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Technical Tips/Help

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#1 RChamp


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 07:42 PM

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hey guys. i need to fix these technical difficulties i keep having with dragonica. enclosed is a snapshot of my machine specs, clearly above recommended right? well my main concern is not my framerate, but the time it takes to load mobs on the screen. same with players. now i've done it all... even tried with 2 separate machines. Windows 7 Ult with dragonica on this computer does not work great at all - i get low FPS and the loading problem all the time. so i tried on a second machine (similar specs) and it's the same thing. both fresh installs with nothing but dragonica on them. my solution was to just put XP Pro back on both computers and that solved my low FPS and cut the loading problem in half. but the loading problem is still bad enough to make me want to rage quit sometimes. i mean it doesn't kill me but i always see other people fighting the 'air' while i just stand there. sometimes all i see are the little circles, under the characters that show their class, bouncing around. usually toggling F10 (remapped to V for quickness) to turn off the HUD helps load faster but on stages like F6 it really ruins my playing when i can't see a damn thing.

i've got gamebooster running and avast shield down. toggled those both on and off and tried to play - doesn't help. is the problem possibly my video card memory...? it's half a gig for a small game like this it should be perfect!! i've tried to overclock it with several programs but this card is unclockable. i'd figure my 2.8ghz processor would make up for it but i don't know.

i play in fullscreen with everything on low; vert sync off. once again my framerate is fine, i just can't get over this invisible players/mobs :)! while playing from lvl 1++ it was okay. but now in places like Lavalon it really affects my play style. sometimes only parts of characters load also.

i may have forgotten a thing or two so if/when i remember i'll be sure to edit.
as i type i remember i forgot to say my connection speed. i'm in EST running on a 16mb line.

any other tips or maybe a complete solution would be great.

edit: i close the gateway launcher before i start.

Edited by RChamp, 31 October 2010 - 07:45 PM.

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#2 SharpEye


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 07:51 PM

This computer is clearly AT the MINIMUM requirements for both Processor and RAM and below recommended requirements for graphics.
For a desirable experience you want at least the recommended. Any one of your components could be slowing your computer down, not to mention your load temperatures.

Complete solution: If you want a desirable gaming experience, get a better computer.
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#3 RChamp


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 07:52 PM

please link me to the recommended specs. i bet they've changed.
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#4 SharpEye


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:00 PM

Please do your own research next time. I clicked one button getting there.

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#5 RChamp


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:19 PM

Please do your own research next time. I clicked one button getting there.


Yea sorry I was in a mission, while everything was loading I checked my post.
Now.. the processor is just over the minimum but not enough to really matter. what's funny is i was playing on an even worse machine without these problems, 512mb ram and a 4x gfx card. and the RAM is recommended - and also minimum for some reason (2gb). what speccy failed to show was my gfx card is an HD 2600 XT. although its below the recommended it's above the minimum and it should work just fine. especially with 512mb on ram on it.

my game should work just fine.
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#6 RChamp


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:23 PM

damn i just realized this game does take a lot of juice.
also, i was not getting this long loads for characters to show up problem before commercial release. but the mobs still take as long.
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#7 Kazra


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:29 PM

For the characters and monsters to show up... you need a better internet connection. I think that's whats failing for you atm.
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#8 RChamp


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:35 PM

For the characters and monsters to show up... you need a better internet connection. I think that's whats failing for you atm.

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i don't usually use because individuals like to run servers to test on and its really unreliable, but i know that's what all the wannabe techies use so here.

this damn well better be sufficient enough for dragonica. please post yours for comparison.
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#9 Kazra


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:37 PM

I guess it's your comp then. I play on a comp that has decent FPS on Dragonica, and the only time I see invisible characters and mobs are when the servers are lagging, or my internet connection decides to fail on me.
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#10 RChamp


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:42 PM

I guess it's your comp then. I play on a comp that has decent FPS on Dragonica, and the only time I see invisible characters and mobs are when the servers are lagging, or my internet connection decides to fail on me.

oh i see.. another thing are the coins take 3-5 seconds to pop up after killing a mob. that's most likely server side then right?
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#11 Kazra


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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:54 PM

It just keeps sounding like internet connection problems to me, but your connection seems fine from the test. I don't have any problems, except the server DOES lag time from time... unlike on THQ >>
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#12 LinkKirby


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Posted 01 November 2010 - 02:53 AM

It just keeps sounding like internet connection problems to me, but your connection seems fine from the test.

Actually, you can't really tell anything relevant about his internet connection from that test. That speed test is aimed at measuring bandwidth rather than latency, and for some reason he used some local server in Michigan instead of where the game servers are located, Los Angeles I believe? He should post a different one and see if the results are consistent, since you shouldn't draw conclusions from one little test like that.
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#13 ridicule


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Posted 01 November 2010 - 04:32 AM

His issues are not consistent with anything connection related. MMOs surprisingly take up VERY little bandwidth.

I can tell you exactly why nothing shows up, and it seems people already have - my laptop has the same issues. Just because you reach the minimum requirements, doesn't mean the game will play anything near flawlessly.

I mean for chrissake, you still have a Pentium 4. Pick up the next tower you see thrown to the curb, it'll probably be better.

Game boosting programs won't help you. Defragmenting won't help you. Lowering the game specifications will not help you.

No solution will create good hardware where there isn't any, period.

edit: to actually be helpful

Processor - Your processor is a single core Pentium 4. Even duo/quad core 2 Intels are "outdated" now.
Graphics Card - Not awful, not good, don't expect performance. There will be graphical lag.
RAM - DDR2 and 3 are the standards now (higher for some high-end video cards), seems like you still have DDR
Hard Drive - Not a huge deal I guess, but SATA transfer rates are better than PATA and have been for awhile now

It isn't something you can simply upgrade either, because current generation tech isn't going to be compatible with your system. This is a pretty clear-cut case of buying a PC that isn't ages old.

Edited by ridicule, 01 November 2010 - 04:41 AM.

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