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Old player - Knight Advice

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#1 spitfire627


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Posted 24 December 2012 - 02:35 PM

soo... I'm from old school Ro from way back in the day. Playing to waste time... and using the internet from my phone just to play. Crazy right?

How is my build for when my knight gets 99/50.... turning LK is later later if it happens... i don't really have the time or the bandwidth to do it where I currently am. Can't really spam skills.

99/50 - hybrid crit - 188 aspd with muramasa - counter brooches + pantie/undershirt combo ~ 60 crit
STR - 61+20
AGI - 85+21
VIT - 71+10
INT - 1+10
DEX - 23+16
LUK - 36+34

fast enough? dmg output?

Current 63/47 - nothing special pantie/undershirt combo.

STR - 34+5
AGI - 83+9
VIT - 1+4
INT - 1
DEX - 16+3
LUK - 1+2

Right now I'm going job 50 to max 1hs mastery.

Is it worth going for a mura build now?
Should I just remake? or should I just go STR/ AGI-VIT / DEX instead of LUK?
idk I had a talk with someone yesterday... maybe I should go Theif-Assassin/Rogue...


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#2 DracoHandsome


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Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:10 AM

Why are you maxing 1H mastery? For the Shotel? Because 1HM isn't /that/ much damage to be worth spending forever farming one weapon.

Critical builds aren't very feasible in a more modern Ragnarok, even (especially) for an Assassin, because everything that would be worth critting has too much LUK for any sane person to be landing criticals and the abilities you're losing to spam your Critical rate just aren't worth it. The points put in LUK give pretty awful returns (3 points for 1 Critical?) and would be better spent on INT for SP or something.

Also, it might not be a good idea to be both a hybrid AND a critical build. With 80 VIT you can definitely afford to drop a bit of AGI for ~50 DEX (188 Aspd is excessive) and a little more STR, but you've already gone AGI so you may want to drop VIT to 30~40 base instead and risk the status effects.
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