I dont have much time now, but i figure ill start it now, and if i dont get banned ill finish it later.
Anyways, i played a rad for 3+ Years. Had a guide before, but....got poofed. HERE GOES! This is a GUIDE, so you dont have to stick to it, but simply follow most of the suggestions >_<
There are 2 Sections.
Skills you should have.
Skills my build has PVE/PVP.
77 Skill points used out of the available 109 (at lvl 90)
Level 1 Elec Bolt - 1 POINT - Primary Nuke. Does elec damage. Make it lvl 1, additional points barely increase damage and you are a rad not a DPS machine.
Rejuvination - 1 POINT - Filler for your first heal. With decent gear it will tick about 200 heal.
Ion Shield - 0 POINTS - This is completely useless for PVE rad. Dont get it. At all.
Level 10 Elec Twister - 0 POINTS - Dont. Simply dont.
Concentration - 1 POINT - This used to be really nice for giving you more mana when it gave a %. Now its a static value, and its simply not worth it for higher lvls. This is however a filler for a skill that pretty much every toon in the game needs. Thank you Gravity for nerfing MP regen!
Level 20 Charged Bolt - 1 POINT - Second nuke. Nice to have. Also no point in leveling it past 1, you are a rad not a dps machine.
Lesser Heal - 10 POINTS - YES! Finally! A heal. 12 second cooldown, 1 second cast time. BUT, theres a dna to make it instant cast so dont worry! Max it, love it.
Divine Protection - 0 POINTS - Dont worry, later on you get a party DP which is much more effective. No need to waste points on this.
Level 30 Elec Shock - 0 POINTS - Dont. Simply dont.
Level 40 Holy Bolt - 0 POINTS - For a PVE rad this skill is not needed. For pvp yes. So no taking it!
Invigoration - 0 POINTS - DONT, if you have more than 1 point in this skill, RESKILL IMMEDIATELY!
Blessed Revelation - 10 or 0 POINTS - With the introduction of the Honor system it is no longer 100% necessary to have this skill. Druids/Defilers/Mystics will love you for it but if you have 5-6 points into MP recovery Honor you will be fine.
Magic Shield Mastery - 0 POINTS - I dont even know why templars have this skill still. Utterly useless.
Sleep - 1 POINT - For PVE i dont see much reason to have this. You should be healing, not sleeping mobs. Anyways this is useless in ET. Mobs immune to sleep.
Resistance (Curse) - 0 POINTS - This skill gives resistance to curse. My build has this maxed for ET, Tyrant, AoS. All 3 have skills that do curse aoe damage. But its your choice.
Level 50 Salvation - 1 POINT - Revives a party member. For those who dont have AEDs. Do not use this during a raid if you are the only rad.
Lesser Party Heal - 10 POINTS - MORE HEALS!!! YES! Max it!
Moderate Heal - 10 POINTS - Another heal! WOOT WOOT! Max it!
Divine Protection - 10 POINTS - Party defense buff. Nice. Max this baby
Survival Instinct - 10 POINTS - Passive defense buff. This comes in really handy when doing juggers. Max this bad boy
Level 60 Restoration - 0 POINTS - At lvl 10 with 5 points into DNA this becomes quite a useful tool for doing JS raids without mystics. Otherwise silly.
Moderate Party Heal - 10 POINTS - And one more party heal. Nice nice, max this one too!
Hush - 0 POINTS - For pve this is useless. For pvp this is, a godsend! Base your decision of getting it on whether or not you pvp
Mana Shield - 1 POINT - Do not use this during raids unless you just died and are waiting for HP buffs. This is beyond stupid to use during raids.
Level 80 Divine Cleansing - 0 POINTS - Useless pve. Quite nice pvp tho.
DNA 25/50/55- Suggestions, Not actual BuildExtended Concentration - 0 POINTS - Useless, don't know why they even have this. The skill itself at lvl 10 lasts 30 minutes anyways.
Strengthened Concentration - 0 POINTS - Useless. 1k extra mana at lvl 10. Why?
Potens Elec Shock - 0 POINTS - Useless, even tempests dont have this. Why bother getting it as a radiant.
Strengthened Twister - 0 POINTS - Useless, shouldn't even have twister.
Swift Elec Twister - 0 POINTS - Useless, still shouldn't have twister.
Extended Ion Shield - 0 POINTS - Useless, once again don't know why they even have this skill. At lvl 10 the skill lasts 30 minutes anyways.
Strengthened Ion Shield - 0 POINTS - Useless for anything over 50. If you are a 49 twink this is GREAT for those nasty rogues.
Moderated Lesser Heal - 0 POINTS - Useless, reduces mana cost. Seriously even at lvl 10 lesser heal uses like 100 mana.

Swift Lesser Heal - 5 POINTS - Utterly brilliant skill. Instant heal! Take it, cherish it.
Strengthened Rejuvenation - 0 POINTS - Useless for anything over 50. However if you are a 49 twink. Take it. It is brilliant
Strengthened Survival Instinct - 0/10 POINTS - Ok If you have 50+ Dna get this. Adds another 550 defense. Great for Jugger, surviving melee players, and AoS Jala since that fruitcake LOVEs to debuff your buffs and this is passive.
Swift Salvation - 0 POINTS - Useless, shouldnt be using salv in raids anyways. And if you are using it at another time you have plenty of time to cast.
Strengthened Lesser Party Heal - 10 POINTS - Outstanding. Makes your party heal awesome.
Long Range Moderate Heal - 0/10 POINTS - Well, its a fun skill. Makes you heal people from an INSANE distance. But not very practical.
Strengthened Divine Protection - 0/10 POINTS - Makes your defense buff better. How can you NOT want this? Great if you like to duo raids. Since most of the time you duo with Mystics or Defiler, they need that extra 550 defense to get cap.
Potens Restoration - 0/5/10 POINTS - Guess it can be useful if you have the actual skill at 10. But not many places you can use it. I would go with 0 points and ignore the skill as well.
Long Range Moderate Party Heal - 0/10 POINTS - Also makes you heal players from ridiculous distance. Quite fun to have but otherwise not much actual benefit.
Swift Hush - 0/5 POINTS - If you pvp, make this 5.
Mana Shield Intensification - 0 POINTS - Useless.
Swift Mana Shield - 0/5 POINTS - I found this to be useless at first. However if you have a good MP amount and good HP amount and love to pvp. This skill can be a life saver. Like if you survived a sins scud, he hasnt used HT yet but you know your HP wont last that HT, you can instant MS and most likely survive.
Edited by RadiantHelper, 22 October 2013 - 05:12 PM.