Will there ever be a full PC port of RO to Android? - Ragnarok Online - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Will there ever be a full PC port of RO to Android?

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#1 DarkGunslingerX


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:25 AM

Hey guys, new to the forum, something's just been on my mind for a while and I decided to come here to ask this since I don't see this anywhere else, but will there ever be a full port of the game on phones? I mean.. Ragnarok is one of my favorite games of all time, it's on my top 3 favorite MMOs and I've tried like 50+ of them xD I haven't got on for a while though since you know, player 2007, I only go on once in a while since it gets old to me and I'm a gamer, I play a variety of stuff once in a while, but anyway..
No offense to anyone but personally I really really hate the RO on mobile, I see 2 of them, I think they're just different servers? since they look the same to me. but I've only played it less than an hour, yet I've found like multiple issues with it I don't like..

1. character creation, what is up with all these MMOs in the phone market where you can only choose 1 of 3-5 characters and you can't even customize them? well in  RO you can only choose hairstyles with 1 default hair color on each hairstyle in the beginning as you create it, and that itself is ridiculous I mean.. there's a lot of massive 3d games on android that are impressive graphics for a phone, offline, I know online takes up more but I've even seen 3d mmos more impressive on phones, but every MMO is terrible for phones right now. So the main problem with #1 complaint is a lack of character customization. if you thought the original RO on PC was lacking clothes/hair colors and hair styles, then just get a load of androids version, omfg lol they could've at least added more content, I don't think it'll change much lag-wise or even phone hard drives, I look at this as a poor script.

2. world, it's totally different and that doesn't feel right.. I haven't gone on this game for a while, I just had it in my mind and thought I'd talk about it but the last time I got on a few months ago, prontera looked really small, the forest looked absolutely different, it did look populated which was nice, but seeing the lack of customization and seeing so many people looking like me really killed it from my 30-60 minute experience. I don't know how big this game is world wide, but I bet it's way smaller than the PC RO. it's gotta be really small as a whole though, I don't see this android version being even 1/3 of the size of PC RO. I think it has the potential to do it, at least for new phones it does, there could be skill spam limits with channels and player limits if it helps for lag optimization, it'd be much better than adding a fake tiny prontera and a couple other knock-off areas, I didn't feel like I was playing RO.

3. graphics/screen, here's the only good thing I have to say about this game, the body sizes that are somewhat different are pretty cute and chibi, I like it, and I wouldn't mind it on a RO PC port to android devices considering a smaller body is better for a smaller screen, although RO can run at some really awfully low resolutions on PC anyway, like 640x480? aren't there many android devices that are much higher than that? but anyway, the complaint I have for this topic is that I saw a whole lot of micro transaction BIG buttons and I don't mind micro transactions, I've gotten stuff here before, but I hate when it's all over my face 24/7  like a giant button that says "CASH SHOP" underneath at all times or something like that. Like I said, I haven't played a while back so idk what's changed, but I remember something like this that I doubt has changed, could've at least been on like a menu thing in a smaller button, this makes it no different than most of all these phone apps which are all free to play micro transactions pieces of crap. RO on PC was playable even without spending money and there wasn't much pressure on having to spend until you're higher level and see all those expensive gears with merchants. I don't know about the mobile version  but I am very sure it pressures you pretty early considering that button I said and also that's how all phone MMOs are... bad quality + p2p combined = awful.

Final verdict, sorry if anyone got offended, I'm not really trying to insult the game, but it's truly a horrible experience for a lot of us, and I just want to see the future of games to be better, the friend who introduced me to RO even thought this mobile game sucked..I'm surprised it even has more 5 stars than 1's, which makes me think a lot of people are gonna disagree on me with a lot of things but seriously, you can't deny the fact it'd be SO much cooler and better if the original PC port of RO dropped on phones... it's 2015 and at this time, I rather play games that graphically are like RO on a handheld instead. Hell, even RO2 could probably run on the newest smartphones considering the Note 4 has a quad core 2.7 GHz processor, I know it's not the same as a PC's 2.7 GHz quad processor but still comparing the graphics of that game + phone, it could run with a small downgrade in graphics, I don't like RO2 much though.
This game can have huge potential if it got at least 90% of the things the PC version has, but I would rather it have 100% + more content with little changes to reduce lag like channel player limits or resolution option changes.
things I'd find cool in it would be.... zoom in and out of the map like you would zoom a browser and change camera angles with the two fingers rotating.. the analog to move may not be a bad idea, I kinda liked that but removing it or making it an option won't hurt, I'd prefer it to be optional to the player.
it STRIVES for more character customization, I don't think developers realize how important character creation is, this was the most ridiculous thing ever and sadly I see it in a lot of mobile MMOs.. more character details = player likes and feels more connected with their character = they'll stay longer. don't just give 3-5 freaking hairstyles of the same color like WTF.. at least add more hairstyles and colors than the PC version, or the same amount. and no fake prontera/fake world that replaces it because it's smaller, this might add a more variety of older phones to be able to play, but screw older phones, you'll probably get more profit if you made a really good game that players actually stick around and not some lame thing you wanna call a game. hardware drastically improves every year for phones so at least give us a hint if the PC port will ever come to phones in the future when Note 4 type phones become cheaper and 10x better phones are out... If I still see more of this and nothing more in 2020, I'm gonna be way more disappointed than I am now, by then an S3 would probably cost under $100 most places. Hell, I saw a better phone cheaper recently used.. so a better quality game may make less people able to play temporarily but it will keep the game alive longer I'm sure of it if it's good...

I don't know how many people like or dislike this game, the ratings say a bunch of people like it, I'd like to know why or if there's anything the android version has better than the PC version? please tell me lol, what do you all think about this? sorry my post was really long, I honestly expected my post to be like less than half of what I wrote, I just have a lot of passion for RO but the android port extremely disappoints me to no end, you know how cool it'd be to sit on a tablet/phone anywhere or walking by playing real RO with all classes including 3rd ones, and even taking a shower while training with some waterproof thing? xD that'd be awesome, but this RO is not the type of game I'd enjoy like that.. if you do, that's cool, but this is all based on my opinion, and I think a lot of people can agree if it was well optimized on phones, then it'd be better and you'd play it more.

Also... I had to look further to make sure if there really isn't any PC port on phones, but I actually saw this picture on what I think was a blog, post from... 2011? I saw screenshots of RO on some kinda phone device, with one of the beginning bridge maps, some other areas, I don't know what the heck that was, but it looked legit, impressive, but looked like there was only 1 player in the game and it was probably some hack/mod someone did, would rather not post the screenshots of what I saw unless it's not on the terms of service but idk... soo yeah xD

Edit: I think I might've put this in the wrong area of the forum x.x lol like I said, I'm new to the forum, since I don't see a way to move it, I guess copy/pasting a new thread on suggestions won't hurt, but I'll see if anyone says anything here too, this is an important issue after all.

Edited by DarkGunslingerX, 25 February 2015 - 02:31 AM.

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#2 KyrieDielle


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:31 AM

i was stunned by the wall of text from this post. I will reply once I read the whole post. Brb.

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#3 DarkGunslingerX


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:33 AM

Lol okay xD yeah I apologize, I was thinking I only had a lil bit to say but I like to be detailed with things I like or don't like about something, I'm just giving feedback with what I noticed and what would be better later.

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#4 KyrieDielle


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:45 AM

Personally, I don't think I will play Ragnarok on my phone. You can only do limited things on a small screen and without a physical keyboard. BTW, have you heard about the andRO app? It lets you play RO1 using your android phone. However, its not supported by Gravity.

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#5 DarkGunslingerX


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 03:01 AM

Personally, I don't think I will play Ragnarok on my phone. You can only do limited things on a small screen and without a physical keyboard. BTW, have you heard about the andRO app? It lets you play RO1 using your android phone. However, its not supported by Gravity.

My posts are limited and this is the last post I can give today, I may reply  with an edit to this post if it's possible or check back in a day due to this weird limit...

so you never tried it before? yeah don't bother, by the way it shows itself, it seems good and all until you actually go in game... omg I forgot to mention one of the worst things of all...the theme songs of each map only looped every 10 SECONDS! like COME ON! I know any phone including the oldest phones could support a lengthy song, they probably did this just to cut from hard drive space, but I've seen 2-4GB paying apps get lots of sales, this is just really poor quality and bad... it's not even considered a game if the music is that bad. even every NES game had lengthier better tunes lol, so this here is one poor excuse of a "game"

I know it's all limited on a small screen making it not as good viewing-wise, that's why I thought maybe getting a tablet for RO wouldn't be a bad idea, like getting any high-end android game like the GTA series on mobile set on high settings.

I never heard of andRO, I'll probably take a look on it to see what it is, seeing that I've been looking everywhere for a normal RO on phones and never found, I doubt it's popular but hm.. gravity should do something like that if it's possible, it'd benefit them and the players. I think the only reason the offiicial mobile games are this bad is because... lack of effort/laziness/low pay.
I found something called Ragnarok... Mobile Story? it's japanese, looks gravity official but could be not supported like what you said, but it's japanese only looks like and looks like something we can't just download and play with ease :/ looked exactly like the PC version by the resolution + map size and lengthier music on the youtube video..and had players running around, it impressed me. I swear man, mobile games can go far and they're good for times you wanna just stay away from the desktop or laptop and have something smaller in a different location.. it's kinda how I want to be in a game like RO now since playing RO on a $1700 PC build is kinda awkward lol.


@response below me since I can't reply more today

I see xD I didn't think much of hacks/cheats/scams, since I only was there for not even an hour,  this is just a first impressions of a long-time player to that game I played a few months ago but I guess I shouldn't be surprised there's lots of hacks etc in the mobile version, the PC version already has lots of annoying bots taking advantage of selling and grinding :/ never bothered my personal leveling gaming experience much though, just had to avoid them sometimes and not think about the idea the player could be/is a bot.

Edited by DarkGunslingerX, 25 February 2015 - 03:18 AM.

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#6 KyrieDielle


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 03:05 AM

I tried playing RO Valkyrie Uprising and that game is BS. Too many hacks, cheats and scams.

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#7 kazukimatsumoto


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 01:12 PM

I fall asleep whenever I try to grind in Valkyrie Uprising.  :heh: It's soooo . . .  :Emo_17:  :Emo_14:  :chomok04:

I like the other one, Ragnarok: Ash Vaccuum. But I got tired of the too much waiting. 


I remembered seeing an android app, in one of Valkyrie Uprising Facebook pages, that lets you play a PC version of Ragnarok. I'm not so sure what server it is though. Also, I don't know if it's legal or not. If it is, then you must have a good phone, 'cause the files that are needed to be downloaded are huge.

Edited by kazukimatsumoto, 25 February 2015 - 01:17 PM.

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#8 VModCinnamon



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Posted 25 February 2015 - 10:12 PM

AndRO is not developed nor supported by Warpportal.

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#9 TontonAlarcon


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 05:53 AM

I tried playing RO Valkyrie Uprising and that game is BS. Too many hacks, cheats and scams.



Edited by TontonAlarcon, 26 February 2015 - 05:55 AM.

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