he were possessed. But his expression was good natured, happy, calm. He looked anything but menacing. Even the name he had given his fighter was innocent. "I've wandered about these deserts for weeks now and you're the first Hero I've met in quite awhile." He smiled his boyish smile and bowed slightly at the waist, his eyes never leaving the seated Cleric. "My name is Potbelly," he said as he indicated his ID-tag sheepishly. "And this here is my Terror Knight, RustBucket."

Galexy stood slowly, dusting off her Orlean Robes, and stowed her Mage Diary. "I am Galexy," she said, returning the man's smile. "Though most people just call me Lexy. My party and I have only been here for a few days."

"Still wandering aimlessly through the deserts no doubt," he said. "Unless you've already done the Captain's quest to find your way around the Golden Rings?"

"The Captain?" she asked quizzically. The only captain she knew of was Ruven and he had just dropped them planet-side on Junon and scuttled off. She thought for sure he would've told her if he was coming to Orlo. She thought about other people who could be called "captain." Though Alphonso himself was a captain by rights, he did not take on that mariner's title. It did not seem to fit. "Who's the Captain?"

The man laughed, as if her question was silly. "Dread Captain Bruise, of course. His wreckage is just over yonder. He has the maps you'll need to take you through the desert without getting lost."

Lexy thanked the Artisan and peppered him with questions about the maps, for surely something so valuable on this planet would not come cheaply. She had stories to share, of course,but even those could not always be used as bartering tools.

"He is always In Need of Supplies, Food, Repairs, and Water. His crewmembers and him send us all on Quests and errands," the Artisan replied. "To help him repair is crashed ship, The Blinding Mist. They aren't very difficult, but he keeps having to round up more Heroes to help him out, since so many of them do not return..."

At this, Lexy cast her eyes about the desert. It was not surprising, truly, that so many Heroes have become lost in this vast, monotonous land. "Have none been found, then? The Heroes, I mean," She queried. "They don't just disappear...they stay unconscious until someone Resurrects them or they appear at the god-appointed spawn sites...right?"

She did not voice her most pressing concerns. For if there was a crash site nearby, the odds were good that the items that Hebarn required would be near. It would be nice if that ship was indeed the crash site they needed to gather the Karkian goods and rid themselves of this horrid planet.

"That's what I thought too," Potbelly replied. "I've been to the spawn sites myself, after failed attacks and on purpose, but have not seen any other Heroes at those desert oasis locations. There aren't Heroes laying about waiting for Clerics to rez them either. They just disappear." He shrugged at this, not worried about any sinister reasons behind the missing people. "They aren't in the small town either."

Before Lexy could question him further, the rest of her party returned looking breathless and tired, but happy. LoPan, Xyler, and XiaoYingWu stopped just behind Lexy and nodded towards the newcomer. All eyed his pistol warily. With the new Artisan patch that was released recently, Artisans were now a great deal stronger than they had ever been. It was much more than a crafting profession now, and because he was a stranger, they were all on guard.

Xyler took another step forward to stand next to his Cleric. "I've found a crash site just one map over." His eyes never left the Artisan as he spoke. He raised his UI and opened the current map. He flicked his finger once, sliding the map off the screen and replacing it with a new one. He pointed to it. "I surveyed the site as Xiao and LoPan approached it and made the negations with the Captain there for a special map."

Lexy nodded in understanding. "Potbelly told me about the Quests just now." She gestured to the Artisan, who continued to smile contentedly. "We have to run some item collecting quests for the captain in order to get the skills to help us navigate the worlds."

"No need," interrupted LoPan as he produced a parcel of papers and a small glowing orb. "We took the liberty of running the quests already. Xyler ran an extra set of quests to get the materials for you." He handed her the maps and the orb which contained the path finder skill. Both were absorbed into her UI and added to its memory stores.

"Would've been nice if He just gave those to us to begin with," muttered Xiao. The others twitched nervously, but there was no way for Potbelly to know that the Knight was referring to Hebarn and not Captain Bruise.

"Did we find the other materials we need?" she asked,turning away from Potbelly.

"Not yet," Xyler replied. He allowed himself a small smile. "But we know where to acquire it now."

Author's Notes: Included in this story are the real quests from Dread Captain Bruise (in need of supplies, and references to in need of food, repairs, and water. Artisan offensive updates from patch 290-something or was it 301/2? were also included.

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 09:12 PM.

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#8 Galexy


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Posted 08 April 2011 - 08:46 AM

Author's Notes: Took a few months hiatus to finish last min wedding planning, then the wedding, then the honeymoon...and now I have time to write again. Kinda. =) Not that anyone really reads this anymore, but what the hey, right? ^_~

The new forums update...or whatever it was...has seriously screwed up ALL the symbols and most of the punctuations used in my past articles. And I'm too lazy to edit them all out. Cuz really, it's a lot. But it's even worse trying to read through it all. Ewwwness to teh extreme.

I wrote much of this chapter back in October and finished it in April. Theres been aton of updates since they, which have altered many of the things in my story. I've added what I could and altered what I needed to. In this chapter, I've used a lot of direct Quotes from the Rifter Quest, though I may have changed a word here or there to make it fit my storyline. I also make referenced to the Akram Storage coupons now available in the IM.

Chapter 7: The Rift

Attaining the materials, however, was harder than the party had initially thought. Pieces of the secret technology were picked up through salvages at the crash site when the crew members of Captain Bruise were not paying attention. Other pieces were gathered and kept from the debris locations scattered across the desert plains. It was hard, competing with the other Heroes for the pieces of Karkian salvage, but they managed to steal these back from Dr. Ega once other Heroes turned them into her. The helmet, which helped her breath the air of Orlo, cut off so much ofher peripheral vision, that thieving was a cinch.

None of the pieces seemed to make any sense to group, nor could they figure out what the device, or devices, were meant to be. Some guessed that the Karkians were building a stronger, faster Metal Monster, or Castle Gear, to rival that of the Factions on Junon. Others guessed that the invention was to be the mode of transportation between planets, much like the living Portals on Junon and Orlo. Guesses varied and changed daily, but the problem remained - they werenot the only ones gathering the missing pieces.

The Blackbears, as they were called, were often seen at these crash sites as well, collecting pieces of this or that for their own trading caravans. It was harder to infiltrate this group of strangers, to even think about stealing from them or force them into combat. It did not seem as if they were using the materials for any purpose other than collecting, so it was decided that they needed to find a way into the group in order to barter and trade for the items. Lexy, being the least menacing party member, was chosen for the task.

Potbelly, who the group ran into now and again in their travels across the desert, mentioned that the best way to get to know the Blackbears was to talk to the one that hung out with the most Visitors and Heroes at the Temple where they all entered the world of Orlo. The party made the trek back to the first location on the map together, but Lexy alone approached the Blackbear.

The Wandering Rifter, named Nimbo, towered over Lexy by nearly two head lengths. She approached him cautiously, despite the assurances of the Artisan, Potbelly. Nimbo turned his round head towards her. The tattoos on his forehead mesmerized her with its patterning. Two other circular tattoos were on each of his upper arms. He wore large black earrings in bothlobes, with golden skulls hanging from them.

"Hey, do you know where you are?" asked Nimbo.

Confused, the Cleric answered, "This is Orlo, isn't it?"

"Did you come through the Orlean Portal, too? Are you what the Orleans call a Visitor? I came through the Portal too, you see, but most likely not from where you came in from! I can't go back home. This Portal keeps taking me to Junon and that is not my home!"

"Junon was not my home either," responded Lexy. "It is my home, for now. Are you not Orlean?"

"No, I'm a Blackbear. The Orleans tell us that we're lost in a rift between one world and the next. We've adopted this place as our home but we're the people of the Domzorgistoj, or caretakers. But, it's easier to call us Blackbears or Rifters."

"A rift?" asked Lexy, intrigued. Was that the Orlean explanation for Arua's abduction of Visitors? Or was there, perhaps, another cause that could logically explain the appearance of Visitorsin these worlds. "I came here, to the worlds of ROSE, by Portal as well. I do not know how it came to be nor how I can return to my home. It is the way of the arrival of all Visitors. It's something we have in common."

"Yes," replied the Rifter, not pausing to wonder the true meaning behind her words. "We are all brothers and sisters that have gone through the Portal! But...I do miss the fishing. We Blackbears were great fishermen, back in Ciela Maroj, you see. Here, we've had to adapt to a new lifestyle. We lend a hand when manual labor is needed and have helped the Orleans in war, during the battles between Arua's Servants and Hebarn's Vassals."

Lexy eyed the mass of muscles that bulged in the man. It would be a fearful thing to meet such an opponent on the battle field. She dared not ask on which side of the invisible war this creature fought. Things were cordial now. There was no need for things to turn ugly and she did not want this man as an enemy.

The Blackbear continued, not knowing Lexy's trail of thoughts. "Unfortunately, not all things are well between us Blackbears and the Orleans. Our friends have become fearful of our power. The planet is already on the brink of a civil war. The current queen is losing control and our appearance here disrupts things further." He shook his head as sadness permeated his features. The Cleric thought about the Orlean Queen Hiria that had appeared before them back on Junon and wondered what ramifications her existence will have on the already-burdened Queen ofOrlo. "Nova tells me that the Blackbears have begun to fight amongst ourselves. It is hard to adapt to life on this new planet. We're all taking the changes differently. There are some among us who still wish to return home instead of adapting to life here."

"I know how they feel," she whispered quietly to herself. The parallels here were uncanny. Like the Blackbears, the Visitors have faced the division as well. How she wished to return home and see her younger sisters once more - in person! And, yet, how her ties to this world, this life, were just as strong. She's adapted, but her desire to return had not abated. Elly, and many other Visitors, have fully assimilated in these Worlds, many by choice, others by memories lost.

In a louder voice, she continued, "We do what we can, while we are here. We work, we live, we survive with what these worlds offer us. It does not mean that we should give up the hope that we can one day return home."

"Perhaps you're right," murmured Nimbo. He smiled at her. At least, she hoped it was a smile. "Thank you for that insight. It is something that I must ponder for a bit." He nodded to himself and stared off into the distance. "Hm..While you are here, would you mind going to share this information with my clansmen? I am sure that some would like to think these things over as well. Here are the coordinates to our city." Hehanded her a sheet of paper with numbers scrawled across the surface. "You can tell them that Nimbo sent you. They'll talk to you then."

"I will, thank you," Galexy replied. She shook his hand in farewell, clasping him on the wrist instead of palm to palm like she' seen so many of their kind doin the past few days of traveling on this planet. He gazed at her then, hishead tilted slightly to one side, but did not comment.

She relayed the conversation to her party members, who hidout around the corner from the Blackbear, and, together, they ventured towards the secret Oasis city. The path was far and winding, often dumping them back out where they started. Along the way, they battled various turtle-type monsters, vicious snakes of all kinds, and the occasional ghostthat appeared to taunt them at night.

Lost in another tangle of un-climbable hills and mountains,the party was about to give up hope when they suddenly found themselves in the sparkling liveliness of the hidden oasis. Greenery flourished in this city, in the midst of which stood a large lake. Buildings and columns rose from the sparkling depths and glittered in the light of the setting sun. Blackbears were scattered across the expanse of the city, their fluid and sometimes harsh language filled the silence. Sprinkled among the inhabitants of this landwere a few Visitors and Heroes.

Xyler approached the Blackbears, one by one, explaining their purpose there, subtly mentioning their Blackbear liaison when the need arose. He was directed to many different warriors, each with their separate interviews, before he was shown to the Storage Keeper. There, having apparently made a good impression on all of those concerned, they were able to trade for the parts that they needed. Xiao, being the wealthiest, or most eccentric of the lot, had the most items available for trade that interested the bears.

They spent a week within the city, learning all they could about Orlo and the Karkian crash from the Heroes and the Blackbears themselves. Other caravans weaved in and out of the city, constantly bringing in more parts for them to trade. They sent the heavier, bulkier mats and items directly to Hebarn using the special storage function hacked into their UIs that allowedthem to deposit things into their bank storage.

Xyler spoke with the warriors, learning more about the rivalry between the different faction of Blackbears and the civil war that threatened to overtake the world. LoPan bartered for weapons with the Smith and Xiao, having learned that new refine machinery was invented and that the new level of mastery was raised to 15, hurriedly refined all of his gears. By the end ofthe week, he was a shining blue hunk of metal with a very empty inventory and zulie bag.

Lexy, for her part, merely wandered through the small desert oasis. She talked with anyone and everything, but did not delve deeper into the intrigues of this world. She had plenty enough mysteries of her own as it was. She did not want to borrow those of this new, smoldering planet.

And, try as she might to avoid being pulled into the battles here, her mind kept returning to her conversation with Nimbo. Did his story hold some important fact that would help her return to her home world? How was his story related to hers, if it was at all?

At the end of the week, the party assembled and prepared to leave. The items requested were all gathered, though many were unrecognizable even to Xyler and LoPan, who both have a knack for figuring out all things machinery. Their quest logs read that the step in thei rquest was completed and that they were to return to Hebarn.

Only Lexy worried about the delivery they were going to make. Only she worried about what the pieces of the space junk meant and what it would be once it was put back together again.

And, as it was, we probably should have all been worried. Very, very worried. But who could have known what was to come? - Mage Diary

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 09:34 PM.

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#9 Galexy


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 08:24 PM

Meh. Over a year has passed since my last entry....and I had virtually stopped playing since then, so I have no idea what updates, big or small, have occurred in the game since then - which would evidently affect (or is it effect?) my storyline here. So I am going to just kinda make it up as I go...and for the first time, just type it directly here. =)
Chapter 8: The Return

Mage Diary:

The trip back to the portal was an uneventful one, surprisingly. The boys managed to wrangle some transportation for us through the forsaken heat of this planet and our trek back went quite smoothly. On this side of the portal, everything was as it had been: Hot, constant, tension-filled, and battle-ready. We thanked the Blackbears that shared their caravan trek with us. We learned more of their war on the journey and it was hard to remain neutral in this face of war. We had a quest to complete, one that led us away from Orlo. For now.

We went through the portal as planned, intent on seeing the mission through. What faced us, however, was something completely unexpected and, frankly, quite unnerving. Even for me. Even after all we've been through. This was undoubtedly worse. The sensation of walking through a portal is, at most, a second. There is a chilling sensation, followed quickly by a suction of air. Their is a pause, between one intake of one's breath and the resultant exhale, where everything seems to freeze. Then there is a pop of brilliant light, sound, and heat and you find yourself transported to the other side. This time, however, the sensation stretched on and on. The chill set deep within our bones, rattling our teeth and minds. I could not take a breath nor breathe out the frosted air that filled my lungs. Though uncomfortable, it was apparently not deadly. I was able to see the terror and confusion in my clanmates' expressions, but neither our HP changed nor did our faces turn blue from the lack of oxygen. I cannot say how long we remained there, suspended between the two physical exit points of this living portal. Though we longed for the exit that eventually came, I do not think any of our group expected the level of pain that accompanied our "escape."

Bond awoke us some days later, according to her. She had no recollection of us aside from the scare four unconscious bodies at her feet had caused her. She nursed us back to health with some of the Heroes that wandered through. We were a novelty, a sight-seeing detour to the battles forged below the Temple entry. No matter how many health potions or healing spells placed on us, we could not awaken. Starburner and Serenity were both no where to be seen.

I do not know what that means, nor what relevance Bond's lack of recognition held. What I do know is that, within those few seconds...minutes...hours...days?...that we spent suspended between worlds, this world had once again rewritten itself. The gods were making a mockery of themselves - or us. Or was it the Moderators, wielding their power once more? The lines become more blurred, even as my own memories are rewritten. This journal helps me hang on to those memories that are truly mine, but if I can be rewritten so easily, who's to say what I write here can't be edited the same way?

Already I question my first entries in this journal. Did I truly arrive in a portal of some sort? I've keyed up the map of Adventure Plains in my UI and there are no portals there. Only ships, that ferry new visitors to Junon daily. I even remember the ships that brought me here....But that is not what is written here, in my journal in my own hand. A memory lingers, somewhat distant in my mind, of there being a portal in AP. One that brought me here. But which is real? And which was rewritten?? Mage Diary, Day 61? A.R. (After Remembering)

"But the thing is, Lexy," said LoPan, tapping his chin quizically. "I remember their being a portal on AP, too." He paused for a second, his brow drawing in in deep concentration. "I think."

Galexy shook her head and closed the Mage Diary she had been perusing. "It's here in the journal, but I don't know. I thought our memories could not be altered anymore. I thought..." Her voice trailed off. She was about to blurt out that she thought she felt safe, where her memories were concerned, now that she sided with Hebarn. But voicing that thought aloud was too unbearable, even after being as deeply entrenched as she was now.

"This is something else," intoned Xyler. "Something bigger...different...than what we've seen before. As it is, it seems only the maps have changed. But they'ved changed before and nothing about that mattered. Our UIs change as well, so we can find our way through. We've searched for old landmarks before, but they've always been wiped clean. We can assume that this time is the same."

"But this change involves the loss of a Portal - one that we initially thought took us from other places and dropped us among these worlds," Xiao added.

Xyler raised his hand, halting the discussion. "Though that may be true, this is not the best time to discuss this. Record what we recall in Lexy's book for now, but we must make our way to Hebarn. He'll want these fragments and other...stuff. Let's end this quest."

The others in the party resigned nodded their ascent. Taking turns recording their own memories in the Mage diary, the party slowly made their way back to the desolate planet, floating quietly in the black abyss. The tides were turning, everyone could feel that. But where was the tide pulling them this time?

Edited by Galexy, 01 August 2012 - 09:36 PM.

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#10 Ballistic


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 01:29 AM

*waves* :wave:
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#11 Galexy


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 07:33 PM

Hi!! Wasn't sure if anyone came in here anymore..
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#12 Zurn


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Posted 02 August 2012 - 01:01 AM

I pop in when I see updates to the threads here, I enjoy reading these when I'm sitting around work doing nothing :P I just don't generally reply to them~
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#13 Galexy


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Posted 02 August 2012 - 06:50 PM

Awesome! It's kinda nice that the news of the Sea of Dawn is coming out just as I return to writing this story...which will hopefully focus on Luna. =)
Chapter 9: Out of the Fire

"The pieces are all here," Xyler said as he gestured to the metal fragments scattered across the tables of the White Room. It had taken all four party members' entire inventory space to cart all of the items back to Hebarn, even with their extra tabs. "We gathered what we could, including some of the dust...or smoke...or whatever it is."

The scientists, clad in stark, white coats instead of the usual red cloaks, clung to the walls away from the items that they were clearly itching to investigate. However, no one moved a muscle...not when the God of Darkness stood close by.

"You've done well," drawled the god. "Oro's anger burns his planet. I can feel his fury, even here." His eyes slid from the wreakage towards the Cleric who stood stoically next to Xyler. "To have such a treasure stolen from one's grasp..." He smiled cryptically and tore his gaze away from Galexy.

"I have a new quest for you," he said, addressing the whole group. Without waiting for their ascent, the god continued. "It seems that Arua's awakening has brought with it a whole slew of gods and goddesses trying to reawaken. Oro is still trapped, for now, but rumors have reached me from the Sea of Dawn. It seems that the Visitors there wish to reawaken the Ice Queen."

Hebarn spit out the title as if it were a curse, his voice hoarse and filled with hatred. "Go to that planet," he snarled. "Find the interlopers." A flash of yellow light and a quiet beep followed his words. Every Affliction member's UI flashed with the new quest. "And STOP them. Leave no one alive."

There was a loud burst of red smoke signaled the Dark God's abrupt departure. As the vapors cleared, the room let out a collective sigh of relief. The hatred was a well known one, even if rarely discussed. Even among the notoriously sly and wicked, there were things that one just never whispered.

"We go to Luna," Xyler announced as the room cringed away from him. Even the name was rarely spoken without backlash from the wrathful leader. The Hawker remained emotionless as he stared at each of his clansmen - the Starburst clansmen.

"You wish to the obliterate the Lunarians?" queried the soldier, a wry smile on his face. "As warriors go, that is a pacifist lot. There's no glory nor honor there."

Lexy, knowing better, cupped her Hawker's face and gazed into his icy blue eyes. "It is time to face your dreams, my love," she whispered. And time to face one of my many nightmares, she added to herself. In an even quieter voice, she added, "She calls to you, as the other calls to me."

"He dreams...of slaughtering --" LoPan's spluttered, his eyes wide in disbelief. "But...but..you're from there!"

To the astonishment of all those gathered, the Hawker smiled. He who never smiled, this newest right-hand man of the Dark God. This newest development was more than most of the scientists could take. They slowly trickled out of the room, their excitement over the artifacts long forgotten. The Hawker laughed, a chilling, full-bellied sound, that sent the rest from the White Room, leaving on the four Starburst clansmen within the room.

"You're such an idiot sometimes," laughed the Hawker.

"Who's the idiot here," growled Xiao, crossing his arms. "You mean to go against our god's wishes to rescue the people of that frozen land. He will not turn a blind eye to this, not when that goddess is concerned. No matter how much he likes your tinkering."

"I'll not let him massacre my people over his jilted heart," Xyler started. He thought of all the monsters unleashed on all of the planets, particularly the giant ones that roam throughout Luna. "At least, not more than he is already doing." He glanced up at the Soldier and then towards the Dealer. "You do not have to join me in this."

LoPan, too, crossed his arms. "And if we oppose?"

Cold, blistering anger reflected from Xyler's blue eyes. "Then you will die here."

Who knew that such coldness could burn hotter than fire? The dealer gulped, hastily raising his hands. "I was kidding!! I'm in, I'm in!"

"Count me in, too," announced Xiao, dropping his arms. "This slaughter is folly. The Dark Shamans' numbers are too low for a win to be guaranteed." He shivered suddenly. "I do not look forward to the snow."

Lexy smiled and embraced her Raider. "Count me in, too."

"What the %^#$. Count me in."

Four heads snapped towards the high-pitched voice as Katinka crossed the doorway into the White Room. She leaned against the door frame languidly, a small smile forming on her face as she polished her Glacier Knuckles. "This should be fun."

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