Posting Guidelines When Reporting Bugs & Issues - Bug Reporting - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Posting Guidelines When Reporting Bugs & Issues

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#1 Genesis


    ROSE Developer

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 07:44 AM

Here's a few useful guidelines that should help you when writing posts to report bugs and issues:

1. Check to make sure your issue hasn't already been posted before making another thread.

Moderators will close topics and tag them as a [Duplicate Issue] if a similar thread has been made about a bug. Try to keep information about an issue within a single topic. Necroposting in older threads is fine so long as the issue is still relevant.


2. Create a new thread for each issue.

Avoid creating one thread containing several issues or bugs, as this makes it more difficult to keep track of which issues have been resolved, and which issues are still occurring.

3. Choose a meaningful topic title.

Enter a meaningful topic title that summarizes the issue you are reporting. Vague and poorly named topic titles don't make it obvious what your issue is and make it difficult to locate your thread at a later date.

Good Example: Descent of the Goddess (1) quest not rewarding item
Bad Example: why is this quest not working?

Good Example: Client crashes when entering Oblivion Temple
Bad Example: Help! My game crashes!?!?!

4. Provide as much information as you can that is relevant to the issue being reported.

Providing defailed information about your issue will make it easier for us to replicate the problem so that we can spend less time making guesses at what went wrong and more time fixing the issue.

For crash reports, include what you were doing at the time the crash occurred, any steps you took to get the issue to occur, any error messages that appeared, and include details of your computer hardware or operating system if you think the issue may be specific to your machine.

Good Example: When I load up the game and click on a tab in the Inventory window, my game client crashes with the regular Windows crash report. My computer is running Windows XP. It doesn't always crash when I do this...
Bad Example: Please game crashes when I try to open my Inventory.

Good Example: When turning in Descent of the Goddess (1) to [Old Man] Myad, the quest did not give any reward, but was removed from my quest log. I tried talking to the NPC again but there were no options to finish the quest or get the reward.
Bad Example: Descent of the Goddess (1) is bugged! Fix it please!!!

5. Tag your topic title as [Closed] if you managed to fix your own issue.

If you managed to fix the issue you were having by yourself or by another member of the community, help us keep the Bug Reporting section clean by updating your topic title to include the tag [Resolved] or [Closed] at the beginning to let us know that the issue no longer requires anyone's attention. Either update your opening post or make a new post in the thread saying what you did to fix the issue so that others who may be having the same problem in the future have a solution to try out themselves.

Moderators will mark threads as [Resolved] if the bug or issue has been fixed, or [Confirmed] if the issue has been confirmed as broken by a developer.

Example Topic Title: [Closed] Descent of the Goddess (1) quest not rewarding item
Example Post: I found out that there is another quest that has to be completed to continue the next part of Descent of the Goddess. After I completed Descent of the Goddess (2) I recieved the reward.

Edited by Genesis, 26 March 2014 - 04:58 AM.

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