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Guild Storage and Supply System

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#1 Loki1669


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 04:15 AM

So I was talking with a guildie the other day about how guilds supply themselves on ygg. What he basically does is he gives out prizes (like oca's, gears, ET drops, etc) to people who give a certain amount of supplies the guild needs, such as mandragora pots, starsands, or even beef heads.

So here I am with an idea to take this even further.

I've seen in other games "Guild storage systems", where the storage is shared among the guild, but that's not what I'm getting at. My idea involves making a simple NPC that allows guilds with a castle to be able to exchange supplies needed by the guild for prizes, such as the ones listed above, or for consumables. The guild leader would pay for this, but not out of his own pocket. Here's how it would work:

- The price to invest in economy would increase per investment. This increase is to "pay" for the cost of the prizes available. Economy investment is usually covered by guild fund, so the leader wouldn't have to spend out of pocket.
- The higher the economy, the better the prizes, and the more the guild leader can ask for, with a default of 2 different items, and a max of say 12 different items at 100 economy. Guild leaders get to pick what prizes will be available from a list, or it can be voted on on a monthly basis by the community, with every 10 economy increase being a +1 item slot (2+(100/10) = 12)
- As stated, higher economy would yield better prizes for members, which would make people want to econ a fort. The major downfall of woe I have seen, is that mainly guild leaders benefit the most. This would be a way for members to benefit.
- The concept would be the same as the "buy shop", where you drag and drop the items you have, and you get "midgard coins" or something similar, like a "woe coin".
- You then exchange your "woe coins" for the prize you want.
- The guild leader can then access a fort storage (available only to him) to get the supplies that guildies traded in. The fort storage is then wiped at the start of every siege, or it can stay there, and have the supplies available to whoever took the fort (thus making it essential to empty storage before woe).

I see that many guilds have always had a hard time getting supplies, and this would be one way to supply themselves with the help of their own members.

Ideas or Comments?

Edited by Loki1669, 17 June 2011 - 04:19 AM.

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#2 Ceer


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 05:37 AM

This would change the economy of iRO. Part of the challenge is for a guild to supply all the consumables it needs via the PVM part of the game. This links the PVP and PVM aspects in a way that draws resources from the PVP guilds to the PVM'ers.

What would be a better interface is to have a special gear posting, trading some sort of gear for an amount of consumable items for woe. It could be done as a quest board type deal where the poster supplies a number of items, zeny or guild exp to be given to the person who complete this quest. I do like your idea of a guild posting being related to castle economy, but I would add another option to lease a PVM base for zeny. That way, pvm guilds could do something similar.

It can be argued that the game already allows for something like this via the vend system + ragial website.

What do you think?
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#3 Loki1669


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 07:16 AM

I don't see how it would affect the economy though, since the guildies themselves would be hunting for the items (like mandra pots, starsands etc), and they could actually buy them with zeny if they want. Hunting for items that have a 1% drop rate won't drastically change their price on the market, and a "normal" human can't hunt that many anyways.

As for another NPC for pvmers, I can see them adding something as well, but my idea is mainly to bring some life to woe, because most people play for woe, or quit because of it being boring. Most of the stuff they add to the game is for pvm purposes, and they rarely EVER add anything decently good for woe.

The one usually in charge of supplies for a guild is the guild leader/woe leaders/co-leaders in general, and its VERY time consuming to check vends daily, and ragial to stock up on supplies that will be used every 3-4 days, and sometimes not even find them. Having more supplies to use in woe makes it more competitive as well. If guildies have some incentive to help, especially with these rewards, they will probably help out.

In any case, guilds will always be stocking up from vends even with the little extra help from guildies. It just makes things easier.

Edited by Loki1669, 17 June 2011 - 07:18 AM.

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#4 Ceer


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 08:58 AM

I'm sorry, I thought for your original post, you supposed that it should be an NPC quest to turn in gear for supplies without a player on the other end of the deal. The economics of that WOULD be different.

I see a system like that being a convenience for guild leaders. Much more, I would like the system to help provide new players with a good in game method of a way to track what items they can hunt that would be useful to other plaers (IE, sell for a lot.)
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#5 D111


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Posted 18 June 2011 - 05:46 AM

Any step forward would be great.
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