Adventurer's Guild Revamp? - Proposals and Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Adventurer's Guild Revamp?

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 03:26 PM

Due to the success and spread of the Bounty Boards, it may be a good time to address those lingering Adventurer Guild NPCs. They're just there and don't really offer much in the way of EXP. Most of them don't even offer quests, and their only "unique" quality is hearing a random voice speak when you click on them, though rather low in volume. But rather than standard kill quests, perhaps other methods could be employed to better contrast and/or coincide with the Bounty Boards?
Some Eden Quests have item collection quests, so perhaps some new Adventurer Guild Quests could also offer Item Collection quests with a requirement? Would it be possible to issue an "Adventurer Badge" that would enable a questing player to get a special character-bound drop? Let's use Splendide Bounty Boards as an example reference. The Adventurer Guild NPC in the Midgard Camp would give the player a "Splendide Badge" that would cause a special drop to either drop on the ground or immediately be placed in the player's inventory at a certain rate. The player would need to amass about half of the total number of bounty board kills, 300 in Splendide's Case, to turn in. Other areas could have two different types of drops, per area and badge. When turning in, the badge will also be collected and a small cooldown could be employed. Is this possible to do?
Another idea is a variant take on killcount, based on mercenaries. Would it be possible to take on a quest and be granted a Special Mercenary to reach specific killcount totals with? The better the Merc's killcount, the better the EXP payout, which makes it something of a race against time. For best results, the Mercenary would have to be the one to deliver the final blow for it to count, to prevent AoE-centric classes from making a joke out of it.
Numerous Delivery Quests that are intentionally vague and have multiple possible NPC recipients to keep forum/wiki readers guessing could also be something to try.
Since this is meant to be a guild for adventurers, perhaps more challenging, yet restrictive quests could be devised to test the mettle of players of all sorts of ranges and classes? One example off the top of my head would be a quest variant of the Personal Force portion of Izlude Arena for Acolyte/Priest types. Rather than only waves via rooms, how about just being able to go around and try to kill as many undead/shadow element/monsters as possible within a time limit? Final score determines an exp boost for the base reward and there would be a cooldown in place.
Crazy stuff, I know, but something to spice up the standard killcount quest stuff would be nice, while still leveling.

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