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Champion suggestions & feedback

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#1 antsmeister


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Posted 01 July 2016 - 03:02 PM

So, as the title refers, here is a topic for champion suggestions and feedback. Hope that the Dev team will take note off the things written here.


As myself, mostly playing my champ, I have noticed few things that definetly need attention. I have played all the weapons that the class has to offer. All champions weapons have some sort of special skills, for example Sword - mute , and Axe - stun. Spear is still kind of a vanilla. It has its AOE's. But it lacks mute or stun. Why not to add that for spear? Sword's also have AOE's and to be correct, You can kinda continously AOE with swords. They also have Skill Power passives. Axe on the otherhand is towards boss killing or 1v1. Thats a different story, But it has somewhat highest damage. For example Mages. They have AOE's and they have skills to mute or stun.

It is something that needs to be looked over in my opinion, changing a weapon is not something to consider, just because one has better skills than others. They should be balanced.


My suggestions - add more damage to spear, and add a mute or stun.


Do not complain about the 6 AOE's that spear has, Mages have many, Bourgs have many, Mages even have the ability to absorb. Spear has nothing to protect itself. A stun would do lots for that kind of champion. Hell, it can run away atleast.


These are the things that should be considered changing. I also encourage others to discuss the topic.

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#2 Feuer


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Posted 01 July 2016 - 06:54 PM

You can review my post here and look at the champion specific areas.


I'm still collecting my thoughts on individual skills to be posted later. 

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#3 antsmeister


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 01:43 AM

Hey Feuer, totally agree with the Spear Deflection Dance that You mentioned in Your post. The skill itself on level1 makes noticeable difference, however adding more levels to said skill is totally worthless. Adding the skill level to level 2-5 gives approx 100-130 more dodge on average build, which is kind of a waste of SP, due to lack of dodge it gives.

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