Hard to find plants to cultivate
Posted 23 April 2013 - 07:15 AM
There are a few very nice spots to gather. There are a few spawns of herbs in a small area:
As the area around the waterfalls at the starting grounds, near the alchemist NPC at Prontera fields, or between the stone spiders and izrud cave. And many more.
As far as I know, they always spawn back at almost the same place. Alchemist is one of the easiest jobs to level I thing. I was 50 the time I hit 32 on the other server. In beta I was around 28/34.
Posted 23 April 2013 - 08:30 AM
Camp there, do not move fromt that spot. Cultivate the plants, hit the mob, rinse and repeat when the plant spawn.
Always bring empty bottles. Even there are many agro mobs around, you still can craft your own pots on the spot
Hit 4 birds with one stone.
You get your quest done, you get to farm your plants, you get profession experience, you get job experience
Posted 23 April 2013 - 01:16 PM
I had only managed to be on the 2 first fields. maybe there are more on the others?
My aco was only lvl 9 on her alchemy while she was lvl 14.
Yet i has a lvl 7 archer and was level 12 artisan
Posted 23 April 2013 - 01:32 PM
As for West Mt Mjolnir area, I forgot the mobs name.. I will look it up and post again
Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:35 PM
There are images on where to find them. I'd say, those are the most noticeable spawn spot but not necessarily other places don't have them. You can still find some along your way other than those areas shown in the images.
Posted 27 April 2013 - 10:43 AM
I still remember when I first time playing my profession just seems to refuse to get passed level10. Tried different profession and still the same. Took me 7-8 char (3 in kRO2) to get the gist of the whole thing
It was easy after we get the thing right. But while some people find it easy, some people are not. I was in her shoes.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:04 AM
Basically you choose leveling up your base or job. You can do both but will be less efficient... To be mad at the game because higher level material is harder to obtain to me sounds like someone who likes to hit the lazy button and want everything easy.
Thing about that is, Ment and Aloe are for levels 1-10 and 11-20, respectively. They are also limited to 2 areas.
On the other hand, Hinalle(21-30) has 2 areas of its own. Mastella (31-40) has 2 areas of its own, and Yggdrasil(41-50) has 3 areas of its own.
The "higher level material" argument is invalid because the "harder to obtain" material is in the lower level areas.
Then again, you get job exp from just picking up herbs, so it doesn't even really matter where you get them. If you're a thief class, all the more reason to not care, since you can hide and pick all you want to in <insert location here> to level your job class.
Not to mention the fact that you'll end up outleveing the need for Ment and Aloe potions quickly enough.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:41 AM
IMHO the reason of this is because at lower level we get to spend less time leveling our character, we only spend little one hour to get to level10, and another one or two hours to get to level20, the mobs are weak and not much killing to be done so we eventually get passed 11-20 by no time and eventually moving to the next map, but as we approached level20 things start getting slower. So it is not necessarily how hard to get the mat itself but how are we proceeding our progress within those particular maps. We spend little time on lower level that we feel so difficult to level it. Things are different with Artisan and Chef since they are gathering from corpse, the amount of gathering is close to the proportion of the mobs they kill, the map progression does not scale much. Alchemist and Blacksmith are depending on the amount of the mat to spawn. So, if you feel easier to level Artisan, it is not something weird actually.
Also, secondly it would probably because of our usage. Acolyte is probably very not recommended to take Alchemist job, they have almost no use of the pots like Mage or Swordman that keep draining MP/HP like water. For this particular reason I picked Alchemist for my Wizard, the urge to consume pot almost insane, MP especially that we have to keep crafting it and looking for the mat eventually.
But of course at the end it's all come down to effort, regardless of what class they use, as long as they are willing to spend time on it. It just a matter of efficiency.
ps: Sorry for the long text
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:19 AM
I don't understand YOUR complaint, did you have a hard time leveling alchemy or just gathering specific herbs? My argument was not aimed directly at you but for your consideration I will respond. Leveling up a Job will have it pro's and con's which seems like a hard logic for you to grasp. An example, some items may be more useful than other so logically they will be harder to find.(Also it's good to understand the logic of the origin of herbs, something the game implements for a specific location that an item would spawn from, such as near a mountain or near a lake) Naturally you will not get the herb you want anywhere, for you to say why not? blacksmith has rocks everywhere, or most mobs can be looted and skinned for cooking/crafting material. You prove to me that you are indeed Lazy, Ty for your kind observation tho.
The "complaint", if any, is that the higher level herbs are much more common than the lower leveled ones. That's all.
The "logic" of Yggdrasil Herbs (the 41-50 ones) getting 3 different areas of spawning (2 of them being in the desert), compared to the Ment (found in East-West Mt. Mjollnir) and Aloe (found in Southern Plains) is rather astounding, considering the spawning areas for level 41-50 herbs outnumber the 1-20 herbs combined.
It's not that "OMG, I'm so lazy! I want everything handed to me!", it's that the proportion of usefulness to rarity that you've stated is exactly the opposite.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:43 AM
Basically, I am telling you that you don't need specific herbs to level. There are a variety of ways to go by this. Why must you complain about some herbs that are harder to obtain? Should stay more on topic or try the suggestion box.
Obviously, someone doesn't know the difference between a "complaint" and an "observation". Also, try some reading comprehension, because it is on topic.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:57 PM
Lastly my favorite comment response today. You quote me within a quote because you're trying to prove again that I was illiterate and you are correct. Your pisst that someone said your lazy when in fact you are sitting behind a computer right now talking to strangers, it's just too funny bro. Anyway this thread got started because someone wanted to know where they could find herbs , it's not that they were lazy they just couldn't find other nodes, but then you come along telling us your experience and that you would like the game to implement more herb locations or faster spawn making it off topic, with a game suggestion. You can always start a new thread or like I said go to their suggestion box telling them your sad story about how low level herbs are harder to obtain.
Well, whatever. If you read it like that, that's your problem.
I was just agreeing with the fact that the lower leveled herbs were more difficult to find than the higher leveled ones, not making a suggestion to "implement more herb locations or faster spawn". I have no control of what you read or what you infer.
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