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Raiders OP

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#26 iMatt


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 05:40 AM

Hi Feueu,


regarding the video reply, we had the same (back in the days best possible) buffs and both obviously used max refined perfect slotted PvP gear with the Soldier vs Hawker specialized fine tuning. It was not faked at all but mirrored the (at that time) not proper working Berserk burst!


Do you actually think JUSTIN HAZE would fake a video to make his most loved class getting nerfed, intentionally? No, it was under normal PvP circumstances back in that time!


Regarding your other accusations:  You can accuse me of many things, lots of it is probably right, but I never ever duped a single item in this game! Never. You can be mad about the 100 dura gear or the honor substats but never in my life did I dupe items in this game! I don't know who told you that but you might rethink trusting that person.


Btw, I did not post here to argue with you about old issues we both had but to support you in your opinion and because I agree with you that this PvP tournament is probably badly timed.






Edit: Mods, please don't remove Feuers previous post, I don't see it as insult but as discussion, thanks!


Edited by iMatt, 19 June 2017 - 05:41 AM.

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#27 Feuer


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 06:14 AM

Personally, I don't trust Justin either, I know he has more than 1 char, everyone does. And the lack of him having ever said anything about Axes over the last several years when everyone can CLEARLY tell they're under-powered? That's more than suspicious.


But, to halt this discussion, I simply don't trust you. Nor Justin.


As per the topic, Raiders are over powered, blatantly so. *shrug* Everyone knows it, but no one wants to mass support it because they're invested into the runes and duped materials to get a good raider and don't want to start over. If you want to have a discussion and we can post it here going over it, then get on Discord and we can talk.

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#28 iMatt


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 06:17 AM

As per the topic, Raiders are over powered, blatantly so. *shrug* Everyone knows it, but no one wants to mass support it because they're invested into the runes and duped materials to get a good raider and don't want to start over. If you want to have a discussion and we can post it here going over it, then get on Discord and we can talk.


I agree with you on that part, it became a pretty boring class...pvm aspect is nearly free of skill usage, pvp aspect became a skill spam fest completly ignoring stuff like passive stacks now....I am online on Rose...just whisper me, we can talk a bit ingame....brainstoriming helps....


About Justin I don't want to say too much, but I have still contact with him....rarly since he works a looot but like once a year a little chatting...he is fine btw...

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#29 Feuer


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 06:25 AM

Nah get on Discord and we can have a verbal chat.

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#30 Snuwfer


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 05:42 PM

Ooooohohohoh I been waiting a LONG time to bring this up. 


You didn't show ANY gear on your side or his. You didn't show the buffing process, you didn't show anything that can validate you were on equal playing fields at all. For all anyone knew, you were on Reinforced +0's to get a higher HP pool, in order to increase the max HP and thus increase the damage cap numbers. Justin didn't show any of his gear, we didn't see his buffs either.


I could fake that video right now if I wanted to, and make it look like Raiders are able to kill a Knight with 60k HP in 5-6 skills and blame it on their Skill Power %'s and Critical Damage Passives. This video and I firmly believe this Matt, was a ploy, faked, in an effort to not only 'prove yourself correct' but also to get the Class that only 4-5 people in the entire server played nerfed because they could on an equal field represent a threat to your precious Riders and Scouts. 


If there was anything you did in the past Matt, aside from your exploitation of support systems to duplicate faiths, get 100 dura pvp gear, honor sub-stats and probably more that I don't know about, THIS video was the one thing that irritated me more than all of it. With no evidence proving why the turn out was the way it was, just 2 very short clips [which is an atrocious sample size to begin with] you managed to get a class nerfed 8 times in 2 years. No other class has EVER been nerfed more than when you had a vendetta against Champions. 


Just saying, you're a manipulative player, who used the Class Representative position to nerf anything that was a threat to your class, and we're still feeling it today. It's not a matter of 'Raiders are just cool and people like them' as to the reason why over 70% of the players use Hawkers in PvP. It's because of hacks and charlatans like you pulling stunts and not showing any work being listened to. Sorry mate, it's not personal, it's on a professional level I find you to be detestably manipulative and deceitful. 

support ticket faith dupe is a far claim

Edited by Snuwfer, 20 June 2017 - 02:32 PM.

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#31 Feuer


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Posted 20 June 2017 - 02:09 PM

So to anyone who's curious, probably only a small few which is fine, our illustrious iMatt decided instead of a single topic discussion that we'd have a 4 hour long discussion about pretty much every class and weapon combination in the game along with other issues like duping and progression etc.


I don't know if or how long it'll take to edit and upload this, no one is going to watch the entire 4 hour discussion, so slicing portions is a must, but I don't want anyone to think anything was taken out of context.


If it'd be easier, I can simply provide a summarized transcript of what was said by both myself and iMatt and allow him to confirm what I post is true in regards to his position, should the few interested desire and find it easier to digest. 

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